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Everything posted by Valicious

  1. You shouldn't have to spend a bunch more endurance to play a tank thank you should for any other class. Even if you're only making a so-so tank you're still running class toggles. If you're trying to cap your def, like i was with SR, you spend a LOT more. Just so you can fill your role as tank. This needs to be addressed. fyi - got the brute to 47%+ def, realized i couldn't get him much past 50% and after some testing I rolled a tanker. tankers get more def bonus from class toggles. would have been nice to know that before lol.
  2. Firstly, thank you to everyone who chimed in with helpful suggestions. Here's what I did to work around the end issue. panacea + performance shifter is good but not good enough. The most costly endurance things in the older build were my attacks. I needed attacks I didn't have to spam if i wanted to have a lot of def. So after some thinking I decided to make Spines/SR. Reason being spines has a huge aoe that i can use to aggro everything. currently lvl 29 w/ 34.56% def and does not run out of end(that'll go up after a few more lvls). Only downside is I don't attack super often which is pretty boring lol. Still standing firm on my "You shouldn't be penalized for wanting to tank" aka, defensive toggles cost too much.
  3. I think this is a great idea.
  4. You're building it how you want, this is true... However, you're building it counter-intuitively to how the character would be better played. You don't have perfect accuracy, and you never will. You get a 75% chance to hit, base. Therefore, most slot some accuracy into an attack, as the attack does nothing if it doesn't hit. You then slot Damage into attacks, because you want them to actually do something. I've found that slotting the 2nd slot as an EndRed helps a lot on Brutes and/or other toons that I'm constantly spamming powers, as that allows me to spam longer. I slot Damage after that, much like I showed you. I understand you're using that guide to help you... You will get BETTER returns on your slotting if you slot for Defense over EndRed in your toggles, and DROP Maneuvers entirely... For example: Your slotting of 3 EndRed into FF/FS/Evasion/Maneuv and PB, and 1 Def into Agile/Dodge--- 22.9% M/R Defense 16.2% AoE Defense Net +1.93eps with 0.63eps drain (with PB on auto-fire) My suggested slotting to you: 28.1% M/R Defense 21.4% AoE Defense Net +1.60eps with 0.87eps drain (PB on auto-fire) So, more defense, and only 0.24eps more investment... But, wait, there's more. You've slotted your attacks for EndRed alone, no accuracy... So, we'll put you at that 75% Hit Rate. Against even con, my 1 Acc is 95%... So, out of every 20 attacks, you waste 5, and I waste 1. Let's assume you're firing attacks optimally for DPS. Your slotting of 1 Rech, 2 EndRed (side note, your Recharge nearly nullifies the effect of one of your EndRed, due to faster recharge): Charged Brawl (CB): 1.17eps Thunder Strike (TS): 0.46eps Chain Induction (CI): 0.59eps DPS -> CI > CB > TS > CB > Brawl (B) > CB > B > repeat for 2.22eps and 28.56DPS... But you've got no accuracy, so that'll reduce your DPS down to 21.42 My slotting: CB: 1.10eps Jacobs Ladder (JL): 0.81eps TS: 0.43eps CI: 0.55eps DPS -> CI > JL > CB > TS > CB > B > JL > CB > B > CI > CB > B > repeat for 2.92eps... but 52.33DPS!!! Even with the 5% miss chance, still 49.71DPS. Over DOUBLE what you're dealing. So, running all out, 2.85eps vs 3.79eps netting out to -0.31eps vs -1.32eps. Your way is more end efficient, you're not wrong there... however, 23-31% better defenses, and 232% better damage... And dead mobs deal 0 damage, which ups your survivability even more. This game has been out for 15 years. There's been theory crafting on it for those 15 years. You're not coming up with a new problem, you're trying to solve it from the wrong angle. But, you do you. If you're having fun, go for it. But, maybe, just maybe, use your second build, try what I made, and see what you think. right, those are all solid suggestions. and yes, there's nothing new about the game. i'm giving my feedback and pointing out an obvious(to me) oversight in the game design. with this particular build you have to pay a base .78 e/s just to get started and that doesn't put you nearly high enough in defense by itself. everything not a tank = 0 e/s to get started tank = quite a bit i was playing my corr for a couple hours earlier. ran out of end 1 time. no end red in attacks. almost no end red at all. think there's like 3 in non-attack things. SO my opinion is that we need to stop endurance starving tanks. if the devs disagree that's ok. it's not my game. it's not an opinion though when i say SR and other tank pools cause tanks to have a higher endurance cost to play their role. that is just a simple fact. and my feedback on it is...nerf it(or buff whichever way you wanna look at it lol)
  5. Actually if you'll look at my responses I've taken many helpful suggestions. The fact remains that tanks have a much higher endurance cost compared to every other build. if i don't use manu or tactics and i remove the recharge from attacks my endurance is stable as long as i don't fight things that drain endurance. that's while using an absurd number of end reduction/enhance mods. I should not have to slot every slot with endurance stuff to not run out of endurance. One suggestion would be to adjust the toggle cost based on level since it's easier to compensate for at higher levels. so, once AGAIN, the problem is the cost of defensive toggles in low-mid levels.
