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  1. Thanks, Maelwys and Lunar Ronin. I tried the mod you both linked to, and it's helping. The Ice Shield graphics are basically gone so that one's no longer an issue. And while the mod does remove the ice graphics from Glacial Shield, it unfortunately doesn't remove the glowing pulse. It's muted and doesn't seem as bright, but the pulse is still present. It's noticeably better though and I'll be using the mod from now on. I only have to cancel 1 shield now instead of 2, and that's a big improvement. Thank you both for the help and the mod suggestion.
  2. Is there a way to cancel active powers placed on our character by someone else using a slash command? Specifically, the Ice Shields from Cold Domination. I'm currently right-clicking the power icons on my character and choosing Cancel to remove them but would love to simplify that by using a macro if possible. I found the /powers_cancel command in the Wiki, and a post in the forums about it, but it's not something that players can use apparently as we don't have a way to find our Entity ID (it's not visible and changes when zoning). Why? I have migraines that are triggered by bright spots of light and pulsing lights, both of which are used in the ice shields' visual effects. It's not usually too bad when the shields are on other team members as people move around a lot and the shields aren't always in my field of view. But the shields on my character means there's a constant bright, pulsing spot of light in the center of my screen. Even if they don't trigger a migraine they'll often make me dizzy and queasy if I leave the shields up too long. I can usually keep up with manually cancelling them through a mission or two, but leave TFs before starting them if I see a Cold Dom character on the the team.
  3. Sleep's also great to de-toggle annoying powers like dispersion bubbles, damage auras, etc.
  4. Was this you guys or another group of gardeners? Exited a mission in PI on Tuesday evening (2020/09/17) on Excelsior and found a squad of wilted Fly Traps at the door.
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