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Posts posted by hp

  1. It's really fuckin shitty is what it is, blasters and sentinels have no fuckin problem killing in zone etc yet melee have been reduced to taunt bot midliners, that's not right but they would put up just as much of a bitch session if melee actually was able to hurt them. Having to take web nades makes you lose your extra damage, doing damage is tough for melee right now, for ranged it's easy to spam thier shit for procs, because for every 1 melee hit that happens they have blasted you with 3-4 powers full of procs. And before everyone says stalker this etc fuck that, I'm talking scrappers brutes and tanks


    Has been the case in this game since forever and will always be probably.

  2. Also there's some bugs with the arena terminals in general as well.


    You cannot view match results from completed matches.


    We tried to run a 12v12 match this evening and it wouldn't allow us to start the match.

  3. Could we look into adding some sort of suppression and/or counterplay to -jump powers (net arrow, glue arrow, etc.) in PvP. Currently you can lock players down to the floor permanently if you wanted and there's no suppression timer and anything that counteracts the amount of -jump most of the powers have unless you stack 8 inertial reductions with Super Jump.

  4. Tried out some PvE tonight after the PvP died down on Indom.

    Tin Mage



    Nice times.


    It's amazing what 6 yrs of practice can get ya.


    I played from Issue 2, to issue 23 then about 6-8 months on the private server.  So probably closer to 8.5 years.


    Cool, I played from Issue 4. I could have used those 6-8 months. I like to believe that I was the reason there was a blacklist on the Private server.


    hold on, you need 6-8 months to perfect how to run a TF in this game? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA


    is that what you read?


    having any extra playtime with the new fotm's would have been beneficial.


    you need to 6-8 months to learn how to play a titan/bio scrapper?

  5. Don't know how that came to be, but if Homecoming does expand maybe they should have a PvP server that has PvP in most zones. Or Neutral until the engagement is decided, like with the Praetorian Clockwork.


    I believe it was chosen randomly. I'd be all for server wide open world PvP, how they would implement it and how feasible it is to do is unknown and I would imagine if it were even possible the majority of players would avoid that type of server.


    Random question, but what parts of Indomitable are technically PVP, and are they exactly the same settings for PVE and PVP as the other servers?


    No server has any special settings, so to answer your question, yes they're the same.

  6. Quick update regarding Kickball. So we're going back to 9pm EST for Saturdays, the earlier start really wasn't working out at all.


    Also from here on out Kickballs will be Alpha Incarnate only. Also am requesting no use of Telekinesis.


    So from here on out Kickball will be Saturday and Wednesday 9pm EST, Alpha incarnates only and no TK is requested.



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