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Posts posted by quixoteprog

  1. I take the term to be more of a statement of how you will deal with any fight and has nothing to do with completing the mission. It is an analogy for the actual steamroller machine. You call it steamrolling because a steamroller is a massive blunt object that has one strategy, one purpose, to flatten anything it runs across and not look back. It lacks all subtlety because it does not need it. This is usually because the group is overpowered for the content, but they don't have to be. It's just that being UNDER powered and trying to steam roll a mission usually results in several wipes and the group disbanding.


    I consider a group to be steamrolling if they blow through a mission without the need for any communication on how to handle a fight. Everyone just runs into every room spamming their attack chain until all mobs are dead. People can talk in chat as much as they like, but it is usually to do with almost anything BUT the fight at hand. THAT is a foregone conclusion.

    • Like 1
  2. I screwed up a couple badge runs my first couple DFBs myself. In my experience it is the fault of the team leader. All he needed to do was take a few seconds at the start of the mission and say, "Does anyone need the badges?" If nobody says yes, you just run through and kill everything. If they do say yes he takes like two minutes and explains it in chat how you get the badges in DFB. I usually mention it once at the start whether I am leading a team or not.

    Most people don't even take the minimal time to do that, they just GO, GO, GO!

    Even if you don't listen at all it won't get you banned. Maybe booted from the team. But not banned. The person telling you this was probably nine. Mentally or chronologically, doesn't matter. Nine.

    • Thanks 2
  3. Illusion/Rad has always been the AV solo killer among controllers. If you plan on playing together, and want thematic pairings, then you could split them up. One Illusion/Time, the other Fire/Rad, or Mind/Rad. The primary benefit being the debuffs available to Rad, especially to regen rate, for killing the AVs.

  4. A lot of the problems could be seriously mitigated, I think, by adding a power that just increased your health, by a fairly large amount. Could be 50% enhanceable up to 100%-150%, whatever amount would be able to give you enough of a cushion to give you the surviveability comparable to invulnerability or willpower. The problem is that increasing health also increases regeneration since it is a percentage of health. So it would have to be very finely tuned.

  5. On 3/24/2020 at 12:26 AM, Vanden said:

    You think Thunderstruck by AC/DC is obscure?

    I would imagine to anyone not alive the last time AC/DC had a single on the charts it could be seen that way.


    (Does a quick internet search to see when that might have been.)


    WTF?!? 2015?!? I dind't even know they were still alive. (people were doing a LOT of drugs in the 70s) The last song I remember hearing from them on the radio was Money Talks. And it being on the radio should give a hint to how long ago it was.

    • Haha 1
  6. Not sure what this analysis proves, though. You realize that CoX is essentially free to play. Even though plenty of people make donations to keep it running they don't have to any many don't. It also WAS a professionally developed game back by a multi-national corporation, just like Champions online, before it was closed down. One would expect that if people could get any kind of a comparable experience without paying for it they would take that instead of the paid option. The fact that so many people don speaks pretty highly for Champions.

    • Like 1
  7. By "anchor" do you mean a hold? Or, rather, hold/stun/sleep/immobilize. If so, then you might go Illusion. It is probably the control set that has the least holds. In place of that it has Phantom Army and deceive, both of which I find cooler than most holds. Fire is also one that his less about holds and more about just straight up damage.


    But, if you don't like using holds you might try something like a blaster, dominator or corrupter, because none of them have to worry about setting up containment for the extra damage.

  8. Out of all the defense sets I have played regen seems to require the most management, as well as situational awareness. I have to constantly watch my health bar and be ready to hit a button if it gets low. That would be fine with me, if it offered some sort of benefit to make up for it. Compare regen to invulnerability which is set-and-forget and you would expect there to be some benefit for all the extra work it requires.


    The only thing I can think of is that it has a self rez, that gives you invulnerability for like 15 seconds (IIRC) and you start with quite a bit of health and not stunned, which is cool. Which could be part of the design. You die a lot, but some back. But you still get penalized for dying. It might be cool, if using your self rez did not penalize you the way going to the hospital or being rezzed from another does.





  9. thanks @Dementedfor the response. not a lot of interest in this among the general population it would seem. What you have is kind of close to mine, +- a couple powers here and there. The main thing I am looking for are set recommendations to fill the slots. My suggestions for you is to put some LotGs in Stealth, Weave and Moment of Glory. And then put one more slot in Tough, and add the +3% def(all) enhancements from Gladiator's Strike and Steadfast Protections.


