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Night of Dragons

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Everything posted by Night of Dragons

  1. I do have a Gravity Controller, but it really doesn't feel like TK to me. Lol. Not sure if it's the mechanics or the animation/particles, but it feels way too much like cosmic space powers to fit into the telekinesis vibe. Least for me. I do see the point that it's currently the closest option. ^_^
  2. Is it possible to get the harness/chest piece and the handwraps from the loyal Cimeroran Immunes Surgeons? Or are they more skins like the Halloween monsters gear? Photo for reference. Can do the kilt and sandals well enough, but not the upper body. Or if they are already in the game, anyone know where to find them? I couldn't track them down in any of the options, but there are a ton to go through. XD
  3. More the latter, though with some of the former. Lol. That's why I mentioned Propel as a possible idea. Chuck some random objects around (bonus points of it can be matched to the tileset you're on, but that's a huge ask) but also throw mobs around. Maybe a damage but with some cc elements as well. Like a knockup, a knockdown, a knockback, a hold, etc. A couple telekinetic punches or bolts. A final power that creates a storm of flying/spinning objects? I dunno. Mostly wanted to pitch the idea. I was a bit disappointed to see that the few TK powers are kinda afterthoughts to more psionic Telepathy type powers.
  4. I was looking over the psychic powers in the game and realized there is very little for telekinetic powers. Lotta psi sets but they're mostly mental effects with a couple 'throw things around' type powers. Would it be possible to get some powersets that focus more on telekinetic powers over telepathic powers at some point? Imagine it would probably have a lot of knockdown, knockback, and throws. Lol. Maybe a power similar to Propel in there.
  5. First, like so many others, I wanna say thank you for a truly amazing game and all the work that went into it. And for coming back 20 years later to answer our crazy questions. Truly an honor. My question is about Kheldians and Battalion. I adore the Kheldians. I have such a weakness for energy aliens and symbiotic bonds. So you might imagine how horrified I was to learn that the Kheldians are all but extinct in the future. The plot point of Battalion using a sentient race as fuel is an amazing reveal and I'm all for it, but it also broke my heart. So the question is: Do or would our efforts to fight and stop Battalion, either when they invade directly or through Ouroboros, change that fate? Do the Kheldians survive thanks to our heroic/villainous actions? What was planned as the end state of the race? Especially since players can play as Kheldian bonded people, I feel like there's a vested interest in that story route. As an aside, what does Battalion do for fuel once the Kheldians are all consumed? I kinda got a read from the little story we hear about it, Twilight Son's comments mainly, that not only are the Kheldians all claimed by Battalion, but that they are largely all burned already? Makes me wonder what state Battalion would be in if that is accurate. Thanks again! Truly love CoX and am endlessly happy it was made and continues to exist.
  6. Would it be possible to get the secondary pattern options added to the Bare leg costume piece? I often use those patterns as tattoos and the inability to have patterns added over the bare upper leg, just chest, hands, feet, is kinda awkward and disappointing. Lol. Just a very noticeable gap in ink coverage any time I wanna do that.
  7. During the mission Defeat Marauder and destroy the portal from Maria Jenkins in Peregrine Isle, I noticed a small typo. It's in the green text prompt of 'you begin to destroy the portal' when you click on that object. The y in you is lowercase, not capitalized.
  8. I love this idea. Not sure how you'd do the upgrade appearance change. Maybe swap for more elaborate models? Hmm. Regardless, 100% here for a floating arsenal at my command. XD
  9. Hi! Just had a couple costume piece requests/suggestions to put out there. Lol. First, I would love if the Chain Leather boots had a Barbed Wire option like most of the other body parts, which have Barbed Leather options. I'd also like to suggest that there be an option for Chains and Barbed Wire gloves to go over bare skin. The chest and shoulder equivalents have bare skin options, but you have to have gloves or wraps under them for the hands slot. Lastly, I don't know if anyone else would like to see this, but it'd be cool to have the option of some of the skimpier female looks to be useable on male or huge body types. Not sure how the system works, so it might not be feasible, but there are definitely some costume pieces that the female body gets that the others don't. In particular, I'd like to see the Bottoms with Skin options of Bikini 1, 2, and 3, Barbarian, Witch Bare, Lebeaux, Lebeaux Thong, and Carnival of Light 1. Some supporting pieces would also be nice, like belts and such. But mainly, I think these options would be a lot of fun, in general, and the barbed wire boots, in particular for one of my characters, who has the one section of chains on his otherwise wired wrapped body. XD Thanks for everything you do and listening to my rambling!
  10. I can second this. Lol. Would love to be able to change that power's color.
  11. Hey. Dunno how possible and feasible these requests are, but I would love to be able to use the chest harness that the werewolves wear for a character costume piece. I also REALLY would love to be able to add design patterns to the bare legs costume choice. Can add them on most pants, but not bare legs. >_<
  12. To be perfectly honest, I'd be more than happy with Homecoming just as it is. :-) Never thought I'd be able to play CoH/V again, so this is wonderful to have found. In a fantasy wish sorta area, I would definitely enjoy new powers, archetypes, zones, etc. Content in general, though I am well aware of the time and money costs that making that sort of thing would be so not in any way gonna insist on that. Lol. The only thing I'd in specific love to see in the completion of the Incarnate system. CoH got only a bit over half way through that system and I loved watching it develop. One of the best end game progressions, mechanically and storywise I've seen in an MMO. But again, even if nothing changes, I'd be totally satisfied with Homecoming as it is. Just so long as it doesn't also go away. :-) Thanks for everything you all have done and continue to do!
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