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That Ninja

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Posts posted by That Ninja

  1. I tried searching around for a costume suggestion thread, but I couldn't find one or the search function is acting up, but anyway I wish the other two body types could have access to some of the options the "Female" body type has. While there's plenty of gloves, bracers, and belts I wish were more available outside the "Female" body type option, one thing that seems odd to only keep to one body option are tights chest options like the "short sleeve" tights chest piece that would be really useful for a lot of costume designs. The plain old "t shirt" option really doesn't cut it and having something that resembles tight options for the legs and continues to the neck like the other tights chest option would be stellar to have for all body types.

  2. I don't know if this is a bug or just a costume option that never made it into the game, but I tried to recreate a costume I have on a Huge body type that uses Tanker chest piece with Sleeveless Jacket top for Male body type but the Tanker chest is missing from the drop down menu. I know there's quite a number of costume options not shared between Female body type and the Male and Huge body types, but this is the first time I've found a lack of something between Male and Huge so I think it might be a bug?

  3. Some really neat ideas there. I don't mind if it looks villainous, everything is fair game. From any media, villain or hero, comic or video game or manga or anime or movie, all ideas are welcome. As an aside, is Badger Boy based on The Badger? I was thinking of doing my own send up to him for a costume


  4. Been leveling a new savage melee scrapper and was happy to get the name "Max Savage". I originally intended him to be a sort of fighting game or kung fu character in looks, but the hand slashes are a little too "savage" to seem graceful. I've been trying to since make up all the either earnest or tongue-in-cheek "badass" looks, like Wolverine, Batman, leather jacket types, anything, but haven't found something that could really stick. I forget how much of a "hook" claws are for Wolverine and how making something that invokes his costume seems bare without them.


    Anyone have any tips or ideas? Everything is on the table for this guy.

  5. I like that greek god speedster outfit, been wracking my brain over doing a Hermes based costume, so thanks a bunch.


    I've got a character I've been playing as a main lately that's sort of a dark Captain America. The idea is that this character can be a more militarized american superhero who might buy into the propaganda or who might be a sour type who goes AWOL. He's a Shield/MA tanker, and I've got some costumes that look like black ops night mission look, a more tactical olive green and some gold trim pseudo-military costume, and one that looks like the army wanted to make a knockoff Statesman. Soldier Boy from season 3 of The Boys has been a big inspiration. The concept is pretty broad, so I've got things for golden age propaganda look, to pure military look, to the new movie "tacticool" look most superheroes have now, and so on and so forth.

  6. Since we already have options for lava and crystals for stone power textures, perhaps those metallic textures that we have access to can be used as a fourth customization option. It would be cool to have metal fists, hammer, spikes shooting out of the ground, and armor and it could help make an easier time of people who want to have magnetism powers as a sort of pseudo version of it (the myself I would like to have a character that just covers themselves with gold and smacks people with it).

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  7. Why even come in the thread. Is it really that outrageous when you see a player with no shield and then look into their power profile that they have shield defense that all of reality is crashing down? If we need this level of "realism", why don't we have a cancer and poisoning debuff anytime someone gets too close to someone without the proper hazmat suit options?


    If you need "realism" or it to "make sense" for a shield to be not there, smaller, larger, or angled differently, then why aren't you making a stink over the fact that all those six shot pistol models fire more shots than they can carry for half of the dual pistols attacks? Why do titan weapons get to have Excalibur or shield defense Blue Steel's shield if canonically only Pendragon and Blue Steel are the only ones supposed to have them? Why don't the fire sword models for katana, dual blades, broad sword, and all the rest don't deal fire damage instead of lethal damage or the laser weapons energy damage?


    Holy hell, I can understand being reticent about people suggesting things that aren't feasible with the game engine or developer resources, but when specifically asked from the point of view of the easier options to add to the game that lives and dies by how customizable it is, why be so adamant against anything being added to the game? Sometimes I want my shield guy to have a costume that doesn't have a shield, or a large one, or an angled one, and I don't want to make one version called "Hero" with shield defense and another called "x H E R O x" with invulnerability to protect the delicate sensibilities of someone playing a superhero game.

    • Like 2
  8. Hey there, I have a few ideas for some expanded customization options for shields defense. There's probably a lot of different design ideas people have, but this is just working with what's already there.


    1. Invisible Shield/No Shield Option

    Sometimes its hard to make a shield fit a costume design and sometimes you want to give the impression that a piece of your costume is being used as your shield, like a large gauntlet or robot hand. Since the shield is just a static thing on your character model and isn't thrown around, this option should simple to add, like the no growth bio armor or stone armor options.


