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  1. it might have made another data folder within the original data folder
  2. Thank you for all your help. It's fixed now. And thank you for updating these maps... Life saver. ;D
  3. So tried the remove and reinstall of everything... this is what it looks like now. And it's only Brickstown that has the issue.
  4. Its distorted. In what way? Mine comes up fine in-game. Is it distorted somehow or is there something missing? The correct current version should have a marker for the Prison Break zone event and three Park Stroller history plaques. You can view a pic of what I see here on Photobucket. sorry tried to insert pic and just wasn't working. https://smg.photobucket.com/user/Klistna/media/Capture.png.html?sort=3&o=0
  5. Briskstown lower quarter of the map is wonky.
  6. Servers will be down at 12:00 UTC (approx 30 mins) for the patch. Expected downtime is 2-3h. You can also check the status on the CoH Homecoming Discord https://discord.gg/fjgatQ
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