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Posts posted by Xmurrder

  1. Ok.... so let me just say this much.... I don't claim to know it all.... I just like to make builds I think,  in my on opinion,  would be fun.   Probably too late for in INF,  but if you still feel charitable and want to help a broke man out , my global name is @Xmurrder .  I play with my wife and she makes sure that my toons stay broke while all her toons are slotted.   Lol And anyone else reading that would want to donate,  I would not be offended.  Lol


    So a little back ground.  Like I said, me and my wife play together.   She gets to be all the fun builds and I always have to make toons that protect her.  She gets to be the blasters,  controllers, dominators and all the things that have awesome looking powers etc.... and I have to run mostly melee toons to take all the aggro. Tanks , Brutes and Scrappers.  So basically on a football team she would be the quarterback , running back and receiviers that gets all the attention and I am the dirty ole offensive line.  Lol 


    So let's get into it


    1. Energy / Shield Scrapper.  I love mine.  Energy hits like Mack truck.  I was so very impressed by it.   Love starting off with the teleport nuke aka ( shield bash ) Then start hitting the boss that survived with total focus and energy transfer.   Bye Bye mobs and boss.  


    2.  Energy / Electric Scrapper.  Ok, yes I know I am repeating Energy melee , but it just hits soooo hard ! Lol..   But the thing that I like about this build is while I am whooping the bosses butt, lighting field is constantly killing all the minions.  Killing things without even having to focus on them is awesome.   Them dying just cause they are standing next to me.  Love it.  


    If your still reading,  did I mention I am a very broke man?   Donations are greatly appreciated. Lol that was @Xmurrder incase you missed it. Lol


    3. Electric / Shield Scrapper.  2 teleporting nukes.  Nuff said.  Lol  I mean really,  how awesome is that ? Lol love the AOE of this toon. I think lighting rod is one of my favorite powers in the whole game.  I love watching it.  Is it the most powerful power in the game?  No.  But dang it's so fun. 


    4. War Mace / Bio Armor Scrapper.  Not my favorite build,  but I gotta give credit where credit is due.  It is an awesome combo.  But truth be told,  I hate it cause bio puts the carapace on me.  I don't want anything covering up the look of my toons. Lol I spend a long time creating my looks and don't want to have them covered up.  I have made toons that look like Elvis, Ronald McDonald,  Micheal Jackson,  the money man from Monopoly, Alabama Cheerleader. ( yes I'm from Alabama and a big Bama fan. Lol) ....... Anyways,  Elvis just don't look right with a hard shell wrapped around him.  He's the King of Rock n Roll , He deserves better than that ! Lol


    I gotta stop here... the wife is starting up her PC.  Gotta go try to protect my storage in the base before she gets her little hands all over it.  It's bad when you look at the history of who took things out of storage and she out numbers you like 10 to 1 . Lol


    Since yall have picked my brain,  i should get to pick yalls pockets.  You can make the email out to @Xmurrder


    All proceeds go to a worthy cause.  ..... ME ! 


    And if you see Elvis running around,  don't be afraid to say hey.





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