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Posts posted by Noob1

  1. Go for typed defenses instead of positional ones.  You can cap every type except psi and get psi to the low 30s - enough for capping it with a purple.


    You will have to slot three melee attacks to cap the S/L def, though.  Brawl, boxing, and one of the APP attacks.  If "wasted" slots drive you nuts, you can try going for pure ranged defense, I think it would be possible since my build has 42% melee that I wasn't actually trying for.


    What an interesting idea! I don't know if I will implement it, but I for sure am gonna play around with it in mids.


  2. As a sentinel you can up in the air with hover, or out in the distance, so you can focus on AoE/Ranged defenses and ignore Melee. The magic number is either 45% or 33% with small purples.


    If you're working with AoE, Range and Melee you can ignore the defenses to smash, defenses to energy, etc, since those three will cover all the others.


    I dont have hover at the moment just fly. I already figured out the fly up in the air so things can punch you tactic, out of necessity :) I am respecing and will add Hover at your suggestion. It makes a lot of sense. Thank you!

  3. I used 3 4 sets of thunderstrike in my build plan that gives me my ranged defense. (set of 6 which I used gives me +ranged defense twice within the same set) The side effect is that from those sets i get some good Neg/Eng defense also.


    Hmmm maybe i can take out one of the thunderstrike sets and put in something against melee damage instead.

    I am currently trying to rework the build a bit at the moment anyway. So I can see what I can do with the Enchancement sets....


    I need to look at the purples, since I haven't used purp sets since I came back to COH and cant recall which ones give + Melee.  I assume it is horribly expensive :)





    Bio Armor is a resist set, but I was trying to get my Defense values up also.

    I am currently leveling a Beam Rifle/Bio Armor Sentinel. I am at


    42% ranged defense

    22.5% Melee defense

    20% smash and Lethal

    58.7 Energy and negative

    40% fire and cold

    20% AOE


    What I have no way of knowing is that for sentinel are these values considered ok?

    What values need to be higher/What can I reach theoretically and how?


    Any advise is appreciated.




    Damage comes in with one or more types (Fire/Cold/Smash/whatever) and along one of three vectors (Ranged, Melee, AOE).  Basically EVERY attack has a component from each category.  Thus a pistol is a Lethal Damage Type applied on a Ranged Vector.  A Rikti Energy Sword is Lethal AND Energy, Melee Vector.


    This matters because it checks the BEST defense to every keyword on the incoming attack.  So you can basically try to raise your vector defenses (also called positional) or your typed defenses.  All things being equal (and they never are) positional defenses ARE BETTER - since there are less of them, and once your covered, you have no holes. 


    Further, a Sentinel, being a pure ranged attacker, can often build for just Ranged and AOE Defense - and use some form of flight to avoid most melee.


    You, being Bioarmor, dont get that option - at least not as much.  Bioarmor already slants to TYPED Defense out of its powers.  Now, we can ignore that and go for ranged and AOE - but thats going to be overly costly, IMHO, and Psionic and Toxic Damage arent all that common (also, you are Bioarmor.  You heal fast).


    So, we probably want to focus our IOs on Typed Defenses.  How much?


    The common targets for defense are 45% (basically everything hits you 1/10th as much as they would otherwise), or 32.5% (Because thats still pretty durn good, and a small purple will make it 45%).  Now, its not utterly wasteful to go over 45%, because debuffs are A THING - but Id not spend much resources on it unless your a Defense Tank.  A Bio Sentinel is neither pure defense focused, nor a tank.


    (theres essentially ANOTHER softcap up in the 50s, because certain special high-end content has special to hit bonuses.  Dont worry about that, you wont get to Incarnate Softcap, and you dont want to wreck your character trying).


    So your sitting at 58.7% Energy/Negative.  Im really curious how you got that.  Thats crazy nuts high.  Thats 'are you sure you dont mean Resistance' high.  Thats plenty and lots and more than youll ever need.  Id really look at your Smashing/Lethal Defense.. try to get that to 32.5, if not 45 (45 will be painful).


    Fire and Cold are also worth attention, but if your already at 40% DEF vs Fire and Cold, you likely wont feel a need to chase the last 5%.  'Pure' Cold attacks are very rare, and 'Pure' fire ranged attacks arent that common either unless your fighting a lot of CoT Fire Demons.  But Smashing/Lethal are every gun in the game, almost.

