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Posts posted by LadyDee

  1. 1 minute ago, Faultline said:


    The only data that would be useful is the character name and server so it can be copied off the database and tested to see what drop rates it gets. I did chat to the GM involved - they had their difficulty set to -1/x6 with no bosses, so going a mission without a (non-white) recipe drop under those circumstances is not unusual.


    Let's say the mission was composed of 100 minions and 30 lieutenants - that's 2.66 recipes from the minions and 1.6 from the lieutenants for a total of 4.26 recipes, each of which has a 75% of chance of being common. That doesn't mean you're guaranteed 1 in 4, it means you have 4 separate 25% chances for a non-common; the probability of getting one non-common is 68%, the probability of getting all commons is 32%. So running a mission with no bosses and getting zero non-common recipes is perfectly within bounds.


    I copied the GM's level 126 Mind/Kin that was used for that mission to a dev instance, repeated my 10K critter test, and these are the results:


    Minions: 104c 24u 5r 2vr; total 135/5000 = 2.7%

    Lieutenants: 139c 34u 8r; toral 181/3000 = 6.0%

    Bosses: 126c 32u 9r 1vr; total 168/2000 = 8.4%


    Everything is within bounds. Rarity distribution: 76.2% common, 18.6% uncommon, 4.5% rare, 0.6% very rare.


    If you want to provide your character I'll repeat the 10K critter test with it, but after running this test three times, I am not seeing anything to indicate a problem with the drop rates. 


    You are speaking and testing in missions.

    Ship Raid--30+mins.....ZERO drops

    TinPex TF----About 45mins to a 1hr --ZERO drops

    Miss Lib TF---about 40 minutes--- ZERO drops.

    By your assessment, it is perfectly within bounds to not get a single recipe drop within oh about 2-21/2 hrs. Even though on every other TF, SF, Raid I have done, normally I'd walk away with a handful even if they are crappy.

    • Confused 1
  2. Once again, never said it was thee cause of the drop rate and I cannot control how other people read. So if someone chooses to start a conspiracy theory (about a game none-the less) well, that is their issue not mine.


    Suggesting it was past level 99 was the only conclusion I came to after exhausting all other possible reasons. Then when others seemed to have a lower drop rate past said level, it just added more information that this could be the reason but not 100% certain. I'm not a moron, just because something seems to be the cause does not mean it is, but at least it's a place to start.


    I did offer data in my original post. Yet no one has offered an explanation. Maybe the drop rates in certain events or TFs/SFs are screwy. Who knows.

    • Confused 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Bionic_Flea said:

    I played a vet level 127ish farmer for a few maps yesterday and definitely got numerous drops.  Is it possible that the OP accidentally turned off one or more types of recipe drops at P2W?


    Edit: After reading the above, I vote for naked surveys for charity.


    Uh no. It clearly states in the post that the only recipe option turned off is: generic drops. I am talking about yellow, reds and purple drops. And even if said options were turned on, it would have been the first thing I checked, and would not have resulted in sending a petition to a GM and then being directed here to make a post in the bug section of the forums. And let us say hypothetically, that it was turned on, it does not account for others having a similar issue.

    • Confused 2
  4. 59 minutes ago, overmanprime said:


    Woah there Tex!! Let's just take the finger off that hair-trigger for a moment, maybe slip the safety on for a hot second and take a breath.

    Before you start laying down the law and making accusations, take a moment and ask yourself if asking to be treated like an adult, right after behaving like a five year old throwing a temper tantrum is going to help your case? Give the nice developer the information asked for, don't assume there's some sort of conspiracy and that you're being called a liar. All your attitude is going to achieve is aggravating the person in the best position to actually help you.

    If you want to help the process by providing additional data sources, then brilliant. The devs are not the enemy (literally the opposite in fact) and taking up an adverserial approach will not speed up the process of identifying and resolving the issue.

    We can all have bad days, especially in these trying times. Sometimes we can come across as a bit 'snippy' or terse when that wasn't the intention. Tiredness, stress or other frustrations can bubble over and we can vent in a way that we otherwise might not have done. So let's just cool the temperature a few points, chill out and keep things objective rather than subjective. Focus on dealing with the issue at hand, identify what the problem is, what's causing it and finding a way to fix it.


    Uh…<blinks> beg your pardon?!!?

