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Posts posted by Strangebird

  1. Je confirme : Vigilance c'est la communauté francophone de CoH (et CoT).

    Et tout le monde est donc évidemment le bienvenu ! (pour vous donner une idée, nous avons récemment dépassé les 225 membres)


    Pour info, nous organisons régulièrement des events avec récompenses (INF, schémas, amélios, etc...).

    Pour toute proposition et/ou question ne pas hésiter :D


    Merci pour le lien d'invitation, j'en profite pour vous passer celui de Vigi : https://discord.gg/v9yumtJ

    Ca permettra de faciliter les rapports de bon voisinage entre Discords :)


    A très vite, sur Discord, et surtout en jeu ! :)

  2. Here is what I could think of : implementing three kind of badges :

    - localisation badges that require to go in a certain spot : a classic kind of badge that will incite people to go more in PvP zones if there are enough badges disseminated in the zone, ideally these badges could only be obtained by doing them in a precise order (first the n°1, second the n°2, and so on...)

    - action badges : like staying put in a delimited cercle for a certain amount of time without dying, that would incite people to build a strategy to stay alive on that spot (the time staying there dead would not count of course)

    - fighting badges : requiring to endure AND inflict a certain amount of damages to and from a player (not a mob so), the amount could vary accordingly to the actual badges for damages for instance


    My two cents :)

  3. As some of you, you might have been in need, at a certain point in your progression, of some kind of file to save your datas like your login and password, a listing of your toons and their progress in game. Meaning, this toon has this name, this AT and powers combination, this supergroupe, this slotting, this incarnate tier, these accolades... But also other datas like : can/not launch Katie Hannon TF, has this background/bio, etc...


    Particularly usefull for the slotting (putting the IOs to +5 lvl, passing the ATOs to purple via enhancement catalysts, putting your HOs in +2/3 lvl), the incarnate tiers (Alpha, Judgement, Interface, etc...) and the 9 accolades of powers (Heros/Villain), this spreadsheet, which is additional to the use of the game and of the CIT, will have as advantages :

    - first to be available either online/offline

    - but also to account on only one page the instant situation of all your toons


    Practical and simple to use, it's the kind of sheet i've created for my personal needs and for my daily use.

    Hoping it can be of use for you too, it is at your disposal through Numbers (on Mac) and Excel (on PC).


    Don't hesitate to modify this sheet up to your needs if you ever feel the need, and to give your feedback i you like this small tool :D


    Again, i'm no tech, but at least i can help with that ^^


    Enjoy guys !


    - http://www.k-upload.fr/afficher-fichier-2019-05-13-1fca11306coxdatapubli.xlsx.html

    - http://www.k-upload.fr/afficher-fichier-2019-05-13-1a4c50844coxdatapubli.numbers.html

  4. Hi there, just wondering, is the avatar system working for the forum ?


    I'm only asking cos i can't put my avatar on my profile, it says a message of error : "The following errors occurred when trying to save your profile : The avatar you have selected is either too large or not an avatar."


    (It's usually possible with : "Profile", "Forum profile", "Upload an avatar", "Choose the folder", "Change profile".)


    The image i'm using is not that big, actually it weighs 14Ko, which is very light... o_Ô


    Just to know, what's the weigh of people using avatar (if there are) ?

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