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Posts posted by PancakeGnome

  1. 45 minutes ago, lemming said:



    I think Dacy & Easter Bunny have more solid plans for base encouragement:



    Ehhh, I want to make a base that is actually fun to play with.... not just a base that gets a rare tour now and then from people who want to see decorations....

    Base builders holding base contests and featuring each others bases and touring each others bases isn't my idea of what a base is for. 

    I wish bases could be part of a character, an extension of them if the player wants. That has a purpose to other people when playing the game.

    I've leveled up a lot of characters, and SUPER SUPER SUPER rarely have a reason to ever go in someone elses base. Sometimes (very rarely) someone in group will go "come look at my base!!" after everyone else leaves....and since I build bases, I go "sure". But it's extremely rare.

    I also lead teams a lot and assemble task forces a lot. That's why I know if I LFG "Synapse TF forming!" and invited people, it would be easy to go "meet in my base". And usually there is some wait time while assembling everyone to the base..... then would TT to the first mission from there. That would actually get my base used in day to day play besides me running through for 3 seconds to teleport now and then.....

    And in comics, that tends to be what super bases are. A place to group and assess the mission ahead and get information to prepare. Just right now there aren't any game mechanics that make a base convenient. Instead it's FAR less convenient to try and assemble in a base before running missions and things..... so.... no one does it. 

    In all my time playing, again, I've VERY VERY VERY VERY rarely had any reason to go into anyone elses base besides them begging for SOMEONE to at least take a look at the thing they spent many hours on (a feeling every base builder knows lol).


  2. With 1 small changes, superbases could be the new hang out for groups and get daily use for players!!!!!

    1) Allow any task force to be taken in a super base!!! ((Already getting to task forces is simple, solo que teleports you to them)) Why not just let people take them from a base and collect there instead? Letting team leaders show off their bases during casual play? It would really create a more "super hero mission start" feeling to play.

    This would increase traffic to bases a heck of a lot. Instead of all collecting around whatever task force it is.

  3. Base/SG name: The Great Temple

    Passcode: TEMPLE-20520

    Contact: @Frixer

    Key Detail: There is a portal in the tall tower! Takes you to Aabin... and a portal at the great tree on the 3rd floor, takes you to Naabi, Aabins wife.

    Hidden Secret: Temple Mouse has a room at the top of the waterfall behind the bush.


    The Great Temple was once a bustling place of worship to the great diety Aabin and his wife Lady Naabi. But somewhere in time the god went silent and the temple became largely abandoned. Now Aabin calls out once more and draws towards him those who listen....





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  4. The "effect enemies" line is missing for controller / corruptors... so the hold and -regen and other enemy effecting aspects of the power do not work for Controllers / Corruptors. 





    Ooo aa does that mean I get a bug hunter badge? :) 

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