I just sat in queue for like 2hrs and 15mins, and played for almost exactly 2.5hrs, and the game just turned right off, went right back to desktop.
The game runs FLAWLESSLY, which is amazing considering the servers have been a little bit of a mess lately with the huge influx of people (understandably, for sure).
That being said, I think there's no reason why the servers can't be maxed out at 3,000 players instead of 2,000. It'll severely lower the queue times, and in my opinion might be enough to save people from getting discouraged and just not playing because half the game is waiting to get in. A few other players as well as myself from the discord server: "City of Heroes", agree that the servers would be much better off at 3,000 player cap with a little lag, than having 2,000 to 3,000 players sitting around waiting, for hours.