  10. Also, from a build perspective.


    Flash, I would drop. I took it, but almost never use it, It can be handy in rare situations where I get in trouble, but they are rare. Such oh crap moments also, usually, involve a boss mob of some sort, which Flash will not hold in one shot by itself. There are plenty of things that would be better. EM Pulse for instance, which you have. So, duplication.


    Fire Shield, I would drop this. If you are doing it right PA will be taking all the hits and you will rarely need to mitigate damage to yourself. If you could put this on Phantasm it would be fine, since he usually needs more protection than you. I took Rise of the Phoenix, just because it was handy.


    Group invisibility, I would drop as well. It does offer another slot to mule a LotG. But if you drop this, Flash and Fire Shield. can take, punch, tough and Weave, which does that and offers more defense, I think? You have teleport, so maybe take Teleport Foe? It is handy to pull one mob over, blind him and then beat him down while the rest are running up. Also, TP foe does not require line of sight, so you can do it from around a corner.


    In general, I have found that more damage powers >> defensive powers >> damage resistance powers. You have low health so resisting damage is not as important as avoiding it which is not as important as dealing more damage.



  11. 1 hour ago, Moirior said:

    Well I don't see how to change anything much and still maintain Perma Phantom Army, Basically my PA is down to a 58 second cooldown most of the time, I think they last for 60 secs and my goal was to have at least 2 seconds to resummon them or more. Oh and the phantasm dies all the time, even with PA out. It was mentioned by other people also in the bug report section months ago.

    They screwed up the AI for Phantasm a long time back, and all controller pets as well, IIRC. In spite of having NO MELEE ATTACKS Phantasm will run into melee range after maybe one or two shots and often get smoked. If he doesn't draw agro, which is rare if PA is out, he will get hit by some AoEs or something. Or, just go down 2 seconds after PA disappears.


    This is fine for the Gravity Control pet, Singularity. Even though it has not melee attacks either that thing is almost indestructible and has a repulsion field that will throw mobs that close to melee range around like rag dolls. But Phantasm has nothing but energy blasts knock down for damage mitigation.


    They made changes to MM pets a while back to solve this issue for some of the MM pets that were too anxious to run up and slug stuff instead of standing back and shooting, but did not change the controller pets AI at all as far as I know. That is a fix that really needs to be moved way up the priority list, if you ask me. Which nobody has. It should at LEAST be above adding a new power set. But that's just my opinion.

  12. Having tried invulnerability and Reflexes I figured I would give Regen a try. It has been ok, but not the greatest. It takes a lot more situational awareness and management than I would like, as opposed to Invulnerability being kind of, set it and forget it. I am constantly forced to keep one eye on my health bar and hit one of the heal buttons


    I was looking for some cool builds on the forums but Claws/Regen does not seem to be all that popular, at least not from the searches I have done on the forums. Anyone have a good build I can use as a template?

  13. Have not run many dominators, more a controller guy myself. but something I have wondered is; since permadom is so central to dominator builds I assume you always take Hasten, but then which power to you put on auto-fire? Domination? Or Hasten? Because, in most builds for just about every character I take Hasten, which I place on auto. I am under the impression that you can only have one power set this way.

  14. 3 hours ago, Black Zot said:


    Agreed.  Why does a mission-critical, EXTERNALLY PROVIDED gadget drain my stamina to use?  It's idiotic.

    Why does firing a pistol, beam rifle or assault rifle cost end? I suppose that is just how the game works. On my Bots/FF Mastermind to summon my bots all I seem to do it tap a button on my arm and yet summoning all of them when I log in takes most of my endurance.


    Also, I have done The Lost Cure on a dozen toons and never ran out of end curing lost. Not once.

  15. It seems like the OP is trying to build a concept character that uses a lot of Flurry-like powers where their toon throws a bunch of punches in rapid succession. Hence the Shadow Maul, Flurry and Sands of Mu. SoM is there because it fits the concept. The thing you will need to learn to live with is that the problem with such a "high concept" character design is that it is usually far from the most efficient.


    I think a better request for change would be to ask for more powers designed like flurry. I don't know the code base for the game but my guess is that it would be way, WAY easier to add another power or pool with a bunch of such powers than it would to make changes to how an existing temp power works. THAT is just not very likely to happen.


    Not that such a request for more Flurry like power would be likely to get much attention, since powers like Flurry are not popular because the long animation times commit you for a long time to doing just that attack and can prevent you from saving yourself if you get in trouble, by popping an inspiration or using a self heal. Shadow Maul is pretty well regarded, I think, but that is mostly because it has a lot of other features that make up for the long animation time.



