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  1. The ability to send your excess incarnate threads/shards or components to an alt or a new storage unit for your base to hold them. The ability to use your numpad keys in a popmenu. If I think of anything else, I will add them.
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  2. New power sets? New customizaions? Oh now I know that the extended maintenance window when this goes live is going to be so worth the wait. And when you add the things I didn't mention...look out.
  3. I have been attempting to create a popmenu that uses the numpad to activate the various options. I have attached one of the ones I made. Right now, I can make the menu show with my numpad, but the options have to be activated with the keyboard. I tried &numpad1 but that made the option activate with the N key. Has anyone found a way to use the numpad for your popmenu options? Flight.mnu
  4. Ladies and gentlemen! Allow me to introduce to you...PetSummons Pop-Menu v3! Building upon v2, I have added the popmenu that I made that summons all of the class pets. The class pets menus all use the PowerReady flag. I had wanted to do what was done for the Lore pet summons, but I never got it to work. Maybe version 4? PetSummons.mnu
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