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Everything posted by Shadowstar

  1. Nice work. Gives an idea what the power set might look like.
  2. Seems we share a fashion sense then. Maybe we'll get lucky and the devs will implement this. Then my army of magical girls can finally let their inner nerd out!
  3. If you're also a real world magical girl I might have to ask you out.
  4. Rubber? I hardly know her...
  5. Yes... Though I was more hoping to be able to pair glasses with the gunslinger hair ribbon so I can make my cute nerdy magical girls... ☺️
  6. Fair enough. It's up to the devs to decide anyway.
  7. Maybe, but I feel like the core concept is doable. Enough to get a power set from it. It mostly just relies on animations being able to stretch the player model, which we already know is possible. Aside from that, they are essentially just melee attacks with longer range.
  8. Simple enough, it's a Stretch Armstrong themed power set for scrappers, tankers, stalkers, and brutes. The main advantage of this power set is that it has more range than other melee sets. Could also give a bonus to jump/fly speed for a short duration after using a power. Animations would focus on model deforms, stretchy arms and legs. Could even have a defensive set to go along with it that adds defense bonus with stretchy dodges and evades, possibly focusing on a kind of mobility style that uses a shorter range combat teleport mechanic with the player stretching from one position to another and gaining a defense bonus instead of a to-hit bonus.
  9. Glasses/Sunglasses available for both head slots, to better mix and match.
  10. The idea is simple: instead of rest, Sentinel gets Siege Mode, which works the same as rest except that they don't get the vulnerability and can effect others. Obviously, it would not have the rest animation. They are still immobilized, so they can't move, but would function as a kind of turret. The healing and end recovery would be less than rest, but rapid enough to make them pretty strong in that mode. Perhaps their primaries and secondaries could have additional effects that interact with Siege Mode. It could be balanced via recharge rate, heal rate, and recovery rate.
  11. Simply this, all head slot items (like glasses, headbands, mouthpieces, etc) can be available in either slot 1 or 2, instead of different items for each, so that we could use two slot 1 items at the same time, or two slot 2 items. Would enable a bit more costume variety. And I specifically would like to combine the gunslinger hair ribbon with the glasses for one of my characters. 😁
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  12. I figured it probably was, but a cursory search didn't reveal anything. It's the first bug I've ever actually noticed in Homecoming, so I figured it was worth a post.
  13. First time I've noticed this.
  14. Perhaps there could be a different effect for allies, like an accuracy buff.
  15. I had an idea for a few IO sets based on environmental damage, which for most practical purposes would focus on falling damage. The idea with these sets is that they feature a proc which increases the environmental damage (including falling) an enemy target takes for something like 30 seconds or so. The sets: "Let me show you the world". Teleport set. Stick it on teleport other and teleport enemies up into the air, for instance up to the ledge of a building and kick em off. Bonus points if you can knock em into a fire down below. Which leads to a knockback set, "The Defenestrator". Works well when fighting near ledges. A Faultliner's favorite. And perhaps even some cc sets. "Freeze, Scumbag!" Works on most mez powers, keeps the enemy from moving out of the area. Very situational since it'd require you to time it so that the target was in the damage zone of an environmental effect, or move them there first. Not sure how useful this might be, but included for consideration. Perhaps there is more that could be done with this as well, I'm curious to know what others think of these.
  16. I hate to necro a thread, but it's definitely on-topic. I've been integrating Kheldian lore into my own sci-fi universe ever since Homecoming came back, and since we have alternate universes and the ability to travel between them, it really opens up what you can do with your characters. In my universe, the Kheldians died out millennia ago, and infused the last of their energies into a series of artifacts scattered around the local group of galaxies, in order to preserve what was left of them. As the younger races began to explore the stars, they came into contact with these artifacts. One of the first human races to do this was the Koronisians of the Koronis Galaxy, in their alternate universe. Centuries later, a rebellion forced the members of the ruling dynasty and their loyal supporters to flee through an experimental artificial wormhole which left them stranded in Praetoria. From there they eventually gained access to Primal Earth. But since some of these humans had latent Kheldian energy flowing through them (a legacy of the artifacts their ancestors had found), when they crossed universes, it attracted the attention of living Kheldians in Primal Earth (and possibly Praetoria as well). Because of peculiarities having to do with a lineage of humans who for so long have been the masters of Kheldian energy (subconsciously at least), when living Kheldians come into contact with Koronisians, it often results in the Koronisian enslaving the Kheldian, instead of the other way around. Though not always the case, some of the more nefarious members of the Koronisian refugees have discovered this opportunity to gain the enhanced powers of a living Kheldian (much more powerful than the latent energies they already possessed). This has opened the door for some very unconventional Kheldian builds coming from my own universe. I call these Koronisian Kheldians (K-Khelds). Here is one such character, who embodies the idea of "Rules are made to be broken". I'm using him to push just how far I can push the alignment system and mechanics of the game. He is a rogue-aligned Peacebringer in Praetoria. And yes, I am aware of the Shadowstar connection. Since my universe actually predates the release of City of Heroes (and I do mean the original) by a few years, and I had already been using the name Shadowstar, when I created the version of my universe to use in City of Heroes, I decided to connect them to the Kheldians in such a way as to suggest that the Koronisian Shadowstar lineage could in some way be an alternate reality version of the Primal Earth Shadowstar.
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