    2. Different Sizes of Shields

    It would be nice to have options for larger or smaller shields. For some costumes, it would be ideal to have a small shield like a small buckler or something that looks like an integrated part of the costume and doesn't stand out, while some might like a bigger shield that looks like it covers more, so perhaps adding a large and small resized option for shields would be possible in the future.


    3. Different Shield Rotations

    Much like the size idea, sometimes for aesthetics the current shield positions aren't always ideal. It would be nice to have say a cavalier shield run longways along your character's arm, ending in either the point or the top at your fist or holding the heater shield like characters do in dark souls games or what have you. 

    • Like 1
  9. Hey all, it's been a few years since I last played and was wondering if any of you theorycrafters could help me build a concept I've always wanted to realize.


    I've been thinking of trying to make a character that's a send up to most fighting game cliches. I've been fiddling with Street Justice and Martial Arts, but I don't know how to really build them and I'm still lost with what secondary to go for. Concept-wise, I would want something like SR, Inv, and perhaps Energy Aura, but I've also thought about Willpower but have been hearing some bad things about it lately.


    I also want to keep the power pools in the concept, so for like typical projectile attacks I would limit myself to Energy Power Pool, Soul Mastery, and perhaps Fire Power Pool. I'd also want to try to pick up Super Jump or maybe that new jump from that new force of will pool, but I see al lot of builds these days use arcane flight and runes and stuff which I'm not keen on. I also don't know if Scrapper would be better than a Brute for this.


    I've been scanning other people's builds, but I have to admit that even during live builds have always escaped me and I've always been terrible trying to hodgepodge other builds into each other. So is there a way I can make this concept work with set bonuses that wouldn't hinder other players when playing at high levels?

  10. 57 minutes ago, Lazarillo said:

    When I go back and look at the part of the game Jack was involved in, that being the content in the first 6-7 Issues or so, IIRC, I honestly gotta say, I see some great world-building, some great story elements, just overall a great setting, replete with fascinating ideas and plot threads.

    ...stuffed into some really, really tedious mission design and leaning to, though not entirely all-in for, sort of that dreaded assumption that players who take a casual approach towards online interaction aren't welcome in an MMO.


    And the thing is, being as he lead the whole ship, I don't know precisely which parts of what he was most directly involved in.  So honestly, while I'll snark a little about the guy when doing some of those old i0/i1 Task Forces, I honestly generally appreciate him, and hope he does well.  I don't think CoH could've become what it did without him (even if, admittedly, I find it dubious that it could've become what it did with him, either).



    To be fair, in the original development of City of Heroes pre-release, the game development was lead by both Jack and Rick Dakan, the other co-foudner of Cryptic (he later founded Blue King and published the original comic series). I don't really know what from the base game was Jack Emmert or what was Rick Dakan, but before the beta there was much grander plans for launch than what we got, so it's hard to say if things like tedious mission design was a conscious choice or limitations of really bad engine.

  11. I don't want to be a debbie downer and really applaud the effort MSM and everyone else are putting into their successor games, but has there been one crowd-source MMO that hasn't been a disappointment, even by more experienced developers?

    • Like 1
  12. 11 hours ago, Fortuneteller said:

    Best of luck to Jack. I'm doubtful that anything that he'll do will save that game from micro-transaction hell though.

    It's less him saving DCUO and more hope for whatever new game they make. I always liked Jack's ideas of where CoH should be heading in the early days, but tech and time never really aligned with it, so hopefully now there's a chance something might come from it. Champions also the the potential of being good and things like the nemesis system was a great idea executed poorly, but trying to develop a game while your publisher is imploding and being passed around doesn't make the most productive work environment.


    If they are working on a new superhero mmo, and are able to take the lessons other games tried (either succeeded or failed), and are hopefully given the proper time and resources by Daybreak, I would be really excited for the future of the superhero game genre.

  13. In a weird turn of events, Daybreak, the current owners of what used to be SOE and their games, have divvied up their studios into their own companies under them, so now the EQ, DCUO, H1Z1, and Planetside developers are their own companies. During this announcement, the new company that composes the DCUO devs, called Dimensional Ink Games, released a statement about where they are headed, penned by none other than Jack Emmert, who is now the lead developer at the company and had some interesting things to say, most of all this.


    What about our new game? Well, I can’t say much right now, other than it’s a next gen MMORPG. It’s an action MMORPG, so no old fashioned click “A” and pray. And we’re hiring like crazy! We totally need YOU to make this game! Check out our openings and apply now!



    and the new company website really lays on their comic roots too https://www.dimensionalink.com/about


    and with the rumors that this studio were working on a Marvel MMO that got shuttered, there might be tech already for a new Superhero MMO. I have no love for Daybreak as a company, but the fact that a non-crowdfunded superhero mmo might be in the cards might make enough waves to get general interest back into the genre and if by a longshot the game itself is good that would be cool too.

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