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Posts posted by JnEricsonx

  1. 17 hours ago, Snarky said:

    My only experience with Theft of Essence PROC is in Dark Melee's Siphon Life.  A melee attack that heals the caster.  A Theft of Essence PROC in there is gold for END hungry builds.  Cauterizing Aura is a different animal...

    I've used it for Dark Armor.  Helps cut down the already big damn cost of the heal.

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  2. Just now, MTeague said:

    I've declined all Win 11 upgrades for this exact reason. 

    I do not know if it works or not.  I have not seen any posting with wailing and gnashing of teeth at it, so I *suspect* it works just fine.

    But I haven't seen a compelling reason to take the update yet. There's always mañana.

    It kind of came with the PC....so.

  3. 17 hours ago, Crysis said:

    Didn't read the whole thread 'cuz "LOL Regen" but as far as I'm concerned the rework of Regen is actually over in the Sentinel AT now.  On a Sent, it's actually pretty decent.  Wouldn't mind seeing some of these concepts scaled up a bit and applied to Scrappers/Tankers/Stalkers.  It's nowhere near the ridiculous levels of game breaking mechanics it was back in the early days of Launch on Live, but it's playable and actually fairly sturdy if you can avoid -Regen powers applied against you.  And when you run into -Regen, and my experience is by no means the benchmark, I tend to find most of those are ranged attacks.  So doing a little around-corner pulling and/or herding actually negates most of that stuff (again...not all). 


    I encourage you to play a /Regen Sent to get a feel for what "could be" and not compare it so much to the Regen set on Scrappers.  That powerset was seriously "grudge nerfed" to oblivion, to ridiculous levels of punitive changes.  I'm totally serious....at least one of the devs had a serious case of "I'll show THOSE players" and just busted it down to almost idiotic levels of gimp.  Classic example of a dev throwing their emotions into a fix.  



    First Regen character I ever properly played was a Regen Sent.  Fairly survivable.  But again, I'm at mid-range as compared to melee range, or blaster long range.

  4. It's very simple:   You take a break.  I've done a couple times since I came back in May 2019 and proceeded to tear up at hearing the Atlas Park music.  Play for a few months, take a month-six weeks break, go back, etc, etc.  Simple as that.  

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  5. 4 hours ago, flinlock said:

    I think this is the part of it that frustrates me the most. Not your stalker, that is... but once players get all kitted out it's like team roles cease to exist. When one of the "steamroll everything" players joins, it doesn't matter what AT they are, stalker, blaster, troller, they still tank better than actual tank ATs (played by casual players). 


    Not to say this is a bad thing... players put in a ton of time and inf to be able to do that, and admittedly it's pretty badass. I think it's more the lack of team mentality some of these players have when exemplaring down to lowbie teams. If a vet level player is running a lowbie TF "speed for accolade" or whatever, then sure, I'll join and expect a steamroll. But if an actual lowbie player is running a normal TF and I join with my 50 because I need the badge (or just want to), I'll do my best to fit into the team dynamic and support rather than trying to flex on all the noobs. 


    (not trying to say you do that, your post just gave me the idea where to start my thought) 


    I've had the same woes as OP and ultimately my solution was to run my own teams and be selective about how I advertise in LFG, and the steamroll types either don't join or they get bored and leave. "15 minute break to fiddle with enhancements" tends to make them quit immediately while more casual players actually appreciate the downtime instead of madly rushing from mission to mission.


    This too! I actually just respec'd my PB to take only support powers at lower levels (heal, TP, grant invis, etc) so that the lower I exemp, the more "support only" I become. Then at higher levels I have all my shiny hard-hitting powers. 


    @Maestro Mavius I also play on Exelsior and would totally team up with you sometime. I've only got one 50 and the rest of my toons are scattered all over the place. My global is @Streets 🙂

    I spent about 200 mill+ on getting stuff that put my char's defenses past the softcap.  That plus the Katana parry....  If you have a melee character, you tend to work on boosting their defenses.

  6. 15 hours ago, Sovera said:


    Ah, I thought you were talking about leveling since you spoke of Citadels and Synapses and Yins.


    ...you're seriously playing those at +4x8 and they melt so fast you're too slow to help?

    There have been times I've been on teams where I've never even had to CONSIDER popping a insp.  That's what happens when everyone drops 1/3 of a bill minimum on their chars.  Hell, one of my Stalkers I had someone ask me if he was part tank because NOTHING hit him.

  7. 7 hours ago, roleki said:

    Nah, I mean Trip Mine, the power that helps you maximize the number of spawns your PA can last through.  The power to debuff or mezz an enemy is insignificant next to the ability to pop behind them and explode them with a nuke.  Every 10s until they are dead.

    I just imagine Vader saying thus, because of the way you wrote it.

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  8. 11 hours ago, Bill Z Bubba said:



    But it will stack with other set bonuses that happen to be 7.5%.

    Thankfully for that.   I swear, with the changes to Fitness, it made it so much easier to get perma dom or damn near.  Or more leadership toggles.   One thing that drove me nuts before shutdown-I just didn't have the will to respec so many characters.

  9. 2 hours ago, Redletter said:

    Does LotG abide by the rule of 5 though? Like, do you NOT get the extra global cooldown from a 6th gamblers?

    No you do not.  5 is it.

  10. On 1/2/2022 at 1:18 PM, Lazarillo said:

    For some reason this reminds me of when Dual Blades first came out, and people kept asking for the "main gauche" option to be usable in both hands, and BaBs pitched an absolute fit on the forums because "NO! MAIN GAUCHE MEANS LEFT HAND YOU CAN'T PUT IT ON THE RIGHT!", and after a couple weeks of people asking repeatedly, the "main droite" appeared as an option to be put on characters' right hands.

    For which I am grateful.  Again some of us are left hand dominant when it comes to weapons.   Yet I write with my right hand.  I'm weird,basically.

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  11. 41 minutes ago, Redletter said:

    Debris Vomit is my favorite AT.


    And that lefty thing is because weebs read right to left, so naturally, they have to hold their swords wrong as well.

    Or because some people hold a weapon in their left hand.

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  12. 54 minutes ago, Six-Six said:

    speaking of Ninjas, am I the only one secretly wishing there was an alternative animation for caltrops where you spit it from your mouth?

    Also, anyone else notice that Katana in all ATs is held by lefties? 

    As a lefty this makes me happy.

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