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Posts posted by Fatekeeper

  1. I'm actually able to answer this question now at least.  Myself along with some help from both former union and defiant players are laying the foundation of exactly this.  Channel searching for Reunion Chat or using /chan_join Reunion Chat should help, we're currently getting the word of mouth out to help foster our community just like the chat channels did back in the day.  It's a slow process, but we have to start somewhere.

  2. Hey everyone,


    I'd like to announce that after talking with a number of players we have taken the first steps to giving Reunion a unified chat hub. Whilst we have all been going to our older cliques with channels such as Union Chat and Defiant Chat forming their own individual groups, it came to my attention that some first time players were seeing those channels as being only for former players of the relevant servers, regardless of how nice we all are.


    As such i'd like to invite the players of reunion to join "Reunion Chat" to help foster our community and grow some links to help us thrive, welcoming new and old players alike, having fun and making friends along the way.


    Yes, it will take some effort to get the word of mouth out for this, but frankly our community should have a place to make friends.


    If you want to join this endeavor, you can either find us either by right clicking in your chat window, clicking channel search and searching for Reunion Chat.  Alternatively, the slash command /chan_join "Reunion Chat" should also work.


    CoX has always had a vibrant community, Reunion needs a place to start building that foundation again, just like the older servers each had their own iconic channels holding significant parts of the server population.  Part of this game has always been about the friends we make along the way.


    Thanks everyone, I hope you choose to join us in this step. We can make this community shine, as long as we are willing to try.



  3. Fatekeeper checking back in.  Game feels just as fun as i remember it being, may have caused a few of the friends i originally made playing this game to start downloading the client after playing around last night and sending a few screenies around.  Spent years trying MMO's with the friends i made in this game and we never really found one that came close to the feeling we had playing CoX with friends.  It's fun, getting to jump back in to the game and find that it wasn't just nostalgia that made the game seem good.  Even got the fun of bringing a newbie who never had the chance to try CoX the first time into the game to show him the game we always talked about in chats. He's finally getting a chance to correct his original missing out on this game, turns out he loves it... and is worried we might be about to ruin all the other MMO's for him.


    And dear god is the character creator just as addictive as ever.... I keep remaking old designs.... i can't help it :P

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