I think the travel powers are pretty amazing too! I love the Mighty Leap and Takeoff combination. I wish it felt more like a takeoff with a quicker animation, even if it had no knockback (it is kinda slow). But on-topic, I don't understand the goal of turning a situational power into a toggle (which as a SS/Invuln Brute I already have plenty of toggles, and that is not even considering secondary power pool powers I choose as situational boosts to heal/endurance form Presence, or Willpower).
I personally am a new player, I like the situational powers with drawbacks, because they're meant to be that and are more interesting. As a brute I already benefit from Fury gain, so maybe this is a problem for tanks or scrappers with Super Strength? The 10 second downtime is rather minimal compared to the 2 min duration. And with recharge enhancements, you can re-cast this over and over, if you need to. Inspirations are more than enough to recover end loss, and the dmg reduction is only 10 seconds. I just don't understand the desire to turn something into a passive stat booster (which is boring) just for the sake of a gimmic? This doesn't mirror what the travel powers do. They already introduce meaningful changes to mechanics and game experience. These travel powers just add more to the travel powers, not detract.
I personally don't take leadership because it is all toggles - which is boring and I have enough of them as SS/Invuln - and does not fit my character. I feel like it should be said that these difference in stat boosting bonuses are also more than made up for by other team members and supporting buffs from power pools such as kinetics and time manipulation (I know of these two from experience and I play time manipulation - I like temporal selection).
Just being critical hear, but I think you're taking what is good from the travel powers and applying it in a poor manner. We're talking about changing a situational damage boost that has a very mild drawback of 10 seconds and some endurance loss (which is worth the damage boost) and neutering it into a toggle, then the user has to re-activate this click power from a separate power tray less than every minute - whereas Rage lasts 2 min with 10 sec delay. I don't see how this is better? But again, I am not too experienced and tend to enjoy more casual play (have also yet to reach 50). But again, these differences I feel are made up for by team members. I don't think Rage needs to be min-maxed this way.
I do have a suggestion of my own though. I like the idea of making powers more dynamic. Where travel powers got some extra usable 'click' powers, I think rage would be even better as an EVEN MORE situational power. This would allow us to enhance it more without having to design extra drawbacks or re-work the mechanics. What if rage was usable under certain circumstances? If you are surrounded by a certain group of enemies? Or your health drops below 75%/50%? This ties better thematically with a Rage powerup, and is still interesting. Leadership already does have situational powers from what I've read, such as victory rush. Also, what if Rage had archetype-unique trigger conditions such as scrappers unlocking rage by chance on a crit, brutes when maintaining or reaching a fury limit, and tanks when surrounded by number of aforementioned enemies. I still think there should be some drawback. It makes the flow of combat/gameplay more interesting and less streamlined or steam-rolly. Having a break to 'rest' is not a bad thing. I think the goal of Rage should be to help the hero tip the scales of a fight so that they can take the break, rest, then face the next encounter. And if by means of lack of skill on the heroes end they can't finish the fight or retreat soon enough, there's a consequence because they're not immortal and rage is drawing on a limited pool of emotion and consentration of will.
Another thing to consider as I am writing this is again I am biased, casual player who has not reached or replayed endgame content - but to consider is that the drawback is not so bad compared to others. Invulnerability end-power provides much more benefits in the form of resist damage types, etc, but after 3 min entirely drains you of HP.