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Everything posted by Psylenz0511

  1. Siphon power is a great single target pull, with benefits. Siphon power is good for -20% damage on foes. Siphon power is good because even the mighty fulcrum shift has an accuracy check. Siphon power doesn't need a lot of slots. For my kinetics, it's a keeper.
  2. quote for quote: I don't use combat teleport. I use regular teleport which NOT ALWAYS but some times gives you moments of invulnerability after the TP, to fire of EM Pulse or have choking take effect. I cannot imagine not having EM Pulse in my stable of many robust radiation emission abilities for the burst -regen numbers on hard targets.
  3. My 'tough' forcefield defenders usually take maneuvers and scorpion shield. I am leveling up a FF/nrg blast (a concept build) that tends to pug a lot Since I don't have an infatuation with all the kb attacks of energy blast, I am thinking about picking up fighting, too! I don't recall the exact figure but dispersion bubble was reduced in radius not too long ago. I too get in REAL close melee range with my Marine affinity characters (and Electric Affinity, too, but that's another story) so I can bring the barrier reef pet to bear on the melee folks.
  4. I just checked City of Data: Steamy Mist and Shadow Fall both have area of effect with radii of 40'
  5. Fluffy usually closes to short range against active foes so CHILL OF THE NIGHT affects and helps the melee, also the radius on Shadow Fall always seemed MUCh much larger than steamy *shrug* so many tools on a dark. Blackest night on the toughest bosses also does great things for the melee allies. *shrugs* my dark defenders also back out for maximum shadow fall applications.
  6. even more reason to take it for the debuff
  7. My word of tactical advice: with a sweet power like barrier reef, don't be farther from the action than the distance I call Kinetic range. If a kinetic can heal you off of the tanks melee target, that's what I call kinetic range. You won't take very much melee dmg and relatively slight occasions of the foe's targeted AoE and PbAoE damage on the tank. My time defenders, (Time's juncture) Forcefield Defenders, (Dispersion bubble defense) Radiation Emission Defenders [right on the tank] (choking cloud) Sonic defenders (dispersion bubble) Electric Affinity [right on the tank] (Faraday cage) Traps defender (forcefield generator) Trick Arrow (part-time when EMP arrow is activated) Nature affinity (Life-giving spores) Cold Dominat8ion (Arctic fog) Storm Summoning (Steamy mist, among many others) -- all should be in kinetic range in my overstated, arrogant, and self-appreciative opinion to benefit yourself and the melee fighters as well. [Stranger Danger! A radiation emission user can easily strip off foes from the melee aggro teammate when they try to herd two or 4 groups into one.] Empathy and Dark defenders can go wherever they want 😛 Tell the gutless squishies to suck it up and stay in YOUR PbAoE buff range/sphere above or behind you!
  8. As @Psyonico said, frenzies are GOOD, knock down aoe style is as good as a brief hold. If they can't 'stand' in the tide pool, they can't attack you or allies.
  9. Would you like a levelling build or an incarnate build for level 50+ content?
  10. Do players not put shifting tides on allies?
  11. I get spoiled by playing on teams and doing mostly TFs and group content. When the everlasting defenders team up, the soft defense cap is almost a joke to attain.
  12. +1 on electric/electric dominators
  13. Sad to say, most farmer's are melee dmg output characters and don't really NEED a defender for support. That said I would choose a Rad/* or a Trick Arrow defender for big AOE debuffs including -regen, and -dmg.
  14. I have been alting on some Radiation defenders on Everlasting. I know they said they shorted RI animation and I didn't say don't use it I said apply it second. I still feel rooted or stuck casting RI where I using only my experience not a stopwatch, EF seems quicker still. Perhaps there is still the exact same time for effective activation of the abilities. Casting on a lieutenant or a pesky less mobile (not a teleporter or a Freak that flies all over the map) minion is a good tactic. The boss usually dies first. EDIT: btw. if I tp next to a boss or lieut to anchor, the safest place is next to an anchor or completely out of range (which I don't do). EF doesn't miss. There is not a minimum effective 5% where it doen't work. So it debuffs incoming dmg making a one-shot or max damage first strike from a boss or lieutenant less likely. If you TP next to a boss, hit RI, there is always a 5% chance you WILL eat an alpha strike.