  6. I'll def check in to that! thank you! and my statement about other classes not having much of a problem with endurance is based of myself playing those classes. You can easily mod them to not run out of endurance.
  7. man, lot of posts to respond to lol It sounds like your friend with the endurance problems was running solo. I don't solo ever. Let us assume that my character gets perfect accuracy and can never miss. If my end regen can't keep up with my end loss i will lose endurance as i fight. If the fight goes on long enough I will run out of endurance. Let's further assume that with my now perfect accuracy I do 2x the damage I used to. That means our group fights will be a little faster. It won't fix me losing endurance as I fight though. as for the leadership toggles i'd agree with tactics however maneuvers and/or other defensive toggles are pretty mandatory if you don't want to constantly be forced to use defensive inspirations. You can read up more on defense here https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Defense_Effectiveness I found this to be very helpful. thanks for taking the time to suggest a build! so looking at the recharge time and end cost of what i'm using vs what your suggesting the attacks will be roughly the same cost over time but the fights would end a little sooner. I'd still have issues with endurance though. especially after doublling my passive end/sec from toggles. that'd be...not good. as for why maneuvers or other defensive toggles that link above is why :) difficulty varies as I usually join someone elses group. mobs are at least yellow, sometimes purple. Set bonuses could def help out a little so thanks for that idea! thanks for the taunt tip! and stam is 6 slotted because i slotted everything for minimum endurance drain/maximum endurance regen. I only run around with sprint atm and i toggle it off in combat I didn't think about the end buff from self heal. that's a really awesome tip ty! there's not def in my defensive skills because i was running out of end. might be able to put def instead of end red once i pickup self heal for the end boost. we'll see :) The underlying problem here is you can build top tier characters to buff, debuff, cc, heal and dps that EASILY don't run out of endurance. But building a highly defensive tank, even with an absurd amount of end red and end mod still has end issues. Let's say I drop tactics(which i should). that nets me back .39/s which is pretty big. however i still need to add 2 more defensive toggles to get my defense up where it needs to actually be in addition to switching all end reduction on defensive abilities to def boosts. those 2 extra toggles from power pools puts me right back at the same endurance cost per second. my passive end/sec would also double. so atm, i'm forced to be kind of half tanky? I think It's doable at 50. I was planning on getting soul mastery which has a -acc and -tohit which would then let me drop a defensive toggle or hopefully more? plus i'll have more slots to play with. Right now though, at my level, it's awful trying to spec as a tank. I don't think making a strong tank build super restrictive and almost impossible to achieve when low-mid level is ok. It should allow for more flexability like all the other non-tank builds. That is why my feedback on this is that they really need to look at end costs for defensive buffs.
  8. char lvl 26, all enhancements are lvl 25 IO's, electrical/super reflexes electrical charged brawls - 1 recharge, 2 end red thunder strike - 1 recharge, 2 end red taunt - 1 acc, 1 empty chain induction - 1 rech, 2 end red super reflexes focused fighting - 3 end red focused senses - 3 end red agile - 1 def practiced brawler - 3 end red dodge - 1 def evasion - 3 end red inherent sprint - 1 end red(and i usually turn sprint off in a fight...kind of annoying) stamina - 6 end mod leadership maneuvers - 3 end red tactics - 3 tohit flight fly - empty medicine aid other - 1 end red aid self - 1 empty That's 29 endurance reductions and modifications IO's. Which is a very very long winded way of saying, i got end stuff in all my crap and my end is awful :P edit - forgot to label flight and medicine :P
  9. soooo apparently a lot of ppl can't read so I'll quote myself "at lvl 22-ish my brute has 2-3 reduced end cost in each aura and attack". all my enhancements are io's a few levels higher than me. i'll look in to the chance to gain endurance enhancements asap though! once again, nothing but someone trying to tank has such a ridiculous end cost. I strongly feel this needs to be looked at :)
  10. at lvl 22-ish my brute has 2-3 reduced end cost in each aura and attack as well as 6 end mod in stamina and is barellllly able to maintain stamina. that's assuming i'm not fighting things that drain endurance which happens kind of often. end cost of protective auras needs a very heavy handed nerf. Currently you can choose to slot nothing but endurance related mods where possible until higher level or choose to not tank as well as you could. I don't see the same issue with any other role be it dps, heal, cc, buff, debuff etc.. So this seems like just a big oversight to me. more options in playing would be greatly appreciated.
  11. they just kind of hang around now until you use another attack. ^_^
  12. Pretty sure it's not applying double xp boost properly. much sad. getting exactly 1/2 the xp i used to :P
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