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Posts posted by Lightslinger

  1. Released the name Kanaha (Hawaiian for mirror or reflect), and found the name Psalmist available. Would be great for a musical/symphonic character.

  2. 12 hours ago, Troo said:


    basically already doable, isnt it?


    In a limited way yes, but here's a couple of things I'd like to do with a Skin Spectrum option:


    -the ability to put patterns over Spectrum (ie: choose bare chest option under chest, it shows your spectrum color skin, then apply a pattern over. Would give you the ability to create a Dr. Manhatten wearing speedos look. I'm not saying we all need speedos, but that's the idea of the look I'm picturing, ha!


    -allow costume items that have a skin option, like the Barbarian Iron->Skin under gloves, you'd get your spectrum skin under that bracer instead of a regular skin color.



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  3. Edit: I've got to get better at screenshotting! Why do my characters and everything look great, sharp and crisp, then I go to upload and they look fuzzy? 


    Here's a couple of characters I'm proud to showoff 🙂



    Paragon City FD's newest fire-fighter technology was, well supposed to be the PCFD FF 1.0. Able to survive extreme conditions, equipped with a myriad of sensors for locating survivors, PCFD FF 1.0 was the pinnacle of fire fighting technology. I say "was" because apparently all it takes is a single electrical short for the AI to go haywire. Now calling itself the "Axeslinger", this fire-fighting mech fancies itself Paragon City's newest superhero, sigh. Good luck with your newest AI, axe wielding superhero Paragon!




    Ol Razzle Dazzle

    Step right up and see the wonders of this gifted magician! Where does he get these powers, is he even from our world, our solar system, our dimension?! Are these funny parlor tricks or reality bending wonders? Time to give 'em the Ol Razzle Dazzle!





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  4. I know mechanically this isn't an easy one, but here goes: Spectrum skin color.

    Idea: at the top of the skin color selection screen there would be a checkbox for "Spectrum", if you select that box you get Spectrum color skin and the skin colors are replaced with the normal color selection.

    • Microphone 1
  5. 6 hours ago, Bionic_Flea said:



    I know a lot of people on the forums were bemoaning tanks overtaking brutes.  A few years ago it was brutes overtaking tanks.


    I really don't like all of these changes to powers and ATs and critters that we have played with for years, sometimes decades.  Make new stuff as different as you like but please leave the old stuff alone.  Please?  Pretty please?



    Agreed on this. Seems like a pretty severe reaction to Tanks finally becoming more popular. I'm really hoping most of these changes don't make it through as they're being tested currently, they're a huge step in the wrong direction in my opinion.

    • Like 3
  6. Since well before Live servers shutdown my main Lightslinger, Energy/Energy Blaster could peel aggro off Tankers. I don't think it's a Homecoming specific thing. And even if an extra group gets tagged, the minions and lieutenants should be defeated almost instantly, allowing the Tanker to reestablish aggro.


    As for keeping all the aggro off the squishies, if they're attacking or buffing/debuffing, at least a little aggro will always go their way.

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  7. 11 minutes ago, BazookaTwo said:


    Some of us even chat you to say 'kewl costume' just to get your character name, global name, and petition you for harrassment/conduct - specifically to get you in front of the GMs...


    Ugh, I send "Awesome look" or "Cool costume!" tells all the time when I pass by a great looking character, I hope this idea doesn't spread and people think I'm reporting them.

    • Haha 1
  8. 1 hour ago, tidge said:

    I recommend Combat Teleport (with Macros) to support the Atomic Blapping/PBAoE. It should be possible to build up a fun sort of synergy with the knockback of the Energy primary with the close-combat of Atomic.


    Ooh, never done that before and it sounds super fun, I'll give that a shot thanks.

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  9. Hello blaster friends! Needing some help building out my main, Lightslinger. Energy/Atomic, prefer ranged fighting and flying almost always except for Nova time. Durable as can be without crippling damage, required powers are Hover, Flight, and Evasive Maneuvers.


    Build and advice are much appreciated, thanks in advance!


    Update: forgot to include, need KB-KD in pretty much all KB powers. I know I know, energy blast is what the original Lightslinger was so I stuck with it, but not a fan of KB.

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