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  1. Ah, thanks for that. I'm not sure what's up, but it seems to happen when I'm teamed with the same player. - Team size 2 - Level of players on the team 10 or 11 - Level of mission owner 10 or 11 - Is mission regular or Flashback Regular - Who crossed the doorway to trigger the cutscene first Finlay, the mission owner. - Difficulty settings used +0 x1
  2. Hello, I am not sure if this is the right place to put this, but it seems like the finale of the Shauna Stockwell arc in Kings Row is broken. Every time I rolled a new character or run the mission through with a lowbie friend, Chernobog never spawns after the cutscene. The cutscene plays, he draws his weapon, and then simply despawns. Every time. Because we can't defeat him because he never shows up, we have to use the "force mission completion" button every time. Can this be looked into, or are we doing something wrong, or what?
  3. Storm/Sonic Defender here. You can actually help out a bit with unnecessary knockback by slotting an enhancement called: Sudden Acceleration: Knockback to Knockdown. I don't think it works well on hurricane since it still repels but you can slot it on your other "knockback" powers. Beforehand I'd gauge the rest of my team and see how many melee guys are there. If there isn't any, I'd just go nuts with everything. I'd hurriherd people in the corners and stand there as the rest of the team would eat them. If there were a few melee guys I'd warn them saying I was a Storm/ defender and stuff might go accidentally flying. Haven't had a complaint yet. It's all about courtesy. If you're truly worried that you'd annoy people with knockback, slot that enhancement on them. It actually makes the knockback magnitude negative, so it just knocks off their feet.
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