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  1. Mids is showing the -Regen being improved by the Hami-O. Unless this is a false positive, it looks like you can.
  2. Ok, I've taken the inputs, and this is what I came up with. I moved 2 slots over to Envenom, but other than the Achilles' proc, I didn't really know what direction to go. So I threw some Hamis in to double down on -Regen. I would've had to do way more juggling to fit the Sorcery pool, so I opted to stay with Melee/Clarion. How does this look, now? PoisonDefSelfBuild.mbd
  3. So, I originally played a Poison/Rad to 50, and fell in love with the primary (I know, I know, it "sucks"). But, much like anyone who has taken the set to 50 has realized, there are a few things that you have to juggle that most other sets don't have to worry about: 1)Melee survivability: Because the T9 is amazing, but it being an Aura means you need to be tanky enough to live in melee range. 2)Mez res: If you get hard CC'd, your toggs turn off. No toggs=no debuff/buff=death. Pretty much mandates taking Clarion, which leads me to... 3)Endurance: Very end heavy set, between the toggles, the attack chain, mobility (sprint, mostly, while in mission) the active debuff clickies, etc. And being forced to take Clarion means you cant cheat with Ageless 4)Healing/Regen: Since you don't have a self heal, you need to stack regen or self heal procs to keep yourself upright. Because even through all the debuffs and self defenses, damage occasionally gets through. That makes any Poison build very tight, from the getgo. Attached is my attempt at making it all work. I shifted from Rad to Water mostly for Dehydrate, but also because thematically I can color it to look like poison/toxic. I also shifted from Dark Mastery to Elec for a "Gimme End" button. But I need more experienced builders to help me out. I've been beating my head into this for days, and maybe there are things I'm not seeing. I don't like how high my Recov/Usage end ratio is, but again, there are a lot of things to balance. I'm not 100% locked into any choice/sets here other than Poison, itself. PLEASE help, its greatly appreciated. PoisonDefSelfBuild.mbd
  4. Anyone get a solid build together? Kinda interested, but I always suck at the Mids part of character creation.
  5. The Mids link doesn't seem to work. Really interested in giving this a shot, too!
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