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Posts posted by JJDrakken

  1. 15 hours ago, Ultimo said:

    So, I'm trying to decide how to make a character, but it's a character with a particular theme.  He's based on the Sorceror from my Warhammer 40k Chaos Marine army.  When I made him in an AE mission, I gave him Staff Fighting and Psychic Blast.  Of course, there's no such combination possible for player archetypes... so I'm kind of stuck on what AT and power sets I should give him.


    My first thought is that he really should have the Staff Fighting set, which limits him to melee archetypes... Scrapper, Brute, Tanker... so I'm not sure it's viable to give him that.  I'd prefer to have it, but if someone has an alternative suggestion, I'm open to considering it.


    Psychic Blast is his "Chaos Sorceror" power, so he needs SOMETHING, though it doesn't necessarily HAVE to be this.  Again, I'm open to suggestions.


    Any thoughts?


    As a 40k fan since it's beginning.


    I think this would fit. All powers fit for Sorcerer/Psycher.  You can have Black Wand staff always out in your hand as well.


    Controller (Mind Control - Darkness Affinity).mbd


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  2. 23 hours ago, Aeroprism said:

    I did a really basic, really neophyte comparison.


    Axe has mostly KD/KU, Mace has disorients and a bit of KB, sword and katana are mostly about lowering target defense.


    Katana is the fastest set of the 4 and does slightly better with AoEs.

    Mace hits HARD and is a bit slow.

    Broadsword is essentially Katana but is slower and hits a bit harder.

    Axe is a mixed bag, tends to be slower than the other three, a bit more damaging than sword but is the only one with a ranged attack.




    BS, BA, WM are all practically same


    Battle Axe got upgrade with Axe Cyclone that sucks people in then does dmg.  They all have "ranged" attack. If you wanna call 7ft a ranged attack.

    BA: Pendulum with a 7x7 attack(ranged & radius).

    BS: Headsplitter with 10x20(arc).

    WM: Shatter, 8x45(arc).


    All the attacks have 7-10ft reach depending on the attack.  Just those have little overall better distance.  Same goes for Katana. Katana is faster, but less dmg then say Broadsword. But do to speed it will make up in DPS over time. But the last 3 will hit far harder on average and can out do Katana, do to needing less hits.


    But at end of the day, your still doing TWO MOST RESISTED DAMAGE TYPES in the game. Smashing/Lethal. So always factor that in.

  3. 18 hours ago, Cognadistor74 said:

    Thank you everyone for clearing things up, for sharing why CoH is different.


    I just came to CoH for the first time ever, for that matter this is the first superhero mmo or game I have ever played ... ever ... since I began playing computer games in the 80's. I knew nothing and still know very very little.... but I did learn an important aspect of CoH and perhaps all superhero games perhaps...


    Healers aren't needed. I came here to Heal as a primary Role/Job. CoH isn't designed to need them from what everyone here has shared and what I've seen of the game so far. I have been playing mmos since 2001, I'm done with dps and tank roles, done with cc, I came here to heal, playing a Healer is what I wanted to do here, not going to happen apparently.


    Thanks for being honest so I didn't waste my time. Cya. Have fun.




    You can still heal just fine.  There is nothing wrong with it.


    What is stated here is that do to how Buffs, Debuffs, Defense soft capping, etc...  It's not required.  Trust me, healers are still wanted.  Especially with a teams that don't have the money, time, or patience to deck out a build of a hero.  Those that stick strictly to SOs or IOs.  There still harder content in the game that a healer can and will be wanted.


    Different star ranks of Taskforces & Strikeforces for example.  Don't let this post detour you from what you want to play.  I would suggest getting to know your community on the server you play and to hang out with folks more.


    Not every set is just pure heals. They all offer buffs and/or debuffs with those heals.  So play & have fun. 🙂

    • Thanks 1
  4. Figured a good way to know who is who and who they are on, lol.  Obviously you don't have to participate, but figured it could give folks ways to seek or not seek folks out. I'll start and feel free to add yours if you want.


    My Global is my Forum name, though I'm sure many of you know that by now.  While I have toons spread out on all servers, this X, so I'll list my toons & what not here.  If I say Retired, just means I've cleared all lvl 50 contacts.  This also doesn't cover all other 50s and toons I have on other servers either. While T4 means I have all incarnate powers at T4 range.



