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  1. Ever since i said i use a controller I keep getting asked how to set it up so i made a video. If you have any questions feel free to ask either here on in the youtube comments.
  2. Yo my name is Mr. Technoid and im about that action, im on everlasting in atlas park. This is a message to those soft bois Aeon Unchained and colonel Justice, i dont care where it is or how many bois you bring if i catch you out on those streets im busting you onsight meet me in atlas park how bout dat?? Aeon can get it Justice can get it and that boi shadow pheonix can get it too. Whats good?? ill see you when i see you, and bring that galaxion boi too he can come get some as well, you cant stagger this swagger.
  3. I use an xbox 360 controller with Antimicro from time to time. There are a few softwares you can use but antimicro in my opinion has the best joystick smoothing. It takes about 15-20 mins to setup but after that you never have to set it up again.
  4. I renamed him Mr Technoid
  5. My characters name is Mr. Terrific and I am a tech based junior hero looking for a mentor. I can play roughly 4-5 days a week around 6pm-10pm CST. You can find my on the discord my name is Guan Yu.
  6. You guys should open a patreon so i can donate monthly automatically.
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