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That Ninja

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  1. I always wanted the Female "short sleeved tights" chest piece for the other models for some time. There's also weird stuff like you can have the Tanker chest option with a sleeveless jacket with the Huge and Female body models but not for the Male models for some reason.
  2. Don't mean to necro post, but this is a really neat build I've been using. I have one question though, at level 41, did you mean "evasive maneuvers" flight power? Afterburner is already unlocked for the fly power.
  3. Yeah, the lack of blending into masks or matching with tights options for pants. The regular "t-shirt" has its own texture and neckline that doesn't afford it matching things like tights.
  4. I tried searching around for a costume suggestion thread, but I couldn't find one or the search function is acting up, but anyway I wish the other two body types could have access to some of the options the "Female" body type has. While there's plenty of gloves, bracers, and belts I wish were more available outside the "Female" body type option, one thing that seems odd to only keep to one body option are tights chest options like the "short sleeve" tights chest piece that would be really useful for a lot of costume designs. The plain old "t shirt" option really doesn't cut it and having something that resembles tight options for the legs and continues to the neck like the other tights chest option would be stellar to have for all body types.
  5. I don't know if this is a bug or just a costume option that never made it into the game, but I tried to recreate a costume I have on a Huge body type that uses Tanker chest piece with Sleeveless Jacket top for Male body type but the Tanker chest is missing from the drop down menu. I know there's quite a number of costume options not shared between Female body type and the Male and Huge body types, but this is the first time I've found a lack of something between Male and Huge so I think it might be a bug?
  6. Some really neat ideas there. I don't mind if it looks villainous, everything is fair game. From any media, villain or hero, comic or video game or manga or anime or movie, all ideas are welcome. As an aside, is Badger Boy based on The Badger? I was thinking of doing my own send up to him for a costume
  7. Been leveling a new savage melee scrapper and was happy to get the name "Max Savage". I originally intended him to be a sort of fighting game or kung fu character in looks, but the hand slashes are a little too "savage" to seem graceful. I've been trying to since make up all the either earnest or tongue-in-cheek "badass" looks, like Wolverine, Batman, leather jacket types, anything, but haven't found something that could really stick. I forget how much of a "hook" claws are for Wolverine and how making something that invokes his costume seems bare without them. Anyone have any tips or ideas? Everything is on the table for this guy.
  8. Oh thank you, just been going with the scale pattern which is too lizard-like
  9. What top did you use with the scale pattern? I've been trying to make a good looking scale armor top but nothing has been working too well
  10. I like that greek god speedster outfit, been wracking my brain over doing a Hermes based costume, so thanks a bunch. I've got a character I've been playing as a main lately that's sort of a dark Captain America. The idea is that this character can be a more militarized american superhero who might buy into the propaganda or who might be a sour type who goes AWOL. He's a Shield/MA tanker, and I've got some costumes that look like black ops night mission look, a more tactical olive green and some gold trim pseudo-military costume, and one that looks like the army wanted to make a knockoff Statesman. Soldier Boy from season 3 of The Boys has been a big inspiration. The concept is pretty broad, so I've got things for golden age propaganda look, to pure military look, to the new movie "tacticool" look most superheroes have now, and so on and so forth.
  11. Anyone have any cool speedster costume ideas? I have a nice looking main costume that's kind of derivative, but I wouldn't mind something that's more modern or just really breaks the mold.
  12. Personally, I would really like if they added blaster hand animations to the beam rifle power set. Beam rifle seems like a cool set, but I'd rather be an armored guy or a like a future man who can shoot beams from his hands or whatever rather than just using the rifle models which are kind of ugly to me.
  13. I would really like if we got the NPC version of the large praetorian police gauntlet in the future.
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