    Name              Lvl.                   Any other additional Info


      1. Shield Spider (Melee Tank Crab)              50+3 Incarnate.  T4. Retired.   Badger: 949(no rush on this)

      2. JJDrakken (Range Bane)                          50+3 Incarnate,  T4. Retired

      3. Hotdog Cart (Merc/Thermal MM)           50+3 Incarnate.  T4. Retired

      4. Hyoketsu Shogun (Ninja/Cold MM)         50+3 Incarnate.  T4. Retired

      5. Soundstone (Earth/Sonic Controller)        50+3 Incarnate.  T4. Retired

      6. Eli Electric( Elec/Rad Armor Sentinel)        50+3 Incarnate.  T4. Retired

      7. Bully Goat (Rad Armor/SS Tanker)             50+3 Incarnate. T4. Retired

      8. Ionized Force( Elec/Energy Blapper)          50+3 Incarnate T4. Retired

      9. Kadrak Flinteye (Axe/Ninjitsu Scrapper)     50+3 Incarnate T4. Retired

    10. Lucha Libre( SJ/WP Scrapper)                    50+3 Incarnate T4. Retired

    11. Toiletbreaker (SS/Regen Brute)                  50+3 Incarnate T4. Retired

    12. Mockingbow (TA/Archery Defender)          50+3 Incarnate T4. Retired

    13. Space Penguin( Squid/Lobster PB)             50+3 Incarnate T4. Retired

    14. Trapmaster Voltas (ELC/Traps Controller)   50+3 Incarnate T4. Retired

    15. Goblin Layer (Invuln/Kin M. Tanker)           50+3 Incarnate T4. Retired

    16. Metal Mage (Siesmic Blast/FF Corrupter)  50+3 Incarnate T4. Retired

    17. Pansexual Pagan (BS/Shield Stalker)          50+3 Incarnate T4. Retired

    18. Ol Doinyo Lengai (FA/IM Tanker)               50+3  Incarnate T4.

    19. Inquisitor Minima (BR/Regen Sentinel)      50

    20. Synthwave Clockwork (SC/RE Controller)   50

    21. Magnetic Mite (GC/SA Dominator)                      50

    22. Vengeance Reaver (TW/DA Brute)                        50

    23. Vinsaell Einn (Beast/Empathy MM)                      50

    24. House Rules (SR/Staff Tanker)                              50

    25. Professor Serotonin (EA/RB Defender)                 50

    26. Kickin Chicken (MA/EA Scrapper)                        50

    27. Darkmire (DB/DM Defender)                              50

    28. Detective Necro (Necro/DM  MM)                      50

    29. Azule Frostbinder (Demons/Cold MM)                50

    30. Rimesnap (IC/SA Dominator)                              50

    31. Evolved Devourer (WB/DM Corrupter)               50

    32, Lavamancer (FB/DM Corrupter)                          50

    33. Night Pouncer (Claws/EA Scrapper)                     50

    34. Sigewulf Isvindor (Storm Blast/Cold Corrupter)   50

    35. Ser Reverence (Invuln/WH Tanker)                      50

    36. Trauma Hound (ELA/EM Tanker)                         50

    37. Halcyon Dream (Illusion/Kin Controller)             50

    38. Syllogistic Elegy (MC/SA Dominator)                  50

    39. Street Beat (Thugs/Sonic MM)                           50+3 Incarnate T4. Retired

    40. Silvered Clockwork (Robots/FF MM)                  50+3 Incarnate T4. Retired

    41. Colton Rayzer (Fortunata)                                 50

    42. Cold Phusion (IA/RM Tanker)                            50

    43. Blackfire Drake DB/FA Sentinel)                        20

    44. Savage Harvest (Plant/SM Dominator)             12

    45. Incendiary Shadow (FM/Invuln Stalker)            10

    46. Doctor Looney  (Psi Blast/Devices Balster)         8

    47. Bobbiecue (FM/ELA Brute)                                6

    48. Hersveit  (AR/TA Corrupter)                              5

    49. Vespa Spider (Arachnos Soldier)                        5

    50. Mud Mage (Earth/SA Dominator)                     5

    51. Assault Lad (AC/TA Controller)                         6

    52. Lizzard of Oz (IB/SR Corrupter)                        6

    53. Jasper Tappingbutts (SJ/EA Stalker)                  5

    54. Greystar Hegemony (Mercs/Time MM)           5

    55. Shifty Shell Shocked (RB/DA Sentinel)              5

    56. Fabius Flamestar (Demons/Thermal MM)        5

    57. Silverback Crow   (SS/WP Brute)                      5


    My Brother's Account(Dude plays like 3-5x a year for about two days, so I use it as a Secondary account sometimes)


