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Posts posted by Ardzog

  1. Hello to all of you, I present :

    Escape Room : The Manor


    As the name suggests, it's not just a SG base, but an escape room/game. A puzzle game. Apparently, there are many names for it ! A real game inside the game.



    I can't show too much or it would be spoilers!



    • Your character name : Master of manor.
    • Your Global handle : @Ardz0g (with a zero, not a o)
    • Your base’s name : Escape Room
    • The shard it is located on : Reunion
    • The passcode for entering the base : ESCAPE-4031
    • The Base Category you are entering under : I'd say "RP Base Under 7K Items" (because "Other" doesn't exists !) but maybe just Multipurpose, you decide.
    • The item count of your base : 1698
    • The character names or Global handles of any members that contributed to building the base : Only me !


    All you need is a lvl 1 character on Reunion. No moving power is necessary.
    If possible, some people to accompany you !


    As it's an escape game, it's much more efficient, and also much more fun as a team! And preferably on discord, it's even better.
    You will have riddles to solve. None of them are complicated in themselves, but they will require a little bit of thinking anyway, no kidding!

    And also, above all, observation, and communication.


    If you want to try as a team :

    You can send me an in-game mail or a private message via discord (I'm on Homecoming) 
    @Ardzog. Better time for me is between 1 and 4 PM during the week, and between 3AM and 6 PM during WE (EST). 
    My presence is strongly recommended, as I will probably have to teleport you at certain times... 
    Also, there's a on hour time limit, so I make sure that each team can reach the end of the escape game.

    By handing out little clues, or by giving a little guidance to the candidates when they are struggling a little... !
    And finally, I have a crucial clue to give you, at a very precise moment.

    If you ever want to try it solo, or in team, without me, read that :


    I'm not sure what the experience will be like, but it certainly won't be as good as with a team, with a game master.


    If you are in a team, plan on ATT, or up to lvl 4 to have the Tp foe.

    Note that each time you have to be TP, it will cost you a life (and you have 5 for the whole team).


    And if you are solo, use /stuck. You will know when you can 'ask to be teleported'.


    You will have to use your camera.

    No need to try to look behind the walls, but zoom and find good positions to pay attention to details.


    Here is the final clue. Look at it only when you are asked. You'll know when.-> 





    I have facilitated it for a few dozen groups of 3-4 people already, and they are still alive. So, why not come and try your luck ?

    • Like 3
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  2. I'm all for keeping prices high.


    Ok, it's a long time to get, even if you're doing 4* content.

    But, the goal is to keep these costumes rare. If everyone can get them too easily, they lose a lot of their flavor.


    It also gives a real interest to look for the difficulty, which is for me essential to keep the game interesting.


    Then, it's purely cosmetic, like a nice badge, but that's not a badge (precisely so that it can't totally deprive some players)

    Personally, I'm mostly interested in the mini costumes (not the 1500 one) so as it is, I can buy more than I wanted !


    Finally, there are still some very nice and unusual costumes for only 10 aether.

    • Like 1
  3. Hello all,


    As a secondary buff, Amp Up shoud buff defense.

    But it seems to have no effect, for both the thrower and the receiver of the buff.

    (not working on def shield like manoeuvers, weave, or team buffs like  Farsight of time manipulation)


    It think it may work exactly like Power Boost, and so also boost def


    COD says :

    +45% Base Defense, ToHit Strength (all affected targets) for 90s


    Is that already known ?

  4. Hey all, 

    I'm quite sure someone already posted about that, but just in case...


    We have that :




    We can do... that (totally useless, unless you love sending very long and well-written emails between friends or to yourself)




    But why, WHY, can't we have THAT :




    Don't tell me that it's linked to the source code and that it's too complicated to modify for pity !

    • Like 3
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  5. Hey there,


    I'm not sure if it's a bug or if it's intentional, but

    during last fight VS Romulus in ITF advanced difficulty, I saw that :


    [12:17] Romulus Augustus hits you with their Void Mire for 20353.1 points of Negative Energy damage.
    [12:17] Romulus Augustus hits you with their Void Mire for 20353.1 points of Negative Energy damage.


    Fatal, and hard to avoid ! And that's just in 1-star !


    And even without mentioning the damage, what is "J88QF9JFRU8EYZLAXYTACXWWF2" Some nictus langage, or Romu trying to speak like freakshow ?

  6. Hey there,


    I'm not sure if it's a bug or if it's intentional, but

    during last fight VS Romulus in ITF advanced difficulty, I saw that :


    [12:17] Romulus Augustus hits you with their Void Mire for 20353.1 points of Negative Energy damage.
    [12:17] Romulus Augustus hits you with their Void Mire for 20353.1 points of Negative Energy damage.


    Fatal, and hard to avoid ! And that's just in 1-star !


    And even without mentioning the damage, what is "J88QF9JFRU8EYZLAXYTACXWWF2" Some nictus langage, or Romu trying to speak like freakshow ?

