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Everything posted by SupercoldCOH

  1. Yep, Virtue was my home also... I never deleted COH so I still have my whole character list from all servers but 99% of time I was on Virtue lol, also have my costumes folder and keybind files hehe... Characters, straight from the players lot file (reverse order of creation) were: "theduck77" "Virtue" "MookMaster" "28" "theduck77" "Virtue" "ShadowTalon" "26" "theduck77" "Virtue" "Praetor Frost" "25" "theduck77" "Virtue" "Thylian" "24" "theduck77" "Virtue" "Superpatriot Kid" "23" "theduck77" "Virtue" "L-Train" "22" "theduck77" "Virtue" "Cyberio" "21" "theduck77" "Virtue" "CyberTank" "20" "theduck77" "Virtue" "HeIlraiser" "19" "theduck77" "Virtue" "PsiSpider" "18" "theduck77" "Virtue" "Detective. Frost" "16" "theduck77" "Virtue" "TooKold" "15" "theduck77" "Virtue" "Meta-Boy" "14" "theduck77" "Virtue" "Wraith Avenger" "13" "theduck77" "Virtue" "Litebringer" "12" "theduck77" "Virtue" "Metaboy" "11" "theduck77" "Virtue" "Lord Muerte Aranas" "10" "theduck77" "Virtue" "Pastor Larry" "9" "theduck77" "Virtue" "Johnathan Frost" "8" "theduck77" "Virtue" "Agent Thanos" "7" "theduck77" "Virtue" "Deathspider Alpha" "6" "theduck77" "Virtue" "Goliathian" "5" "theduck77" "Virtue" "Supremeheat" "4" "theduck77" "Virtue" "Bot Doc" "3" "theduck77" "Virtue" "Tigerclawz" "2" "theduck77" "Virtue" "Elndil Truarrow" "1" "theduck77" "Virtue" "Supercold" "0" (First and my Main)
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