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Posts posted by Steampunkette

  1. The only thing I really think would help Storm Blast without making it OP or whatever is just dropping the lockout on the storm procs being target-based.


    That would make it so multiple Storm characters can work together on a team without stepping on each other's toes, and also make Storm better at fighting AVs/EBs/GMs/Etc than it currently is.


    Put the proc-lockout as a debuff on the storm pseudopet rather than on the pet's target. Then -my- Storm won't lock out other players, and a single enemy could be struck by multiple procs in sequence (Lightning, Split Lightning, Quad Lightning) if the procs line up well.

  2. image.thumb.png.8ac07f40e4fbd06bd2ff72f25ea19781.png


    What I eventually wound up going for. Focusing almost exclusively on having strong attacks, softcapped S/L, decent S/L resistance, and having enough recharge to have PA up almost permanently. (16 second cooldown) Between them and the Spectral Terror being available every 13 seconds I'm pretty decent at shrugging off large scale Alphas and cleaning up spawns fairly quickly. The character is currently 30 and pretty solid, honestly!


    She's never going to tear up Pylons in 20 seconds or anything, but that's never been my goal.



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  3. There's some really good advice in this thread. Allow me to add a little more:


    Snipe the everliving daylights out of someone to start the fight. Pick a dangerous Lieutenant, pop aim and build up, and remove them from the equation. Then grab some cover.


    As a Fire blaster, drop Rain of Fire between you and the enemy group. Sure, overlap -some- but in front of them so they run through it to reach you. The "Avoid Damage" part of the AI may cause some of them to turn around and run away. Since Rain of Fire is a ground target area of effect you can place it around corners while you're enjoying your cover, keeping you from taking all the alpha in one shot.


    Assess your HP/Defense and how many people are running through the rain. Pop a green if you need it, purples and oranges if it looks like you're going to get run down.


    Fireball and Breath of Fire as your next two casts on however many of them got through the rain. Then single-target any still-standing lieutenant. The remainder of the spawn should be easy to mop up after that.


    Mingle in your /Rad melee to tear them up quick and efficient.


    If you're feeling -particularly- froggy, or none of them run away from the Rain of Fire, drop Inferno instead of fireball/breath of fire for the big AoE damage to wipe the minions, then hit the LTs with your fireball and breath of fire.


    Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

  4. 4 hours ago, Saiyajinzoningen said:

    Personally I feel the problem with Storm is most folks attempt to play its very aggressively.

    I've found, that storm plays more like a traps set.

    You set things up and foes get snagged 

    Trap sets are never particularly fast they are strategic.


    Aggressively is the BEST way to play Storm Blast!


    ... as a Sentinel.


    Sincerely, Sentinel Storm Blast -shines-. It's never going to wipe groups like a true blaster, but throw down your Storm Cell and then drop C5 every spawn with a bunch of lightning..? *chef's kiss*


    The problem with most Storm characters is that they're not Sentinels. So they have to waste a bunch of their time clicking powers from their secondary powerset instead of just having a few toggles providing them everything they need to survive while they focus on destroying everything.

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  5. 23 hours ago, gameboy1234 said:

    But please don't drop the saturation on Redside.

    I just meant the saturation and brightness of these Skyboxes so that they'd fit in with the Aesthetics of the Isles, not "Make the Isles Greyer!"


    Like make a copy, drop the saturation/lighting to match the Isles' current saturation/lighting and then put it in the Isles. Rather than having bright blue skies and the colors/aesthetics of the Isles clashing with it.

    • Like 1
  6. Kind of a silly idea, but I know a lot of players dislike the "Night = Blue" filter that many zones apply.


    So what if we started using Praetorian and Kallisti skyboxes for various zones?


    If it's meant to be a grey and overcast zone, slap the Imperial City skybox on it.


    If it's meant to be grey and overcast and dirty, slap the Neutropolize skybox on it.


    If It's meant to be cloudy but still bright, slap the Nova Praetoria skybox on it.


    If it's meant to be bright and shiny, slap the Kallisti Wharf skybox on it.


    And then maybe work on a Redside version of all the skyboxes which is just those four skyboxes but with the brightness and/or saturation dropped sharply.

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  7. So I've got this sweet and dorky character I need to pick a badge title for. And I figured I should ask the people who know the most about badges what they think would fit her best!


    She's an ex-Outcast heroine. She used to be on the swim team. She's 7ft tall and skinny as a post. Her swim-teammates called her "Pool Noodle". She's a Redhead.


