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Posts posted by Sirken1138

  1. On 4/7/2020 at 1:43 PM, Lodestar_1977 said:

    Thanks for this. I started an Ice/Ice Tank last night.

    Np, I finished the build and have been having a blast. Everything sticks to me due to high taunt and I can do enough damage to not pull my hair out. The big winner here is just how stinking durable this guy is. Even exemping on tfs and the like, he is nigh untouchable. I hope you enjoy the ride. Do not get discouraged as you level. It’s rough unless you team a lot. Endurance will plague you and your damage is abysmal. But gawd is it worth the slog in the end

  2. Thanks for the feedback. I don’t think exemping will be an issue as it will only be for TFs or when I duo with my RL buddy. I had a build where I maxxed out all defenses(except psi) into the 50s but had no s/l resist and was encouraged to chase some down so I did. I will definitely slot the slow resist proc. I am already 50 so the slog has been slogged lol. 

  3. Before I start putting the pieces together, I wanted to get some feedback from you fine folk. My first goal was capping defense across the board. Second, was building resistance to S/L/F. Third was maxmizing the "control" aspects of my powers (holds, knockdowns, slows, etc) and finally building damage and recharge into the build to be useful in a fight. 

    Abomb 3-24-20.mxd

  4. Hey folks,

    I am trying to put together a final build for my WS and would like some feedback. The build below is geared towards maximum recharge for perma eclipse, perma sunless mire, double dwarf mire, perma hasten, and triple Extraction. Stygian Circle is on a 7 second recharge so I can full heal off every mob. Quasar is down to 35 seconds for a quick fire off every other mob or so. KB protection is up to 28 pts(overkill but eh if you can why not?) After recharge I went for +HP to make benefit the resist and heal powers.


    In any event, if you guys can see any glaring holes or even micro adjustments that can maximize the build, I would really appreciate it. This is my main character and I would like to give it every advantage. 


    Thank you, everyone. I appreciate your help and suggestions.

    Purple Shade.mxd

  5. I am working on some fun things this group could do together. I keep thinking about all those hacker v hacker scenes in movies where they each have to break into some super duper secure website or something and the first one to get in wins the job/prize/chance to live. Thought a fun thing would be to hold marketing heats where 2 players are pitted against eachother with nothing but a little seed INF and they have to race to a certain INF goal or maybe attain a certain purple set or something crazy. What do you guys think?

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  6. On 9/5/2019 at 3:10 PM, TheAdjustor said:

    Better to light a candle than curse the darkness


    It's created channel name: The Market


    Thanks for getting things started! I will join tomorrow when I get home. I look forward to hanging with ya’ll.

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