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Posts posted by doc_miller

  1. I don't know if it's my biggest mistake, but my most recent was respecing my character at level 26 and not double-checking everything before I finalized it.


    I would have sworn that I had selected flight, but when I got back into the game there was no travel power to be found.


    Now I am going to have to get by with sprint and a jump pack until I hit 28, two more levels, and Heaven forbid I get exemplared for a TF.


    Grab a couple friends, do the first mission of Posi 2.  You'll get a jet pack with 60 mins of flight time.  Then dump the tf and use the pack til you hit 28.

  2. I've been playing on Homecoming for 3 weeks; I have 43 characters, ranging from lvl 2 to 24.  About 2/3 of them are recreations, the rest are new.  A few of them are reserved for "slow" leveling via story content with friends. The rest are being DFB/DiB'd up to 22 for SOs, and to get into the 1 year category for name releases.  Once that's done, I'll start concentrating on a handful of them. Probably.

  3. Of course i didn't think to take a screenshot, which makes it harder.  Have seen several people using a tights option that looks pretty much featureless, and seems to use the pseudo-glow that Resistance and Celestial pieces use.  One person I asked said it was a pattern called Spectrum, but I can't find that.


    Anyone know what I'm talking about and able to give me a clue?

  4. Haven't re-created them yet, but I did a Sandman-type char(Spider-man, not Gaiman) with Stone Melee and Dark Armor, all colored sandy colors.  With  the Stealth power active, he looked like a sand cloud that fists or hammers would suddenly coalesce out of.


    Made a Little Mermaid homage using staff and DA.  Used the trident option for staff, and recolored DA to look like water.

  5. Beacon! Hawk! Guardian Jasra here.  Just found out about this today, still d/l-ing, but so, so psyched to get back to Paragon.


    Also looking for any of the Indebted crew that might be lurking around... Pink, Imo, Kari, you out there?

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