    Powers-wise she's a Stalker, she's got Electric Melee and Super Reflexes. She also has the infiltration travel power because I didn't wanna get SS/SJ. Her epic pool is Energy Mastery just for the two recovery boosts.


    Currently I'm using "High Voltage" because the song is hilarious and niche enough that she'd probably know it.

    • Like 2
  8. I love the assault sets. I sincerely think the Sentinel would've been way cooler if it were an Assault/Defense hybrid archetype with some number tweaking to make it hit hard and have solid AoE rather than needing to have a nuke installed.


    So I've got this concept to make an Assault-Focused character whose main active contribution to a fight is throwing things, martial arts, and using her duplication power to add additional versions of herself to a fight (None of which are able to duplicate, but each has their own superpowers).


    So... I think my main goals, here, are going to be defense and resistances, mez protection as I can get it, and enough recharge and recovery to not die at enemies while flinging ridiculous numbers of shuriken at them and hoping my minions tank for me.


    Right now I'm looking at Ill/Martial/Psi for Link Minds and Indomitable Will. Probably with Superior Invisibility for the added defense, there, and no travel power to speak of.


    Has anyone done a build like this, before? Are there any suggestions for specific ways to make it work?


    It'll never have the lockdown or sheer dominance of a permadom character, I recognize that. I'm just looking to have some fun with it. Please don't bother to jump into the thread to talk me out of having a little silly fun.

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  9. 19 hours ago, CrusaderDroid said:

    It's a really fun idea! I'd test it, honestly, if it were up to me. It would play into the low-maintenance idea of Brutes, not needing quite as much support.


    I'm just not sure how useful that will be. The problems here are that a lot of those are focused on defensive effects that are hard to notice, and that armor sets already tend to grant at least one power that offers solid protection against multiple mez types. I'm spoiled by Shield Defense's Active Defense in particular, which grants a lot of protection against all mez types.


    The really tricky bit about defenses is that they're much harder to appreciate since they're largely invisible. You have no big visual effect when your status protection negates a mez - you're unlikely to even notice you were targeted by a mez in the first place. You can't really notice toHit buffs if you were already hitting reliably before. These kinds of invisible powers are difficult because that means even if it's completely busted, a player can reasonably come to the conclusion that it isn't helping at all. It's wrong, but it's still not helping Brute as much as we'd like.


    I think some elements of this might be part of the puzzle though. A more resilient offense sounds good, but I think it needs to be paired with something active that the Brute can interact with, instead of being solely reliant on negating incoming negative effects.


    S'truth. What if you had a new button, a Brute-Specific button, to sacrifice Fury for a Recharge boost? Like lose 50% of your current Fury for a 30% Recharge bonus lasting 10 seconds? Sort of a "Fury-based Build Up" mechanic?


    18 hours ago, PeregrineFalcon said:

    So their specific role, their identity, would be the raging brute that can't be stopped, can't be slowed, can't be debilitated. "That's what he does! That's ALL he does! You can't stop him! He'll wade through you, reach down her throat and pull her heart out!"


    Ok, let's say, for sake of discussion, that this is the decision. What numbers would you recommend? +1 mag mez protection per 20% Fury, and Fury x 100 mez resistance, and Fury x 2 = % debuff resistance?


    Not Mez Protection, just Resistance. And probably a 1% to 1% resistance to slow/mez/regen/recovery. Most of the time you'll wind up "Capped" at around 87% resistance increase from Fury, making you ridiculously hard to debuff but not impossible unless your armor set also provides resistance on top of it.

  10. Increasing a Brute's damage output by much will threaten Scrappers...


    Increasing a Brute's ability to gather aggro by much will threaten Tankers...


    So how about their ability to ignore effects?


    Right out of the gate there was a suggestion to add Slow protection to Brutes and I think that's a good start. Giving them increasing -Recharge and -Speed protection as they generate fury would absolutely fit within the archetype of becoming an unstoppable "Hulk" type character. But I'd probably take it further than that.


    Add -Regen and -Recovery protection. Add Mez resistance. Maybe add in a ToHit Buff and +Perception so enemies can't smokebomb or use Dark Blasts to floor the Brute's ability to keep fighting. (These values much smaller than the slow protection, but still present. Like a 20% ToHit at max fury)


    Scrapper? Best at damage. Tanker? Best at survival. Stalker? Best eliminator.


    Brute? Unstoppable rage beast. You can't slow them down, you can barely debuff them, even if you manage to Mez them they break out of it faster.


    It wouldn't make them hit harder, but could make them hit more consistently with all the force they've got.

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  11. 14 minutes ago, Psyonico said:

    Currently you can leave praetoria at level 20, what would happen to that?


