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Everything posted by Shirai-Ryu

  1. Mob Specialist Badge (Gladiator) description says 100 defeats while counter requires 200 defeats.
  2. Ya I saw that thread, but very few from Excelsior, so thought I'd make a local version here, the Google Doc is nice though!
  3. Name of SG: [glow=purple,2,300]MDK[/glow] SG Passcode: MDK-1263 Base Description: Tech, with a focus on ease of use with some neat decorations.
  4. I like base designing & take inspiration from others, so for those who want to open up their bases to the public for touring. In order to generate a passcode use: Use this format in replies: Name of SG: SG Passcode: Base Description:
  5. As most of my friends from the old Liberty server play on Excelsior, I would like to get some sort of PvP going there. I have started a Super Group [glow=Green,2,300]Warburg[/glow] with this in mind, if you are a PvPer on Excelsior, send me a message for SG invite, coalition, or just Global friends to drum up some PvP action! Reply below with your SG Info if your starting/recruiting for your own PvP SG on Excelsior! SG Name: [glow=Green,2,300]Warburg[/glow] Leader/Officers: @Shirai-Ryu Requirements: A desire to PvP! I personally prefer zone PvP, but arena is fine also.
  6. Name of SG: [glow=purple,2,300]MDK[/glow] SG Officers: @difoj, @Shirai-Ryu, @Kallor, & @Spectral Eye SG Outline: Teaming, friendship, badges, TF, Trials, & all sorts of fun!!! We have a few members already with daily activity, but looking for more. A very strong coalition with lots of teaming opportunities, great functional base, & discord server. New players, old vets, any level, any alignment welcome! Send tell to @Shirai-Ryu or another officer!
  7. I was wondering if anyone had a good mission list for Ouroboros that is updated. I was able to locate this very outdated guide, which is somewhat of use, however, a couple of the arcs are no longer available & the '35-39: Revenant Hero Project' is REALLY long & lots of travel. But at least its a starting point. Many arcs in Ouroborous are not eligible for the Ouroboros badges which is frustrating. LINK
  8. Gelly - good to see ya old friend! Kallor - Let's go wolf hunting ;) Faith - Today? Hazy - You rat didn't tell me about this! Big Benno - Good to see ya here too bud!
  9. Shirai-Ryu checking in!
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