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  1. Well said.
  2. Actually…that might scratch the itch I’m looking for lol maybe not completely but it’s a start!
  3. I don’t know what triggered you but I hope you’re ok. 🙏🏾 lol the conversation was never that serious lol
  4. I see some are people are responding to “magic”, but I also said sorcery or even a wand powerset. my idea wasn’t in the term, it was what we can do with it which is why I gave specific examples. 😁 Hope this helps.
  5. Magic is a fundamental powerset in the role of heroes and villains and everything in between. While changing the color of darkness, fire and energy powerset has been a band aid for the lack of magic/sorcery, players should have the real deal. i could easily see different variations for different archetypes, like a magical set that mostly focuses on healing, buffs and debuffs..a sorcery set that has magical bolts of energy, spells, transfiguration, creating objects like (properly in gravity). The limit is literally boundless when it comes to magic. I honestly believe that a magic/sorcery or even wand powerset would bring in A LOT of new and old returning players. It can also expand on different stories too for NPCs, TF and trials. Maybe even pvp zones. “Come to this zone to collect items to complete this spell, while also fighting off others who are looking for the same things. Or protect your spell while it’s cooking from other players” I would limit heavy restrictions in the zone as far as io’s and enhancements so it’s a fair shot for anyone who wants to participate.
  6. Also the animations for super strength are very outdated. It should be on par with titans weapons. SS is a great set that can barely be seen while fighting. CoH has fantastic animations for other power sets, I think this one just needs to be update a a bit.
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