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Everything posted by svmcgarry

  1. Hi, i'm trying to create a macro that will allow me to select a teammate, cast power on them then next push selects the next teammate and casts. So far I've tried this, but it's not working, only seems to cast on first teammate. I believe the end of this gets truncated as well, so I am willing to use 2 macro's if necessary. /macro EM1 "unselect$$team_select 1$$powexec_name enforced morale"$$"unselect$$team_select 2$$powexec_name enforced morale"$$"unselect$$team_select 3$$powexec_name enforced morale"$$"unselect$$team_select 4$$powexec_name enforced morale"$$"unselect$$team_select 5$$powexec_name enforced morale"$$"unselect$$team_select 6$$powexec_name enforced morale"$$"unselect$$team_select 7$$powexec_name enforced morale"$$"unselect$$team_select 8$$powexec_name enforced morale"
  2. In the past week, we've started to see cases when logging in and searching for names of friends that are known to be in game we're not finding them. We'll have to meet up with them in game and invite to team when they are directly in front of us. 2 of us have seen this on 2 unique pc's, the others have not seen on their accounts or pc's. Any ideas?
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