    You know, I could easily point out how disrespectful your assumption reply is, but I am not going there. Why? Because you and the response are not worth it.

    I am here to fix a problem that was found (and defend myself if necessary).

    • Confused 2
  5. 3 hours ago, Faultline said:

    What GM took your report? The issue as described is impossible. Veteran Levels are a single integer field (meaning it goes up to 4 billion) and there's absolutely nothing special about it going over 99. The rewards code is not aware of veteran levels at all. If this is really happening, there's another cause.


    I never said it was thee reason. I said it could be.

    Furthermore, you are keener to point out that my friends, I, and a GM are liars. You seem far more concerned about finding out which GM came to the same conclusion as I and others have than investigating this issue. What? You want to rat him out to you? Considering, you want this information, no I will not rat him/her out to you—ever.

    Your tag says, “developer” one would assume you would be more tactful and happier to investigate this issue. Not go on a tangent holding a torch and pitchfork. IMO, I certainly do not want to see another Jack Emmert and I do not want to get into a similar heated mess. (rubs forehead) Please, just no.

    Let us try this again, put away your witch hunt and let us go back to being two respectful adults who are trying to help make this game better and fix problems.

    I, and other people are experiencing a recipe drop shortage past level 99. I am not saying this is the cause of the problem, but something in that area could be causing it OR it could be something else entirely.  There is something strange going on because the length of time and what I was doing to get so few drops should enough cause to investigate the problem. And pile on the fact that it is not one person, its six other people.

    If six people are not enough to convince the team to investigate this issue, I will gladly speak to every player on every server and put together a consensus. I will do a video highlighting my drops over four hours (or more). I will stand “naked” in Atlas Park, asking people for information regarding the recipe shortage and will donate $1.00 to any charity for viable information.

    So, the team going to investigate this issue? Or do I need to break out my word pad, camera, and charity information panels? I'm all packed and ready to travel down whichever road. Which road is up to the team.

    • Confused 9
  6. Before reaching level 99 my recipe drops were working normal. Could do a Ship Raid and easily walk away with a dozen recipes and 95% of the time a purple would be among one of those.

    I did a Ship Raid yesterday and got ZERO recipe drops.

    Afterwards, I did Miss Liberty TF, a TinPex and several level 50 story missions with boosted difficulty. This was around 4-5 hours of playtime.  Excluding any recipe rewards from completion of said mission. With the Ship Raid, I got a grand total of three recipe drops. When including mission rewards, that would bring the total to five.

    I noticed I would get salvage drops, inspirations, xp, influ/infamy, all the normal stuff you expect from drops would drop. But when it came to recipes it was scarce.

    So, I loaded on a low-level ALT and ran around. ONE mission (with commons turned off same as my main) I got 3 recipe drops.  


    I logged in another ALT that was a bit higher around 30 something. Same result. One mission, with a couple of recipe drops.

    After doing this, I asked in a channel (where all us old school friends hang-out) and asked, “Has anyone noticed the drop-off in getting recipes past level 99?”

    Immediately, five people chimed in and said, “Yes.” And one person went so far as to say it has been going on for a while.

    A while? I was not aware of this problem because one, I was away for some months due to real life and two just recently turned-on getting XP and hitting 99. I held off reaching said level due to miscommunication with rewards. Go figure, heh!

    Unlike other players and my former play style from live, I am just not into ALTs. Yeah, sure, I will play one, within an hour or two, get bored and log my main in. The point being: my main character is my source of fun and not getting proper recipe drops all because I reached level 99 (if that is the problem source) is not a cheery thought.

    I really hope this is fixed.

    FYI: this conversation started with sending a report to a GM, who test it out on their side and came to the same issue I and others were having with recipe drops.

  7. 11 hours ago, AerialAssault said:

    After reading the below thread, a suggestion suddenly came to me.


    One of the issues with the Mez Protection powers such as Clear Mind is that, in a large melee it might not always be obvious that a teammate is being Mezzed.


    The suggestion is simple: When a player is Mezzed, the word "Held!"  appears above their head like damage numbers do. It would, of course, change depending on the type of Mez, and it would repeat every 5-10 seconds so that their teammates will be aware.


    Naturally, there should be an option to disable this if required, perhaps it should be off by default. Only main issue I can see is when people use an Awaken and get shamed by the game by repeatedly announcing to everyone that they are Stunned.





