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  1. This is a feverdream, I know that. But it's a very dear feverdream. Let me have my moment. I've always wanted to play a MMO that allowed for remorting (sometimes called reincarnating). What is "Remorting"? Remorting is a mechanic commonly seen in text-based MUDs (the precursors for modern MMOs). When a character hits max level, they can go on to become "immortal" or "divine" or whatever, which is similar to the incarnate system. Basically, they get even more powerful, even if they can't gain any more levels. OR they can remort. This resets their level back to 1, and allows them to pick an additional class. In a traditional fantasy MUD, for example, a level 100 wizard may remort and become a level 1 Wizard/Thief. This process can usually be repeated multiple times, with the only catch being that each remort raises the number of xp needed to gain levels, so each journey to max level takes a little more time. Why should this system be applied to City? Three reasons. 1) It helps alleviate endgame fatigue. The endgame is limited, no new stuff is going to be added- at least not quickly. With this system, if someone get's tired of endgame stuff, they can just remort and try something new, while still keeping a sense of progression. The game becomes more re-playable. 2) This game triggers severe alt-itis in most people. This could help alleviate that. People would be motivated to hit max level because it would let them try something new and progress at the same time. 3) Some character concepts can't be realized within a single AT. How could this system be applied to City? It could be applied pretty directly. A max level character could be remorted, becoming a level 1 character with a second AT/set of primary & secondary powers. The xp needed to level could be increased by some factor (1.25 or something like that). The only tricky part is power selections and enhancement slots. You couldn't just double them without the whole thing becoming too cumbersome. Even a character with just two ATs would have too many buttons. Maybe increase the amount of power selections by some small, flat number each remort, with a proportionate increase to the amount of enhancement slots? Each remort could also unlock a new build slot, allowing a character to have builds that emphasize their different ATs. A separate, dedicated server would need to be set up for this whole thing, so only the people crazy enough to try this stuff would be subjected to it. Obviously, this would shatter all semblance of balance in the game, but by god, it would be glorious.
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