  15. I am dead serious, defenders chose an epic power pool that isn't black scorpion for the scorpion shield?
  16. I have played a variety of Electric Affinity defenders. I really like my first EA who has water blast. I think it pairs well with whirlpool, steam spray, and geyser which are all nice AoEs. I played sonic blast on one to 50, but sonic blast has a number of cones that require more jumping back and forth in and possibly out of the Faraday Cage. It works but I wouldn't call it perfect pairing. Electric is the most obvious pairing with the extra drains. Short Circuit, Ball lightning, and the electric ranged aoe nuke all play nice with being in the cage, supporting the point of attack. My most recent Corruptor is Radiation/EA and it's amazing how well the rad blasts work with the cage. I only skipped the cone in the primary blasts (corruptor style). Irradiate, neutorn bomb, and atomic blast are great. The most clicky defender I have played is a kinetic / electric. That one with the self boosts from siphon speed and such can actually hit what I call the animation cap. Your recharge is so quick, you seem to wait more for the powers to recharge when you are perking at high recharge cycles. I have a love hate relationship with beam rifle. Love it on the team I amn in but it drives me crazy to play it. I haven't alted that far yet but I am sure that EA/ice would be very handy with the holds and the rains to keep the foes bouncing or held.
  17. I agree with doomguide and I also suggest putting the Lockdown proc for mag hold increase. You will notice the difference.
  18. ^ ^ I believe knockdown is an underrated source of foe deterrence.
  19. Yes, please do NOT forget that the stun and slow of Howling Twilight are autohit B-) as well as that groovy rez aspect some folks use it for.
  20. Better as defenders: Cold Storm Forcefields Sonic (don't laugh, that hula hoop of doom is DEADLY defender sized on a teammate) Traps Trick Arrow Empathy Thermal (I am a bit ambivalent on this one) Poison if you are a team player Kinetics if you are a team player Electric Affinity Nature Affinity Radiation Emission In the right hands of a Corruptor - better off: Dark Kinetics Poison Trick Arrow if you tend to solo more What people forget about Kinetics is that all siphon powers: transfusion, transference, siphon power, siphon speed, and fulcrum shift are double edged weapons. Transfusion has -regen that is NOT enhanceable but performs better on a defender, Siphon power has +dmg for teammates but also -dmg on targets (this subtlety of -dmg is lost on the masses) siphon speed has a GLORIOUS irresistible secondary effect of -speed. (It can miss but AVs and hard targets in general do not resist). If you're a sapper, transference makes sapping easier for defenders. For all the lovely stack +dmg [hello damage cap 🙂 ] it also REDUCES DMG on all affected targets. On typical regular in-game content less than level 50, the nuance of a defender debuff compared to a corruptor debuff may be trivial, but in hard content this additional -dmg can be a lifesaver.
  21. I went on too long, but I hope I enlightened you to better tactics. Strategy is still up to you 😉
  22. As an experience player in the long long ago. I can offer a few tips: 1. Do not wade into groups running choking cloud. It's best applied using TP, not combat TP, because you get a few moments of invulnerability to lay down the smack, like EMP Pulse or Atomic Blast or both, even better. 2. Choking cloud needs slotting: endurance is obvious but the +chance hold proc from [my mind went blank] EDIT: **Lockdown Chance for +2 Mag Hold proc - NOT a set bonus** is also a requirement. frankenslot for sure because most set bonuses are wasted on choking cloud. 3. DO apply the toggle debuffs in the order of enervating field FIRST and then radiation infection. The animation time on radiation infection leaves you in a precarious position. You get reduced foe dmg in an aoe on your target anchor (which is not enhanceable, sorry) right away, as well as reduced resistance of your foes. The groups tend to melt before giving radiation infection a second thought. Also, target lieutenants for anchors as they are crunchier and oftern the team focuses right away on bosses. 4. BE AFRAID OF OVERZEALOUS TAUNTERS! Be very afraid. *Shivers* Taunters have the notice they can taunt every last Freak on the Dreck map. They could in Issue 1, but many still THINK they can. Your toggles: choking cloud, rad infection, enervating field can 'rip' targets off the taunter with ease because of the taunt's aggro cap! Especially if the taunter is running around the room/map inviting new groups into the 'murder zone'. The only thing you care about getting murdered is YOU.\ That should help some.
  23. ITF can be hard with the varying abilities of team members, but I agree with your post,
  24. Hello did someone mention the Everlasting defenders :-O
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