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About RazorDaemon

  • Birthday November 29
  1. We do have a couple, there is a Nemes, the Pharoh's headdress. The toga and plain cloth kilt can be used and are decently accurate, as well as some metal armbands.
  2. I could tell, and I understand it may be a massive pain to do something like get in there and separate the chest/shoulders/back etc. I figured it'd be similar to how Jackets or Unique Tops toga limit many other options, though I understand it would be more limiting than even the Toga, if you don't like the limitations then it'd be the same as our current options, otherwise it'd just mean any character could have a VEAT costume if they'd like.
  3. Then maybe things like sacrificing a standard costume slot is the wrong approach. Maybe, IMO, feel free to disagree, VEAT specific costume pieces can be made for any/all? I mean currently we can put the Wolf and Crab Spider as well as Widow Helm on any character. I don't think it's a big deal if they were to add the other costume pieces for all as well. Whatever would be the easiest way to do it, be it a new Chest category with limitations, or add it to Unique tops, I would be happy if I could choose the VEAT Wolf Armor for every costume slot on my Arachnos Soldier even if it means anyone can have it. After all, at this point I can make an Arachnos Soldier and make him into a Hero. So does it really matter is someone makes a lvl 1 Hero with an Arachnos Soldier defector backstory, implication, or wearing a trophy?
  4. I don't pretend to know what's involved, and I absolutely acknowledge how complicated it might be. Asking the custom Widow and Soldier specific costume parts to be added as available to everyone is a big jump, and diminishes the specific pieces to the Widows and Soldiers that we wouldn't want to do. If an Arachnos Soldier or Widow has to sacrifice a costume slot with limitations of Class-Specific costume pieces/options I think would be acceptable, maybe 2-3 being Widow/Soldier specific and the rest are just as they are now.
  5. I also have no idea of how difficult it may or may not be, but I very much want and would appreciate the Widow and Soldier exclusive costumes being available in more slots (obviously still exclusive to Widows and Soldiers).
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