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Everything posted by scottybev80

  1. The main goal at the moment is just to say, after all these years, that I have finally got a character to 50. I haven't really researched what lvl 50 content is, but it would be good to experience it. I'll reach that goal one day 🙂
  2. I pretty much gave up. Reunion is just too quiet when I play to be able to find groups to level with. Maybe I'll try again on another server sometime. However, I'm not that fussed! If anything this has made me realise that my love of this game is thinking up new heroes, putting the costumes together, tweaking the powers so they look just right. I just love this game so much!! 😭
  3. I'm pretty agog at myself to be honest. I seem to get them into their 30's and then can't find a group, get a bit bored waiting around, and then create a new alt.
  4. Ok. I’ve played this game since day 1, and then since Homecoming started, and to my shame (and my chronic altitis) I have NEVER got a character to level 50. I know!! But enough is enough. It is time I got at least one to that magic number! I’ve created a Street Justice/Willpower brute for the task, as this should be something I can occasionally solo with when I can’t find a team to join. She’s currently sitting pretty at lvl 11 after a DFB run. Planning on a few more, then some DIB to get up to 22 and kit out with IO’s. I guess then run TF’s and join radio/PI groups etc and power on through until 50 (soloing when I can’t find a team). I AM GONNA DO IT!!! I’m on Reunion and she’s called Infinity Captain so feel free to say hi or cheer me on if you seen me running around. Also, if anyone as any tips on how they level to 50 (if a different plan from the above) I am ALL ears!! **EDIT** And yes I am using the 2X XP Booster from P2W. She's at 28 now but already I'm getting itchy feet to make a new alt. Sigh.
  5. What's the scoop? Have been through the forum and can't really find anything about a bio/dark tank build. Is there a reason no one talks about it? Would it be terrible? How would it be built? I'm going to start one as I like the idea of this combo.
  6. Anyone seeing this issue? It was launching fine the other day. Haven't made any changes to anything. Have re-scanned and all fine. I click the tick and what you see in the screenshot appears, and the game doesn't launch. Am a bit stumped. My Mac screen occasionally flickers... but nothing else.
  7. Back up now it seems! Hoorah!
  8. Server Status shows Reunion as down, but can't find any reason as to why.
  9. I made my first Sent last night (Water/Regen) and have to say I'm having the most fun levelling I've had in ages! To be able to keep groups off their feet, take them out pretty quick, and be able to survive a barrage of hits is just brilliant. If feels like so many new build possibilities have opened up. I can't speak for the post-50 gaming experience, but from a levelling point of view.... FUN!!
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