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  1. Plllease please please please plllleeeasseee •Let (upper body male) Tee, Tanker, and Tank Top have the secondary option (Alpha, Angelic, etc etc) Espppecciially tanker •Add an option for No Cape for Mantles (really would love the over shoulder cover without a cape) thank you for taking it into consideration and fueling my costume addiction!
  2. I think your Idea has merit but is lost on those who dont want to see the game drowned out by botters. Curious on your thoughts on something Ive been meaning to write up: What if every zone has Zone Quests that when conditions are met, triggers a Public event. Loved Warhammer for this and think it really does draw people out, especially with the way CoH handles event mobs. For an example: Players kill 10,000 Hellions in Atlas park > Big Bad Bro spawns 10 explosive barrels around the city protected by Event Mobs > If all barrels are NOT found within time limit (pick one or rando) apply a debuff on zone for 1hr / increase boss spawns / Burning buildings appear / use imagination for some grim Hellion fate if all barrels ARE found within time limit spawn Big Bad Bro Event boss to defeat Obvo more thought needs to go into each zone and each mobtype in zone, but would have heavy emphasis on 'kill lots of x' to trigger event which would in turn help re-elevate Street-sweeping! Also think it'd be awesome for those that are present, helped, and are within level range to get a nice exp bonus! Could even add a nice little scoreboard to get your heroes name out there! Also disclaimer, Im a pretty newish player so Im not sure of all the ins and out, do's and donts so if theres already something like this in the game/already suggest, please ignore me lol
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