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Deadly Burrito

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Posts posted by Deadly Burrito

  1. When I first discovered CoV back in the day, I was told never roll a MM bc of the mechanics needed (ADHD superpowers activate). I played Ninja/Dark as many other options weren't available til later in the game near its end. A player by the name of General Nonsense taught me so much, sadly I have forgotten most of it. I really enjoyed everything about the build he helped me put together and all the Enhancements and recipes we worked together to get. I've tried looking for those guys, but it was so long ago i don't remember most of their names.

    Currently I'm leveling my MM again to greatness, but it's been tough to remember what and where I put enhancements, power selection, etc. 

  2. I'm honestly not sure if Freedom or Justice was my home server. It's been far too long since I played, and I can't remember but two of my friends i played with. The first simply went by Tiffany. No matter what the character was the name was always Tiffany something. The other was General Nonsense (I believe). He was a Military looking MM that used Mercs. I went by Deadly Burrito. Ninja/Dark MM. If there is anyone that does remember me, feel free to reach out. I do miss those I played the game with, just been a very long time.

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