    I don't necessarily think the mobs are over tuned, it's more that there are a bunch of other factors (high-speed ambushes for one).


    Seeing as Praetorians can access pocket D, I think it would just cause faster/more power leveling, meaning more players at 50 that don't know how to play their character.


    No thanks.

    Instead of leaving at 20 you'd leave when you complete the arcs and choose to leave? *shrug*


    And yeah. People are going to continue powerleveling to 50 and not bothering to slot a single enhancement 'til they get there because that's the game some people like to play. Do I think it's fun or healthy? Not really. But whether or not Praetorians start at level 1 or level 20 they're still going to do it so what impact does that actually mean?


    That some people might make a Praetorian to skip the fastest 20 levels of PLing to 50? Oh no!


    If people are going to play that game they're going to play that game. And short of making PLing impossible, which the Devs have shown no inclination towards, nothing is going to change that. This line of thought is just fearmongering and pearlclutching.

  12. Just now, Lunar Ronin said:

    No thank you.  I enjoy playing the Praetorian content at level because it isn't so easy that I can roll my face on my keyboard and still win like blue side.  Fix the various bugs gold side?  Sure.  Smooth out the leveling?  Great.  Be unable to start characters in Praetoria and play the content at the levels it was designed for?  No way.


    In addition, leveless doesn't really work in City of Heroes as everything has an internal level.  Making the Wards leveless would be meaningless as it would be a cakewalk at level 50.

    From what you're saying it's a cakewalk at level 30 so what's the difference? 😛

    • Confused 1
  13. Wow that'd be a lot of work... but I suggest it for several reasons.


    1) Praetoria's enemy groups were designed with IO Set bonuses in mind to handle players in Incarnate Trials, so even the "Low Level" threats in the Going Rogue starting areas are painfully overtuned since they were just scaled down by level. Yes, it allows for some players to enjoy "Hardmode" runs, but I don't think this change would severely impact that. Giving players access to more powers (particularly more controls/defense for the majority of ATs) would make things a bit more fair.


    2) Praetorian characters are presented as stronger/tougher/more resilient because of the dystopian world they were forced to grow up in. Starting them at level 20, or even just level 15, would help to reinforce that idea.


    3) It would give new and returning players a good and solid reason to do the Praetorian content since they'd be able to start out at a higher level than characters in CoH. And let's face it: The zones look amazing and the storylines are written with a more focused narrative voice than the older CoH and even CoV content.


    4) Making First Ward and Night Ward levelless would allow the higher level Praetorian characters to leave the initial Going Rogue content and move on to the First Ward without having to boost First and Night Ward content up separately. Though I would suggest having the "Auto Grant" of First Ward/Night Ward contacts still happen at or after level 20 for Primals and after leaving Praetoria for Praetorians.


    Alternatively, you could make all of Praetoria "Levelless Content" which scales with the player and then set it to grant level 20 to characters that leave the Praetorian Tutorial or make a new character in Praetoria.


    That would also allow Primal characters to "Infiltrate" Praetoria at any level and do the Praetorian content, as well. Making that expansion far more accessible to the playerbase. It could also be a lot of fun as a CoH character to get up into the 45 range and do the Portal Corps arcs before transitioning to Praetoria to help the Resistance... THEN move on to Incarnate Trials.


    You know... I had one intention at the start, but now I just think Levelless Praetoria and Praeto characters starting at 20 is a better idea by far.

    • Thumbs Down 4
  14. On 6/22/2023 at 6:11 PM, Rudra said:



    The point was an electric whip. Whether that whip be a physical whip with electricity arcing along its entire length or one made of lightning itself. (The one made of lightning itself is the preferred form.) You proposed changing the colors, and I tried it. It did not look like the goal of an electric whip. It looked like a whip made of plasma. A visually distinct effect not in line with the stated request. Plasma being super-heated matter that has its electrons ripped away. It visually looks like a gas or a flame. As opposed to the desire for a whip that looks like lightning.



    Yeah. That's never going to happen.


    The whip isn't a prop object like a sword or axe, where you can specifically replace it with something else, it's specifically an effect, like the blast from fire blast. S'why it always looks exactly the same every time it comes out even though you'd think the flames would be "Random"


    Creating the whip powers took as much effort for the original game developers as animating 8 separate powersets. Like all 9 powers in 8 sets for 4 powers in 1 set. Colin Brown, one of Paragon's animators, did a whole dev diary post about it for MMORPG.com, though it's since been lost to time. In it, he discussed how incredibly intensive the efforts were and how it was kind of ridiculous the amount of effort that was put into getting one set -just- right. But the Going Rogue brass wanted Desdemona to be the coolest character they could manage soooo....