    1. Jack O' Radtern (FA/RM Tank)                         50+3 T4 (Farmer)

    2. Halcyon Blues (Illusion/Sonic Dominator.        50

    3. Sir Scruffy (SM/SA Scrapper)                           50

    4. Siberian Eclipse (RoboticsFF MM)                   50 (Technically brothers, but he's not a fan of MMs, so I leveled it)

    • Thumbs Up 1
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  5. It's not them specifically.  It's been a long culmination of shit been flung my way in & out of game from various people. That person was just spark that lit a fuse finally.  I just need a detox break from all of it.  Not just builds, I've had personal attacks against me on every front of stuff. -shrugs-


    Folks are just more angry then anything anymore, I swear.


    Thank to all nice stuff said.  Y'all be well & I'll most likely get back to it down road, I just need some time off.


    • Like 4
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  6. With my 48th Birthday coming up on March 26th, I've decided not to post anymore builds or do anymore requests.  The amount of fucking shit thrown at me in & out of game. As well headache inducing it is.


    Not worth my time at my age & health.  -waves-  You can thank various folks in game & out for shutting this down.  Hope the haters rejoice. This "asset" to a community that honestly is way fucking worse then it was on live.  (Though still better then most MMO communities). I never got this shit chucked on me during live. I had hosts of folks always asking me about builds or CoH stuff.  No more, just plum tired of it all.

    As for rest of you, just not worth my time anymore honestly.  Maybe I'll post builds again, who knows. But I'm just sick & tired of amount of insane shit I receive.  Be in game or here on my "OWN" post.


    So here last builds I had in a folder, I'm out. You may still find me team leading in game, but I won't talk shop anymore(least for now). I don't need more folks shitting on me or whatever, I get enough of it just cuz of my 3 team rules. (1. I'm not a farm, everyone fights, 2. I start when all but two are in, 3. Follow your team lead, we fight as a team).


    Controller (Illusion Control - Traps).mbdSpecified Sentinel (Assault Rifle - Regeneration).mbdSentinel (Electrical Blast - Bio Armor).mbdScrapper (Spines - Ninjitsu).mbd



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  7. 1 hour ago, Celestialstarwolf said:

    Ok, cool. Thanks, wReck.


    Are you saying to try unlock in Mids? It's a sub menu there. If it's in game, you gotta reach 24 and it forces a respec on you to select.

  8. 1 hour ago, Spark Inferno said:

    He was not happy with some of the things. He would like to remove Rise of the pheonix and replace it with Stealth. Also he did not want to remove any of the titan weapon powers except for Taunt. And he wants the fire mastery. Fly is also not that important. Can u try one more time keeping this all in mind please. Thank you very much.

    Flame_Steel_-_Brute_Titan_Weapons_-_Fiery_Aura2.mbd 13.84 kB · 0 downloads


    Then he can build his own build. I gave you something to work with, work with it or rebuild it or tweak it.  If none of that works, I'm not your guy.

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  9. 6 minutes ago, Onlyasandwich said:


    You are correct!


    Essentially neither of these powers interact with hide at all. They gain no crit benefit, and they do not disrupt it.


    Technically, what @JJDrakken mentioned is true - they would still pop the hide proc. However, you are already still hidden anyhow, so there is no benefit from the proc.


    Generally you would want to open with one or the other of LR or SC, then follow up with actual crittable aoes immediately. Even without the ATO proc they will crit, as you are still hidden.


    This is because the Psuedopet is doing the initial damage rather than you. 




    You are NOT Hidden when you smash into something. Cuz you get your coming out of Hide Dmg bonus. Then Proc goes off and you re-hide and then can again do out of hide dmg bonus attack.


    I literally do this all the damn time on Pansexual Pagan. I have actual experience with it.

  10. 12 hours ago, Spark Inferno said:

    I am looking for a build for my friend for a Brute Titan weapon - fiery Aura here is the mids as it stands without anything slotted. Think you can work with this as it is and just fill it in. He wants to try and use it for farming so not sure being without burn would be good and also the experimentation seems useless so see what u can do.


    Flame_Steel_-_Brute_Titan_Weapons_-_Fiery_Aura.mbd 14.77 kB · 2 downloads


    Here try this out.


