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Posts posted by testing124

  1. Since the reboot, AE has been giving significantly less influence. Prior to the move, a +4 boss was giving about 211k inf (on Indom without the 50% exp boost) with exp turned off. Since the move, the same boss is giving 89,713 inf.


    Turning on exp gives 64,801 inf for the same boss, meaning turning exp off only gives about 38% extra inf rather than the 100% extra we should be receiving.


    The Windfall temporary power is having similar issues. With Windfall, the +4 boss is giving 76,897 inf (an 18% boost). With Windfall and exp off, the boss is giving 89,713 (0% boost).


    I don't recall seeing anything in the patch notes about additional AE nerfs beyond the original -50% that was put in place and based on the inconsistency of the inf boost with exp on/off, I'm assuming there's some issue with it.

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