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Posts posted by infernaldisturbance

  1. You can disagree, and site specific missions, but that fact is that in general patrol and ambush AI causes more strain on the mapserver than standard idle AI (especially when multiplied across dozens of AE farms going simultaneously, presumably). Leandro has already stated as much several announcements ago:


    I am sorry I have to agree with the other poster. I get the idea that these things CAN have an effect on the server. But if you figure that every team that would be farming in a AE mission is now just farming a normal mission really the question is why can the other servers handle the load and the AE one can not. And I would have to imagine the answer to that is how much power they devote to running the AE server vs the normal mission servers. If it was truly an issue of the abilities in the AE to create game breaking missions then frankly disable or limit that ability. Limit to only 1-2 ambushes is that is the case. limit to how many patrols you can put into a mission. Limit how many helper bots you can put in a mission. Etc. But frankly in most of the AE farms I have been in there is absolutely no difference between the amount of mobs that have spawned or how many have spawned in the group between the AE farm which is considered bad, and a farmable AV mission at portal corp. A freak farm or BM farm is just as densely populated with enemies as the Bad farms were.


    Fact is this has always been about farming in the AE. always. Even back when the game was live it was about that. The problem is that they have given us nothing to make up for the xp. I mean fine cut the xp everyone just went and farms dfb now I don't see how that is any different. But how about then upping the ticket rewards. Cause there are people that actually do like running the missions players create in the Ae. At least if my xp is going to be limited for wanting to take a break and play something new to me rather then a story I have played 100 times or a radio mission I have done a thousand times, maybe I should get like x3 tickets for it. Or x2 tickets and influence for it to compensate for the lower xp. But the fact they give us nothing only punishment shows that they consider AE farming to be an issue that they don't want to have any reward for in any way. Yet I can go from 1 to 30 doing a sewer trial and for some reason that is considered playing the game properly using only 4 powers for 30 levels.




    well for a single reason thats considered normal, the entire point of DFB being added to live was literally as an easy palce to power level. also the AE missions that are marked dev choice, are the ones that are actual story and therefor your not punished for playing them.. its almost as if complaining without looking

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