    • Like 3
  16. 1 hour ago, Jolly Ogre said:

    Use flashfire and that will stun the bosses too. then when you jump in you just char the boss to death. be sure to put the lockdown proc in the cloud and bosses will be held too.

    The lockdown proc in CC seems to be well worth it, but for bosses it is really only useful to help keep a boss held once he is under. Flashfire requires a too hit roll, IIRC, and it does not seem to have enough mag to stun a boss in one shot, at least not for very long, and I cannot take the alpha I get back if it doesn't tie them up immediately and long enough for me stack up a couple holds before they can attack even once, otherwise I will be under half health just from the boss's first hit.


    Bonefire, however, will either work or not work 100%. When it works it will fling the boss across the floor and I can usually stack a couple holds on them before they get back to their feet.


    Of course, almost every AV and EBs has HUGE resistance to knockdown/up, as well as some regular bosses like the Lesser Devoured and some of the Werewolf guys. With any of them I just have to eat a couple purple pills to make myself impossible to hit for a bit.

  17. 15 hours ago, Atomic Quin said:

    Just came back COH and first character I rolled up was a recreation of my Fire/Rad from back in the day. Anyone have a good build for modern day?

    I'd be interested in this too. I got the guy to 50 and am pretty satisfied with the power choices, but have no idea what the optimal selection of enhancement sets are. I frankenslotted hotfeet to maximize ac/dam/endred and for Choking cloud did a hybrid of Basilisks Gaze and Lockdown, but other than that he is still vanilla IOs.


    I rarely get a guy decked out in IO sets. I have 6 guys to 50+3 and hardly any of them have sets. Just too much of a hassle to figure out all the bonuses and stuff.



  18. I just don't find Redside all that compelling. Part of that is the problem in finding a group when I need one, because the zones are all so low on player. But the real reason is that the game designers really missed the boat on designing villain content.


    The original game had an awful economy. Mainly, I guess, because the designers just HATED the concept of loot and wanted to not have any economy at all but realized that they had to have one and half assed one with enhancements and influence. Real HEROES would not be concerned with money. They were noble and wanted only to do good and money was for greedy people. Besides, until the invention system came around what would you spend money on anyway? Buying the exact same set of enhancements every five levels?


    Then came CoV. A game expansion full of people who were SUPPOSED to be greedy and obsessed with material wealth and power. Did they develop an economy for them that reflected this? That would allow them to amass wealth, and thus power, and have way to reflect their status? No, they made the economy of CoV a very simple mirror image of CoH with only a slightly different name for the money.


    The rational for implementing such a simple and bland economy in CoH was very thin but you could kind of see it if you squinted hard enough. It was really just a thinly veiled attempt to keep people from grinding and farming, which they did anyway. But in CoV there was absolutely no reason, no justification, for this kind of economy. It was just lazy.


    You may think this is a minor point. But it is not. In any society money=power. And in a "villain" based society, like that of the Rogue Isles, not having money saps much of the motivation from the story lines. In several stories arcs I did playing Red side they actually MENTION money.


    In my opinion they reason why CoV never took off and became the savior of the game that they wanted it to be, was simply because the game designers thought they could treat villains like mirror images of heroes with a different color scheme. The story arcs read very differently, but none of that FEELS real to anyone because all of the underpinnings, all of the foundation on which the game is based is just the same.



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  19. That badge can be notoriously difficult to get. Mainly because noone running DFB wants to take any time and explain things. Players sometimes get a little happy with the AoEs while fighting the boss mob; and as TraumaTrain points out the barrel bombs can kill one. Some times you have one or more players who don't know there is a badge, or how to get it. That happened to me first couple times I ran the mission.


    Best way to get the badge is have everyone stop prior to going into the room. Tell everyone how to get the badge. Then, set off the two bombs right next to the door and heal up before starting the fight. I usually bring it up in the first room, while still fighting the Hellions, by asking in chat, "are we going for badges this run?" and then explaining, or asking for an explanation on how to get them. And it STILL does not stop people from Zergging in.

  20. Not sure how it happens, but it sure is weird when you get a mismatch. I've had several mission where a cave door lead to an office interior mission map, or a warehouse. That being the case I would imagine that the designer of the mission assigns a list of possible mission doors on creation. It could be one, it could be fifty. When the mission gets assigned the game selects one of those from its list. If the designer creates a cave mission map and then accidentally adds a door to an office building to his list, then you will suffer a bit of a "WTF?" moment on entry.



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