    Requested Brute (Titan Weapons - Fiery Aura).mbd

  11. 10 hours ago, StriderIV said:

    Curious about this. Doesn’t Shield Charge not break hide? I also thought Shield Charge and Lightning Rod couldn’t crit, but I could be wrong.


    No, do to the triggering of the Proc.  Dmg is dealt first & then proc goes off. I do it all time, with my BS/Shield Stalker.  Shield Charge, then Assassin Strike or my Judgement(which gets stealth hit), etc...


    If anyone doubts me, go test it out yourself.

  12. 1 hour ago, Celestialstarwolf said:

    Hey, JJ, is that Brute Energy/Stone on Pg. 22 still viable? Thanks.


    You mean Page 21....


    For a Granite anything, yes.  Granite builds are pretty much same since early days of Live. Very little was changed for Granite, what little was changed was back on live.

  13. I get what your saying. Your just stuck in a specific train of thought and think it's end all be all.


    I just covered various aspects of protection for them.  That can cover AoE, Melee, Ranged & Typed dmg that also can be found in them. Doesn't matter how frigging high your ranged defense is. An AoE will still hit, less you have enough proper typed or AoE Defense.  Same goes for melee. 


    While I'm a defensive build promo guy.  I also understand all other avenues.  Not everyone going remember to fly out up out of melee reach or if AoE hits someone near em and hits them,  Especially in enclosed areas.  There all things to remember. Not everyone going take Hover.  Some folks want SJ or SS or Teleport for Travel.


    Gotta factor in all possible options.  Not focus on...DO THIS, YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND, BLAH BLAH. I understand far better then most, been at this since Beta Blue till Sunset, Pre-HC, HC Day 1.  I forget so many things in my own life, nothing in this game has ever left my memory.

  14. 1 hour ago, Jack Power said:

    Hey JJ!


    I just dinged 20 with my new mind/psi dominator. I'm just bad with the villain ATs to start with and can't even figure out how to play this guy. Could you please cobble together a build for me? Slotting kinda on the way to 50. After you are 50 I feel you can reslot for maximum purple/ATO/goodness.





    Stalker (Ice Melee - Fiery Aura).mbdDominator (Mind Control - Psionic Assault).mbdDefender (Pain Domination - Seismic Blast).mbd

  15. 2 hours ago, Lusiphur Malache said:

    My current project is a Pain/Earth defender.  First 10 levels went by and I had no clue where I was going with this character, defender, offender, or something in-between.  Next 10 I did a lot of experimenting.  Took powers I knew little about or slotted known powers in a different way.  Found out quite a bit in the 20s.  Don't like Enforced Morale, really liked Shared Pain.  Finally found a direction and formulated a plan in the 30s thankfully, did this toon's first ITF, unlocked Patron pool and now am sitting at level 38 and know where I'm going, I think.


    tl,dr;  When do you normally know where you are going with a toon?  Right from the start (aren't you special)? 20s, 30s, 40s? or wherever you are at 50 is it?  Let me and others know, so I can feel great shame or joy.


    I always do, with maybe some slight tweaking as a I go. But I prep beforehand majority of the time.


    Perhaps this build will help you out?


    Defender (Pain Domination - Seismic Blast).mbd

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  16. 39 minutes ago, Celestialstarwolf said:

    Not sure if you've already done this but I just tried adding Apocalypse to Tri-Cannon but Mid's isn't showing it under Sets. All it's showing is Pet Damage and Universal Damage.


    As I said, last update broke some things. As well fixing other things(Mids), lol.  I hadn't tried testing it in game. My AC guy only lvl 2. But if you where able to, then as I stated, Apoc in Drone & Ice Mistrel in the Nitrogen

  17. 1 hour ago, SoporificRain said:

    Hello again JJ. Controller - Plant Control - Storm Summoning. Focused towards group play/high lvl content.


    1 hour ago, Celestialstarwolf said:

    Hey, JJ. Since I really don't have time to group I'd like to try a solo Controller with Illusion. I've just, for some reason, have it in my head to play Controller. Any ideas? Thanks.



    Controller (Plant Control - Storm Summoning).mbdController (Illusion Control - Sonic Resonance).mbd

  18. 3 hours ago, Celestialstarwolf said:

    Also, Tri-Cannon is showing the same.


    Again, It had Apocalypse, Purple Ranged, not sure if Mid's broke that or it was also changed to not take Ranged Attack sets. If not use: Expedient Reinforcement set.

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