  4. Not all builds need to be at 45% (and depending on the secondary, it may not even be feasible to get there), but even capped resists (75% mitigation) are way worse than 45% defense and no resists (90% mitigation). Resist sets can still aim for a decent level of defense - 32.5% is a common target, so that one small purple puts you at the cap. When farming, you should be getting enough insps to have one purple up basically all the time.


    I am currently leveling a Bio Armor and in my build plan Smashing lethal defense is at 22.5 and Melee is also at 22.5, I am worried Energy Beam/Bio Armor Sentinel might not be what I am looking for in the end...


    What Sentinel primary/secondary combos are the hardiest with reasonable investments into Enhancements?

    Just curious what do you run as a Sentinel?

  5. Hi,

    Bio Armor is a resist set, but I was trying to get my Defense values up also.

    I am currently leveling a Beam Rifle/Bio Armor Sentinel. I am at


    42% ranged defense

    22.5% Melee defense

    20% smash and Lethal

    58.7 Energy and negative

    40% fire and cold

    20% AOE


    What I have no way of knowing is that for sentinel are these values considered ok?

    What values need to be higher/What can I reach theoretically and how?


    Any advise is appreciated.





  6. (If someone wants to this might be a good addition to Getting Started as a third post. If this needs cleaning up feel free.)


    If you are new to game or have forgotten things after ohhhhh SEVEN YEARS!, this short and sweet post will show you how to find information about in game things, like missions, powersets, Badges, Merit system, and character creation, where to post questions to name a few things.


    #1 The first thing that helps is to know the link to the wiki

    The wiki: https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page

    So MUCH information. Use the search box in the upper-left corner of the page.

    For eample type in powerset and click search.

    It brings up links to descriptions of  all the different powers in the game. (Some of the latest things may not have been added.) Also you can search for names of contacts in the game, story arcs, Badges you can earn, and Merits. Merits can be earned by doing special activities and can be traded in for really good Enhancements which you can slot into your powers to improve them.


    #2 The is the COH forums: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/index.php

    There are different topic areas and you can post questions and people will repost replys works like old message boards.

    You can probably even find builds posted and people talking about em.


    #3 Pines character designer

    It lets you plan out your build all the way to lvl 50 if you want

    this is a link to an article on the forum that was pinned to the discord channel it should be up to date


    Here is a video on really how to use it. video is from before COH came back online but 90% this should be more than good enough to get you using the tool.


    #4 City of Heroes: Homecoming Discord. It has channels for




    #builds-and-archtypes (though you might want to look for builds in the forums first)


    Welll and lots of other good stuff…

    Happy heroing!


  7. Blaster Squish, is the whole reason I made my first character a sentinel Energy rifle/Bio is pretty fun. I felt the damage more lacking than i though it would the Misc change for having your lancer attack spread disintegrate should help a lot.


    As a blaster, I'm not a fan of the idea of this Snipe change. That's way too much power in one power. Especially with Recharge Rate Reduction in that set.

    I'm just gonna end up going Snipe>Fireball>Blaze>Fireball>Snipe>Fireball>Blaze>Fireball>Snipe, etc...


    I like the idea of having to save the Snipe for tactical purposes better. Picking out which minion in the crowd is the one most deserving to die before anyone else knows I'm there (and it's *always* the Sapper).


    I worry now that this change is just going to let Blasters steamroll over everything, especially with the tweaks that seem to have been done to Endurance so I never have to stop already.


    All I'm reading is that Blasters might be a little less worse than melee ATs, who were gods among ants for years back on Live.


    Both Cryptic and Paragon literally reduced the game's death penalty more than once because of Blasters, and blasters were the only AT with that kind of problem.  I don't think we're anywhere near them getting out of hand.

  8. Many thanks for the build! I have just returned to COH 2 days ago. I always liked blasters but wished I could get them more survivable, and then I learned of the new Sentinel class!


    Character is a cowboy from the future

    I went Energy Rifle/Bio armor (something messed up his DNA a bit in space ala fantastic 4 :) )


    I can easily use your suggestion as a super starting point.

    The sets that you use in the build, what did they cost you overall? Or should they cost overall?

    I was never an expert player even in the old days, so I don't remember much of the sets you can slot or their costs


    Can you offer me suggestion on perhaps what to slot on Bio Armor till I accumulate enough inf. Standard equip of cheaply available sets?


    Many Thanks,




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