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Everything posted by Enterphase

  1. What's wrong with clowns? Na, I get it, know it's a big phobia for people.
  2. I don't play MM enough to know it's weirdness lol
  3. Yeah, that would kill it hard for me if i was able to even get that to point.
  4. With just one power that will take a little bit to get, and honestly doesn't feel very accurate to what I think would be cool.
  5. So, I have always been a fan of the whole 'clone' or 'multiplying' power of oneself. Multi-Man, DupliKate, Ditto/Echo from Ben 10. And was thinking it could be an interesting MM build, having all the pets just be your character! Not sure what the other side of it could be cause personally only see them as doing melee things, but still thing it could be an interesting concept! Either way, thanks for the time! Just wanted to get this out there as a thought and as something I would love to see!
  6. Oh, I'm not very serious about this. Was joking with a friend on discord about bank loans for base building and thought it would be hilarious to post.
  7. Hello, I'm Enterphase. I suck at Basebuilding and would like to hire someone to build a base for me! I am applying for a 2billion Influence loan so that I could find the right contractor and decorator to help bring this base to life. I have okay credit and an make payments ever month on the loan and am willing to do a 20% interest charge. Please, consider me for the personal banking loan! :p
  8. Just saying that some people might like their 'Nightwing' or 'Daredevil' like hero.
  9. Hey, I was thinking some blunt weapons in the dual weapons area would be nice. Like Tonfas or Sticks (Nightwing thing). Would be cool if you are making a character who doesn't want to cause serious injury by stabbing people.
  10. So, I may have a character that has a pet pig due to his back ground. And would love some pigs and other animals in the game as pets! Non combat ones I mean. Don't need no farm pet build lol.
  11. So, after getting on my shield character I thought "It would be cool if the back option was here like with weapons!". So thought I would bring that up, if at all a possibility due to customization being much bigger with shields. Just would love to see my character have the shield on his back, then pull it off when getting into the fight!
  12. So, was looking at the 'dress shirt' thing today and noticed it is just one simple thing. And I thought to myself "Hawaiian style shirts would be so cool in this category" so just thought I would leave that here as it is. I can understand this not being a top priority for anyone, I just love the colorful shirts with flower, coconut, fish, musical patterns and all. Thought it would be worth bringing up.
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