    I think the pop-up above one's head may have more downsides than upsides. It can easily be drowned out with everything else going on. However, it is not a bad suggestion at all, just tweaked a bit. First, C.M. should be an AOE as I have stated in that post. Secondly, if such an alert was implemented, the person's health bar should gray-out or turn to black. And if you want this option turned off or change the color one can do so in the options. This would be a clear sign to any healer this person needs assistance.

    • Like 1
  8. I have been playing COH for an exceptionally long time. And during that time one power has always bothered me: Clear Mind.

    Currently, Clear Mind is a single target cast. This is fine when you are on a team with another player. Easy to spot they need CM. But once you get a full team or even a league it becomes a nightmare.

    You could say, “Well Dee, they can use break-frees.”

    True. I learned a lesson long ago, never rely on anyone to keep you alive in a fight other than yourself. But what happens if that person has zero break-frees left? What happens if you are that player and forgot to bring break-frees with you? There are all manner of situations or reasons a player does not have break-frees on them. If you are a squishy player up against some nasty mez heavy enemies, you’re going to chew through break-frees like they are a bag of Reese’s.

    "But Dee, cast it before battle."

    Hilarious. If you never played a healer, you have no idea what it is like to cast C.M. Cast it on a player. Wait for the power to recharge. Cast it on the next. Ugh. By the time you are done casting C.M. on a team of eight, the first C.M. is already diminished. True not all players need CM. But when you are on a team of all squishy, well, good times.

    "People should tell you they need C.M."

    This used to work back in the day on live. But overtime and with changing the difficulty and leagues being added, it's not as easy as it once was to call out for C.M. And it's not easy for the healer because he/she is in the middle of trying to keep people alive in a league or even a Task Force. So, if you are in a league, and you’re the only healer with C.M. and let us say nine people call out for C.M. that is going to be impossible to fill.

    "Sounds like Dee, you need to pay more attention to people on the team."

    Again, hilarious. I am a hover player. It is easier for me to hover above the team and cast. And yes, I can see better as to what is going on. On occasion, I may catch someone who needs C.M. But with a dozen powers going off, pets, difference in power colors the number of enemies and their powers and everything else you can pile on top. Think of yourself having a window seat on an airplane, you look out the window and see people that look like ants, and you may make out if one needs C.M.

    "Who cares, Dee!?!?! If they don't call out for C.M. or they are out of break frees, let them be mezzed!"

    See, this is probably why you don't play a healer, or you do and just have a poor bedside manner. I cannot speak for everyone, but I can speak for myself. I chose to play a healer to help keep people alive--I enjoy it. When someone falls in battle, I feel so awful about it happening, I will apologize to the person. Yes, there will be moments I cannot save everyone, it's a game and unpredictable crap happens. But, I feel that having Clear Mind as an AOE can improve not just me but to all players with said power to be more effective.

    So, what should change?

    Make C.M. an AOE.

    This would do two things:

    One, make it far easier for any player to cast C.M. on the team/league. One and done.

    Two, it would take away the guess work of, “Who needs a Clear Mind?”

    And as a bonus it would allow the healer to utilize Clear Mind while roaming around by him/herself. Its rather frustrating being in a mission by your lonesome, out of break frees, and you’re staring at C.M. wishing you could use it.

    Yeah, I am all for making Fortitude an AOE as well, with a longer cooldown timer. But right now, I ask again for the thousandth time: PLEASE MAKE CLEAR MIND AN AOE.

    Thanks and Tare Care 😁

    • Like 3
  9. When it comes to most maps in the game, I generally do not have an issue. However, stepping inside one of the new DA maps, gives me motion sickness.


    The worst of the lot?


    The sewer with the red goo as water. OMG! I did this one the other day and got very sick. So much so Pepto Bismal become my best friend. Not long ago, I ended up getting the sewer map again, even though I raced my way to the end, I was getting nauseous.  The Knives mansion and the Tsoo mission with the snow (fog?) on the screen also made me sick.




    When mission is accepted or arriving at the door of your mission, a popup box should appear asking if you want a normal map or a DA map. I know it sounds like a small hassle but, its hard to enjoy playing the game, when certain areas make you sick -literally.