    Even if using the physical animations of the character moving could shave off 3/4 of the time of creating an electric whip alternative you're still looking at 4 powers for the cost of the animation development time of 18 powers.


    Maybe if the dev team, here, got paid a lot of money and were able to get some more artists and animators on staff they could do that. But it'd cost 2 potential full powersets to just move over the 4 current animations. And if you wanted a full attack set (with build up or aim taking a 0-effort time) you're back to looking at 8 full sets of animation effort for 4 more powers, -plus- the 2 sets time for the 4 powers that exist.


    10 powersets worth of effort for 1 powerset. I just don't see anyone involved thinking that's a reasonable use of time and resources. It's why I suggested the plasma whip instead. It'd be a new damage setup and give the designers some options while just recycling the 4 powers animations we currently have.

  15. 4 minutes ago, Rudra said:





    Plasma is not electricity. Plasma is not lightning.


    Edit: Changing the colors as you said makes the fire look like plasma, not like lightning. There is a very distinct visual difference.

    At what point did I say that plasma was electricity?


    I said "Energy Damage" which is right there with Radiation which works fine with Plasma.


    You're the one who said it winds up looking like the plasma from a star and not electricity. I'm confused by the goal, here.



  16. On 6/10/2023 at 5:16 PM, Rudra said:

    In this case, a re-color doesn't work. Because the effect is fire, the re-color makes it look like plasma as in from a star or a nebula, not like electricity.


    Edit: That was a good idea, it just doesn't work. It does look amazing like that though.

    Plasma that is in the sun and plasma that we make on Earth is the same thing. It's a higher state of molecular and atomic excitement than Gas. Nothing more, nothing less.


    The Plasma-ball (electro-orb) from Spencer's Gifts doesn't -actually- contain plasma, just low amp high voltage electricity passing through a noble gas (Usually argon or neon, but krypton and xeon are also options)

  17. Sentinels are Stalkers who trade Crits and Assassin's Strike for larger AoE range/shaped but not bigger target counts.


    When well built they're incredibly durable and do decent damage. They're particularly good at taking out one enemy through using their Opportunity button to weaken their target. Especially bosses which melt when the team is all also hitting the same target.


    Their big "Claim to Fame" is throwing off their T9 blast power every 30 seconds or so once thoroughly slotted for recharge. For DP that means doing the gundance every pack.

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  18. 20 minutes ago, Rudra said:

    Well, like @Ghost said, the building interiors on the zone maps are below the map itself. So the event triggers on the zone map, but not in the buildings. Spawns generate on the map floor and the building interiors are well below that level. (Think of SG bases with different levels. You can set up NPCs off the main map, on the areas you build up above or below the base, but nothing can reach those areas unless you provide a teleporter to it. Buildings like Icon and AE use their doors as set teleporters with no special effects. So you transition to the below zone map building interior when using the zone door and back to the zone map when using the interior door. Event spawns are generated on the zone map, so they can't spawn inside buildings since those maps are well below the zone map and the legal spawn points.) No auto-suppression needed.

    Fair. Though the tech for auto-power suppression also exists: In the AE buildings.


    All powers, including autopowers, cease to function there. You'd just need whatever object is there copied and tweaked to only disable one autopower.


    But it still doesn't fix the bridge problem. And with places like Skyway in the game... well.


    Then again. You've got Snow in the tunnels of Atlas Park so is it -really- that big a deal? Not my place to judge. Just brainstorming a way to have 'weather' in the game.

  19. 2 hours ago, @Ghost said:

    iirc this suggestion came up a lot back on retail servers and the explanation given was that there wasn't an easy way to signal when rain shouldn't be on screen.


    Building interiors are usually below the map and could be outside of whatever volume applies a camera-effect, but stuff like overpasses, parking garages, tram interiors, etc. would likely have to be all made exceptions by hand. Even then, having the effect go away under a bridge and suddenly reappear when you move out isn't a great solution.

    That is a -very- good reason, yeah.


    You'd have to put in some kind of auto-power suppressor within buildings. Like they do with the Zombie Apocalypse Spawning while you're inside an Icon.


    Wouldn't help with Bridges, though.

  20. 12 hours ago, Saiyajinzoningen said:

    while i dont think this is impossible And will help immersion it will also likely put an unnecessary strain on the servers.

    In what way would this put unneeded strain on the servers?


    It would be an autopower and a skybox change triggered by a zone event. The tech for both already exists. Any "Strain" would be just as "straining" as any other zone-event.

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