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  1. That did the trick this time! Many thanks once again!
  2. Unfortunately, mine is not working yet again today. Tried replacing the launcher exe again, and here's what I get in the log: 2021-10-08 15:08:09 launcher: Starting (build wine-x64-final-4520) 2021-10-08 15:08:09 launcher: WINE detected 2021-10-08 15:08:09 launcher: Using basedir z:/Applications/coh/Launcher 2021-10-08 15:08:09 launcher: Previous startup was incomplete. Entering self-repair mode. 2021-10-08 15:08:09 bootstrap: Cached config loaded 2021-10-08 15:08:09 pstate: package hc_bin_live_win32:1.20210821.171731.4471 transitioned from unknown to installed 2021-10-08 15:08:09 pstate: package hc_bin_live_win64:1.20210821.172057.4471 transitioned from unknown to installed 2021-10-08 15:08:09 pstate: package hc_crashhandler_win32:1.20210418.152332.4240 transitioned from unknown to installed 2021-10-08 15:08:09 pstate: package hc_crashhandler_win64:1.20210418.152359.4240 transitioned from unknown to installed 2021-10-08 15:08:09 pstate: package hc_data_live:1.20210821.170656.4470 transitioned from unknown to installed 2021-10-08 15:08:09 bootstrap: Attempting to recover from failure 2021-10-08 15:08:09 bootstrap: Fetching config 2021-10-08 15:08:09 pstate: package i24_piggs:1.0.2400 transitioned from unknown to installed 2021-10-08 15:08:09 jsonobjdl: Trying url https://manifest.cohhc.gg/launcher/v1/bootstrap.json 2021-10-08 15:08:09 pstate: package hc_live:1.20210824.130347,1 transitioned from unknown to installed 2021-10-08 15:08:09 jsonobjdl: Successfully retrieved bootstrap-config bootstrap:0.7.16 2021-10-08 15:08:09 pmgr: Unregistered package launcher:1.4562 2021-10-08 15:08:09 bootstrap: Cached package not found 2021-10-08 15:08:09 bootstrap: Fetching bootstrap package 2021-10-08 15:08:09 jsonobjdl: Trying url https://manifest.cohhc.gg/launcher/v1/package/launcher.json 2021-10-08 15:08:09 jsonobjdl: Successfully retrieved package launcher:1.4562 2021-10-08 15:08:09 bootstrap: Downloaded package 2021-10-08 15:08:09 pmgr: Registered package launcher:1.4562 2021-10-08 15:08:09 pkgverify: Starting full verify of package launcher:1.4562 2021-10-08 15:08:09 pkgverify: Corrupt file: bin/win64/launcher.exe 2021-10-08 15:08:09 pkgverify: Corrupt file: bin/win64/crtcheck.exe 2021-10-08 15:08:09 pkgverify: Corrupt file: assets/launcher/launcher.pigg 2021-10-08 15:08:09 pkgverify: Corrupt file: bin/win32/launcher.exe 2021-10-08 15:08:09 pkgverify: Corrupt file: bin/win64/crthelper.dll 2021-10-08 15:08:09 pkgverify: Corrupt file: bin/win64/launchercli.exe 2021-10-08 15:08:09 pkgverify: Corrupt file: bin/win32/launchercli.exe 2021-10-08 15:08:09 pkgverify: Verify of package launcher:1.4562 failed 2021-10-08 15:08:09 pstate: package launcher:1.4562 transitioned from unknown to incomplete 2021-10-08 15:08:09 bootstrap: Package is not valid 2021-10-08 15:08:09 bootstrap: Installing package 2021-10-08 15:08:09 pkginstall: Beginning install of launcher:1.4562
  3. I hit "cancel" when that happened and was getting ready to edit my permissions when it ran anyway. ˘\_(ツ)_/˘ [edit: and apparently it remembered that the app is "safe" when I launched a second time. So I got that going for me. Which is nice.]
  4. That did the trick! Many thanks.
  5. Here's my launcher.log file launcher.log
  6. I'm likewise apparently freezing up when trying to start Homecoming, or verify homecoming, or download either Prerelease or Beta. I was playing a few hours ago, but now I'm having no luck at all. I'm happy to share any files you wish if it helps you troubleshoot.
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