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  7. I just tested that point (in 2 stars) :

    • The possession chain from hostless Nictus now teleports you to them held, so there is no escape.

    In solo it's still easy to avoid the held, with range (easy as a blaster) or, even with melee attack, if running away quick while giving the final hit... Thanksfully !

    Way harder in a complete team and a complete mess 🙂

  8. Hello there,


    There is still a bug with ripple during Midas fight.


    One member of team was hit by ripple while the ripple wasn't there. We were far away, opposite corner (but we saw the ripple damage on log).


    It happened just before/during teleport in "mini-game" 


    Invisible ripples ?

  9. Well, for the moment those who participated laugh at the reward, just because they had fun.


    It's 45 minutes of fun in a group, with an activity you probably never did on your favorite game.


    If you just want money or xp, yes go farm in AE.

  10. Hey there,


    If you didn't see the original post, please look at it !


    I can't put a lot of screenshots because they are some secrets to discover ...


    Even if you don't want to play the escape room, you can PM me (here or ingame) for a visit

    I'm quite sure there are some buildings that might interest you, as a base lovers !


    • Like 1
  11. Hey all, it is a very serious bug...


    I just discovered that someone pretends to be the P2W seller of Atlas Park ...


    The attached photo is irrefutable proof. That's not the same person.


    Take care if you buy double XP or something else.


    PS I don't need the badge tracker badge 😉


    • Haha 2
  12. On 8/30/2019 at 10:48 PM, xhiggy said:

    The P2W temp power Ethereal Shift is still usable when you have the NoPhase buff. More of a general bug, but I've seen people use it in PVP to stay unaffecting longer than I think is intended.  


    Today I saw a lot a players exploiting it...

    1 minute under phase, and Ethereal Shift is reloaded in about 1 min....

    So, Yes we truly need a patch for this...


    Disable all temp powers in pvp zones could be a radical solution, but necessary to prevent the pvp from becoming completely insane

  13. I am a sad AT. No one wants me!


    This post mainly concerns the PVP.

    Because, in PVP, the performance of the Archetype is more sought after than the exotic and fun side.
    However, the subject, in general, also concerns the PVE.


    First of all, I would like to say that I am very grateful to people who take time to make these updates, and I respect those choices.


    What I particularly like about this game is the variety of powers and archetypes.
    But I have often the feeling that changes always go in the same direction :
    Improve things that are already working well (from the point of view of combat effectiveness)


    Here is some of the latest changes I have in mind, that were quite unnecessary in my opinion :


    - Be able to attack under Invisibility ? Why ? Now, 90% players will use this...
    is the next step is to make this power inherent ?


    - Add more heal for sentinel regen :
    Seriously ? wasn't the AT already strong enough compared to the others?
    In PVP, we see 80% of regen sentinels, 20% with bio armor.
    Even if the figures were wrong before, it was more consistent with other ATs.


    - I heard about a possible future boost for the Gun Drone on device blasters.
    Ok, devices have been less trendy lately, with the arrival of Tactical Arrow (and the Ubber Nature blasters)
    Also, the interest of having some "to hit" on targetting drone was annihilated by the snipe changes.
    But devices is still a great choice in comparison to : Fire manipulation, Ice, Electricity...


    So, what I'd like ?

    Focus next changes on those who are left out.

    Make more attractive what no one ever plays, except for a few fringe nutters who have money to spend !


    Here is a non-exhaustive list of suggestions I have in mind while i'm writing this.

    Perhaps some of them have already been posted and debated, I don't know.

    I will not give any numbers, just various ideas to make these ATs more attractive.


    - Dark Armor :
    I suggest something radical, like :
    Dark Embrace immunize the player against -fly/-jump !
    Death shroud can't be detoggle by mezz


    - Assault Rifle :
    increase M30 grenade KB to 18
    increase duration of Stun on Beanbag


    - Dual pistols  :
    increase base damage on single target attacks


    - Sonic Resonance :
    Increase duration of Sonic Cage
    Disruption Field can't be detoggle by mezz


    - Traps :
    I don't have many ideas for this...
    more damage on seeker drones ?


    - Ice melee :
    Add range (40?) on Freezing touch


    - Fiery Melee :
    Increase range (40) on Incinerate


    - Dual blades :
    No idea here... I never dared to test that !


    - Peacebringer :
    Thank you for giving us the opportunity to color the attacks, but, could you also open epic powers please ?
    same choice the sentinels have.


    - Dominators :
    Domination also increases the mezz duration in PVP
    Also, increase duration of all mezz in pvp (except the broken and hated dark grasp of course !)


    - Super Reflexes, Invulnerability...
    Maybe the hardest thing to do... :

    Change/decrease the DR effect ? Defense on a sentinel is a joke for example !


    Well, I hope that this topic will open the debate,

    and that the next changes will go in that direction !

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