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Posts posted by Vayek2

  1. On 8/31/2019 at 4:04 AM, GM Sijin said:

    I heard you were looking for a challenge. Try soloing that ITF at +4x8 with this setup. Hint: You can't. These settings would destroy most PuGs even in easier arcs at +4.




    (And yes I know the ask is to bring the challenge up to the level of the player power not the other way around, I'm just feeling snarkastic.)

    Also, 2 - 4 warshades (tri-forms with good builds) could probably pull off that challenge setting. Since tri-forms don't rely on toggles or pool powers (changing forms drops all toggles). But, then again, they might need to use inspirations. I'd have to stress test it to be sure. But, I seriously doubt the same could be said for any other TF/SF really. Just because the ITF largely has nictus damage which doesn't do much to Kheldians.

  2. On 8/31/2019 at 4:04 AM, GM Sijin said:

    I heard you were looking for a challenge. Try soloing that ITF at +4x8 with this setup. Hint: You can't. These settings would destroy most PuGs even in easier arcs at +4.




    (And yes I know the ask is to bring the challenge up to the level of the player power not the other way around, I'm just feeling snarkastic.)



    I have been tweaking around with the settings. We ran a Liberty TF the other day at 54 x8 with no temp powers and buffed enemies. It was great! I think I died 6 or 7 times, and every time the group tried to split, people died. 

    Those settings absolutely raised the stakes for us. Showed my group where we have been getting complacent, and where we can make improvements. So, we've been doing these things to all of our task forces since 🙂


    Thanks for this suggestion! While being funny and sarcastic (which I appreciate), the theme of upping the difficulty this way has been working great for us!

  3. On 8/30/2019 at 8:39 PM, Redlynne said:

    Because YOU are trying to ruin OUR game to serve YOUR power trip/fantasy at OUR expense.

    wow, you really are full of anger and resentment. Maybe you need to go see a therapist and work through your anger issues.


    Telling someone to f**k off to their own server for asking questions about trying to add more challenge to the game is childish and asinine. It doesn't actually contribute to the conversation - which, as is indicated even in this discussion, has been happening multiple times from multiple different people. So, it's reasonable to conclude here that it's a common theme for players to be interested in some ways for the game to present a greater challenge.


    So, go ahead, step down off your soap box, stop beating your chest, and please go see someone about those anger issues that trigger you over the simplest of things. 

  4. why is everyone always going to place of worry about people exploiting things? No matter what happens, someone somewhere will ALWAYS find ways to exploit anything to their favor. So, it is actually pointless to make this the primary argument for not doing something. 


    But, it doesn't really matter. aggro cap won't change, and the difficulty of the game likely won't be updated to any significant degree. Thanks everyone for teaching me about the aggro cap stuff. someone else mentioned the game server likely couldn't keep up with all the calculations of everyone pulling more aggro at once anyway. I mean, look at what happens during a hami raid or rikti mothership raid. Erasing aggro cap would lkely cause severe undue hardship on the servers.

  5. 1 minute ago, justicebeliever said:

    Maybe the room is full, but even on a 8 man team (or +8 if fewer than 8 on the team) a spawn won’t be larger than the aggro cap...Maybe slow down a little or mix in some pulling with the charging in?


    We do slow down. but outdoor maps like the second mission of the ITF after that first bridge. going slow makes absolutely no difference. There is easily twice the cap there. We handle it fine enough. but instance like that are what I was meaning. We aren't going to the far extreme of pulling the entire map, but we are still regularly exceeding the cap.

  6. 1 minute ago, PaxArcana said:

    Stop trying to herd entire maps, then.


    That is the exact behavior the aggro cap was intended to curtail.

    we aren't. a single task force at +4 x8 has rooms full of more than aggro cap for a single tank. That exceeds aggro cap, and still isnt trying to taunt the entire map

  7. On 8/29/2019 at 2:50 AM, Haijinx said:

    TBH I've been back since June.  I've never seen anyone yet take advantage of the current cap. 


    Herding seems to be dead. 

    You haven't played with my group hahaha. We are constantly exceeding our aggro cap and the squishies on our teams suffer those consequences. And we can't even taunt that aggro off of our squishies in those instances, and they healers get stressed. So, now we try and juggle the taunts to share aggro cap and do a better job of keeping things off the squishies.


    Hell, our kin now has built his corruptor with soft cap def so he worries less about getting mushed lol. I just off-taunt on my warshade to help out.


    But yeah, we are CONSTANTLY exceeding our aggro caps on taskforces and such.

  8. On 8/28/2019 at 9:19 PM, Redlynne said:

    You're welcome to launch your own server(s) where that is true ...

    Why is this asinine response repeated so often by so many people? This isn't actually contributing to the conversation, it just makes you look like a d-bag to everyone else.

  9. 1 hour ago, Rathulfr said:

    So when all is said and done, I still have to /jranger any suggestion that involves universal KB-to-KD conversion.  Perhaps if the suggestion was to make the KB-to-KD proc apply globally only to AoEs, I'd go along with it.  But I'm sure someone else will have objections to that, too.

    which means you aren't just discussing, you are arguing to take away the choices of others because it inconveniences you in some way, when alternatives to keep the way you want are plentiful. Its not a discussion at that point, just an argument.

