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  1. Thank you so much for taking the time to visit. Please feel free to use the base and give out the passcode to anyone! 😁
  2. Hello all, i have made a base that is very functional with a High Tech and Alien blend of items. I would like for anyone to visit and use the base if they like. Many of the usable items your normally use to are still in there, but i tried stack items together in a way to make them look unique and new. Please come have a look! Passcode AUTI-7639 Thank you.
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  3. Hello all, i am kinda new to the building game but have learned a lot and been building more and more. I play on the Torchbearer Server and would love for anyone to visit and give me feed back about my build. You all seem to build very large and my build is rather small. Maybe one day i will get to that point but for now i am very happy with what i have made and would like to share. I did my best to put in everything that is needed and easily accessible for players on the go! It is a blend of High Tech and Alien items, i also did my best to make all the clickable use items into a new unique item as to not be the same thing you would normally see in all other bases. Passcode AUTI-7639 Oh by the way it is kinda loud in there so be ready for that. lol
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