  10. I'm torn.  Part of me says, enjoy things while we can - the whole thing may be gone by December, and I too would love to see another Winter Event before then. 



    this . I don't think most people get the thread this game hangs by. I suspect the reason it's still here at all is just the slow moving bureaucracy at NCSoft, and  a debate on their part internally whether to bring it back as a legacy game on life support - no dev team just server admins and charging people 20 bucks a month and micro transactioning everything from recipes to inspirations, or just shutting the whole thing down to protect their IP.


    If these servers are still up at Christmas time, I'll be stunned.


    That is the reason I suggested this. There are several people  I speak to on a regular bases that have this over-whelming feeling of dread, that this "return" is just temporary.  And I must admit I am right there with them. Would be nice to enjoy this event before the "Doomsday Clock," strikes. 

  11. On live, my second character was an ice/ice/ice blaster. I enjoyed her so much I bumped her from alt to my main.


    Upon the return of the game, instead of choosing something different among the numerous power set options, I remade my ice/ice/ice blaster. And it’s still lots of fun. 


    Is secondary perfect? No. But no secondary power set is. That is why it is called: secondary.


    My blaster is an old school type – hover and shoot. This means I do not use ice sword or ice fists.


    So, what do I take?


    Chilblain is a must have. Its good against flying targets.


    Frigid Protection. Uh yeah of course I have this. I mainly use this for the stamina and health benefits. The slow is nice to help group up enemies when I am soloing or hanging with a friend.


    Ice patch. This is another must have for me. You do not need to be a blapper to use this. It is great to toss this down on the ground and followed up by Blizzard. Its nice to have when you are in groups to help clump things up for the tank. It’s a very versatile power to have on hand. My only complaint is I really wish the patch was larger. Not the size of the controller’s ice patch just something larger than a dinner plate.


    Build-up is one of those, “Duh! Of course, you take this power!”


    Shiver, I use all the time on tough enemies, like bosses, elites and archvillains/heroes.


    I have never taken Freezing touch or Frozen Aura. I have never been a fan of sleep powers in any game. And as for Freezing Touch I already have a hold in my primary.

    Want to talk about what does need a revamp? Bitter Freeze Ray.


    I decided to try this power out on the behest of a fellow friend who also has ice as a primary. OMG! It is horrible. Yes, it does a lot of damage. BUT there were two issues for me: 1. The animation to cast is so long and 2. The animation looks like I have a constipation problem. Yeah, I dropped it right quick.


    As for not seeing ice as a popular secondary, well who cares. I have seen several players who chose ice as a secondary. And yeah, they had a different set up then mine. Which is fine nothing wrong with that.


    What we need to remember is there are lots of options for people to choose from. Some people like to spice things up and go with something newer. Others tend to follow what is the “IN” powerset.


    Those who do choose the ice secondary may go the route of a blapper or others – like myself—may choose more control. And

    I’ve seen a few that fell in-between.


    Ice secondary is not for everyone. As are many secondary power sets. And on top of that not everyone takes every single power in their secondary set.


    Perhaps that “broken feeling,” you are experiencing is the game telling you, “This is not the secondary for you. Choose another.”


    Furthermore, just because a secondary power set is not the “popular kid,” does not mean it is broken either.


    Does blaster secondary need a rework?


    A few minor tweaks of what I mentioned earlier in this reply, but a complete rework? No.


  12. /JRanger.


    Let's keep the holidays special by keeping them to the time that they are. I don't want Christmas in July, or Halloween in June!


    Under normal circumstances I would agree.


    But this game has been dormant for seven long years.


    I am not asking that every year we should throw a Winter Event in July.


    Goodness No.


    But for the first year of return, it would be nice to enjoy an event before the upcoming season.



  13. One of the events I adore is: The Winter Event.




    Fun! Rewards! Badges! Hanging with old friends! Memories!


    July is just around the corner and it would be perfect to open this event up for the month.


    Fellow Players,


    Please vote and let the Homecoming team hear are request.



    *Open badge selling for the first year.


    I cannot recall what the NPC name is in Ouroboros that sells badges, but by the time I came back and later found out she was selling badges it was too late. Really? I must wait till May of next year simply because I just found out the game was back. Not like it was announced in the newspaper or on the TV news. So, please reopen the store.



    *Personal and/or Team map icon.


    Options to change:


    The style of the icon.


    The size.


    The colors.


    I have a hard time trying to find my location marker on the map. It still boggles me to this day as to why the developers choose a green triangle pointer to start with. Its hard to see (especially on a very large screen) and blends in the map.







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