  10. 3 hours ago, Cix said:

    I don't like the all-or-nothing approach to KB>KD that keeps coming up here.  For example, my /Storm Mastermind really likes knockback in Gale and Hurricane, but likes it less in Tornado.  If knockback is to become a toggle or universal effect of a set, I don't get to choose.  I hope that these situations are taken into account when decisions are made.

    They can do this for the one unique set piece with proc benefit. and when people who want to be selective about it want to chose (like you do), they can use the sudden accelration proc that does exactly the same thing and isn't considered a unique enhancement (can be placed up to 5 times on a single build).


    This way, both sides of the argument can win to whatever degree. And those that love a toon, but absolutely hate the knockback, they can slot a single IO to negate that for their entire build, and you can still be selective as to which powers have it.

  11. 2 hours ago, Rylas said:

    Part of the issue is that this topic has come up repeatedly already. OP could have at least done a search before making yet another thread on the subject. And had OP read through those threads, they would have seen all the extensive reasons against the suggestion (and the few, poorly reasoned ones for it). 


    The problem is, even when there wasn't an aggro cap, things weren't harder. Whole maps would be cleared quickly by gathering them up. If the complaint is that OP doesn't find enough challenge, the suggestion wouldn't address the problem. 


    If challenge is the desire (though, OP just made it sound like they wanted to relive the "Glory Days"), a better suggestion would be having higher difficulty settings. Wether that's being able to set it to +8, or spawning only bosses, or adding an AV to every mission (these are all on-the-fly ideas, mind you).

    I had run a quick key word search for "aggro cap" and came up with nothing, but thanks for letting me know I need to dig deeper on that 🙂

    The glory days would be awesome - after all, aren't we all here now out of a sense of nostalgia?


    But yes, the key point I was talking about is to maybe give the existing content some new scope of challenge. I mean, yes, I do love feeling over powered and super hero/villian like. but like any game, I get bored when I can't make it harder.


    I really like your idea of making a +8 option. I feel like that would do a great job of creating a more difficult challenge without really depending on the creation of new and complicated content.

    • Like 2
  12. On 8/16/2019 at 11:47 AM, macskull said:

    Title says it all, mostly, but... one of the I25 changes that got snuck in kind of under the radar is a slash command to access an SG base via passcode. This command is awesome but can be easily abused in a PvP zone. There's already precedent for making certain powers disabled in a PvP environment (Ouroboros Portal) and for slash commands as well (/ah).

    everything gets abused in PVP, why cry about this and try to get it nerfed for the rest of us? 


    PVPer that complain about other people abusing things is what causes game wide nerfs. Thanks from the rest of us.

    • Confused 1
  13. sure, it would probably be abused by farming (but really, is farming so bad that we actually care what they abuse in farms but doesn't hurt the rest of the game?)


    I just find that most game content is crazy easy now with set bonuses and incarnates. I thought a pretty easy way to bring back a fun challenge would be to just drop arbitrary aggro caps. I;m not entirely sure why the cap was created in the first place on live, but it seems like a fun idea to drop it now.

  14. On 8/10/2019 at 2:29 PM, Veelectric Boogaloo said:

    I've not had a problem with it apart from burn and the issue there is that both the initial hit and the pseudo-pet patch have a chance to proc. I have it in sweeping cross, irradiated ground, psi-blade sweep, dreadful wail, jacob's ladder, and spin. None of them have had the knockback issue. 

    Then you are the first person I have encountered to say you haven't had any experience with this proc knocking things back instead of down when it procs. Maybe you just haven't been cognizant of it.

  15. So, I was in the middle of editing my SG base when the screen flashed (like it typically does when editing now), a d suddenly the entire base's building space had inverted on the map. The doorways became the normal available build space, a the rooms filled up all the tiles and disappeared from the map.


    Now, I have the secret entrance portal moved into the broken teleport room so members can access the teleports. But even zoning into that room, the floor is now that red lined plot space we are supposed to build rooms on.


    Occasionally I am able to fly underneath the base and get lucky by selecting a single room tile and then I can open it up like normal, and suddenly that tile appears on the map. But, while this might seem like the solution, this new glitch means I can't have door ways between rooms.


    The only solution I haven't tried yet is to delete the entire thing a d change the base plot and start over. That hasnt been tried yet because there are already so many hours poured into the base build.


    Anyone have any thoughts?

  16. Yeah, I experimented with it and tried it in different powers and on different characters. It consistently knocks everything back.


    It's actually pretty funny in burn, and for a laugh, I logged i. My buddy's fire brute and snuck it into his burn and really enjoyed his reaction.

  17. After some experimentation, I have found that the enhancment set "Avalanche" has a proc in the set that is supposed to be a chance for knockdown, but instead knocks things back across the room. I have swapped this set out with powers that do not create knockback or knockdown, and I have put this in powers that do create knockdown. The effect never changes. 


    The problem is in the magnitude of the knockdown I believe. The knockdown is set so strong in that proc that the game just converts to knockback. 


    Would it be possible to have a GM go in and maybe slightly reduce the magnitude of that proc? I, like many others, really benefit from the full set bonus list of this set, but hate the knockback.


    Thank you.

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