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Posts posted by Nullbolt

  1. With the changes to /devices and my relative inexperience when it comes to creating builds, I would very much appreciate it if someone could hook me up with a build to utilize these two sets fully.  Thanks!


    (Also, I am aware there was a beam/dev build posted not long ago, but I would like to see a different perspective. One preferably still utilizing the gun drone, if anything, just to have it and Time Bomb because it seems kinda useful now with the short fuse.)

  2. 1 hour ago, vegetableknife said:

    yaaaassss I love when pvpers come into a thread and start discussing #popcorn

    Right? At least there are PvPers. It was never very good IMO, at least retail, and always felt broken beyond repair in some sense (even more so than other mmos). Most of us are here for PvE anyway, unfortunate that our PvE changes are slowed down by PvP. Honestly, I wouldn't mind it if the 'tacked on' PvP just went away.

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