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Not Horus

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  1. The justification has been "It's using defender numbers and I don't like that it is". Is there a sudden interaction that's making these sets overpowered after 10 years? No. They're not oppressive or even all that common so why even bother to devote the resources to it. There are sets that could use the same level of effort to be made usable instead of rotting in the gutter(forcefield) Nevermind the fact that is's all done under the guise of bug fixing, which should be a concern.
  2. You need a better justification to nerf something other than "This can handle it".
  3. This is the most bizarre take
  4. Unless that's the historical behavior of the nerfs that have happen. Which it is.
  5. Nice casual dismissal of everyone with concerns as "unreasonable".
  6. It's exactly how it comes off looking. These changes can't be pushed out before you also balancing changes for each power affected by them, which is also how it's looking.
  7. I'll bet you like the sob stories before online recipes too.
  8. Separate out the lore bits from your actual useful guide. It'll be better off.
  9. Probably having the same issue. However, it's only 1/3 accounts and this was the only account that had super packs sitting in the inventory before the hardware failure earlier today. It affects the entire account and not just the character who had the super packs in the inventory. I also have a video of the issue. https://gfycat.com/medicalblissfulchafer
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