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Posts posted by Hivercide

  1. On 1/21/2021 at 9:24 PM, Keovar said:

    If they could fix the issue with names being tied up by dead accounts, maybe that would be enough to deal with the rest. 
    I think a character should retain their name for a number of weeks equal to Level+2, so a 1st level character keeps their name for 3 weeks and a level 50 keeps their name for one year.  The countdown would be refreshed upon login, so the name recycling system would only affect dead accounts or unplayed name-squatting characters that the owner forgets to refresh.  Here's an unpopular opinion for you: I don't think there should be any permanent immunity to name recycling.  Use it or lose it. 

    So, your idea is to punish players who made a character, chose a name they liked, but are for some reason not logging in on that character for awhile?  How do you consider a character "unplayed"?  Some people play their different alts according to their different moods, or any number of other reasons, and the idea of forcing someone to log in on any particular character "or else" would be a very fast way to kill the game permanently. 


    And the idea of "name-squatting"?  What do you consider "squatting"?  The fact that you wanted that name but someone else got it first?  Sorry, but that is just silly.  Someone chose a name, they tried it and it was available.  Maybe they have issues keeping them from logging in on that one for awhile....I can think of several right off the top of my head:  In the hospital for surgery; lost their job and can't afford to pay for Internet that month, or similar things.  Unless they delete that character, the name is now theirs.  Perhaps you should consider using a bit more imagination in your naming?  Different spellings, or something like that.  I have never once made a character and then been unable to come up with a usable name that is reasonably distinctive, even back when the game was Live and had been going for 8 years.

  2. Cars count as "friendly" to you, the same as hostages.  I bet real-life law enforcement would love that...."He's got a hostage....quick, toss a grenade and use the flamethrower to take him out!"  And the hostage, as well as surrounding area, is unharmed, lol.

  3. I've always found Shrouded Badge to be almost totally random.  It's not awarded only for the "Defeat Nightstar" mission, there are one or two others that grant it as well, though I can't remember the names off the top of my head.  Sometimes I will get it as soon as I've entered the mission, other times I've been in the mission 20 minutes or longer without it being awarded.  I've never heard anything about it being awarded "only if you exit via Ouro" though...in fact I have never once exited via Ouorboros from that mission, and have still gotten the badge.

  4. Back on Live I ran that one on my Stalker, got the badge without too much trouble.  The computer fights stupid, it doesn't use the powers to best advantage.  Your best bet is to pull from range, and take yourself out one at a time.

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  5. There may be history badges that you have to be a villain or rogue to receive.  I think that's the case for Swashbuckler, as I didn't get the badge when I hit all the plaques as a Vigilante oh so long ago on live.


    I think this may be the case, I was not having Swashbuckler register at all when I went through on a Vigilante just yesterday, but I got Technofreak without trouble.

  6. "Tried and True" badge.  "When the Omega Team accepted their mission to the Rikti home dimension, they knew they likely wouldn't be coming back.  You have protected their memorial through many trials, staying true to the end."



    Visit the open-world Memorial in Atlas Park City Hall

    Visit the Memorial during the Cape Mission (Available at level 20) from the City Representative in Atlas Park City Hall

    Visit the Memorial during the Dr. Kahn Task Force


    Upon walking by the badge for the 3rd time, during the Dr. Kahn TF, I immediately dinged for receiving the "Tried and True" exploration badge. 

    Paragon Wiki lists "Tried and True" as part of the Veteran Rewards Program, so there is a definite discrepancy.


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  7. I seem to recall having gotten the "Shrouded" badge from several different, unrelated missions over the years I played.  I am quite sure that there is NO "one specific mission" where you can receive it.  If memory serves me correctly, the biggest "link" between the missions is mostly having to do with Shadow dimensions?

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