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Posts posted by HeroReborn

  1. 8 hours ago, Jander said:

     The base TP macros are a game changer!

    Don't get to attached to that one, as iirc it will disappear at some point as wasn't meant to be a player command only for GMs. I think they are waiting to improve the base teleporter power first though.


    - /macro find target_customnext x

    Replace the x with what you want to find, eg void, boss, winter guard etc. You can use partial text to match (e.g. 'win' would find targets with wnter or winner). You can right click the macro to change the text you search for.


    - /bind shift+i toggle incarnate

    Brings up i-powers window without digging around for it.


    - /macro Q powexec_location target Earthquake

    I'll use macros so you can click for powers like earthquake and other location drop powers. The powexeclocation means I can have the target selected by tab, then press the macro (or use the tray key), and it sets the earthquake down centered on that enemy (if within range)). Other location powers work like this too. You can also use 'me' or a distence instead of 'target'.


    - /bind Y "dialog_yes" and /bind N "dialog_no"

    Not a macro, but lets you press Y or N to instead of clicking on ok/cancel, accept/deny and yes/no dialogs instead of clicking around on screen.


    - /macro RF “tell $target, I’m about to move you to my location.$$powexecname recall friend”

    For recalling a team mate and telling them.


    There are ways to change the icon too if you don't like the grey macro, though if it's a power you won't see a cool down. There's a guide on how in the guide section.


    • Like 5
  2. Reposting my problems when unable to use safe mode. Not these are all related to the desktop scaling update, and there are no crash log as the game doesn't crash. Originally posted in the GUI scaling annoucement thread, and in bug reports.


    TL;DR: Lots of issues, please keep safe mode as option to return to the way it was.


    I've posted this in a couple of places, but probably should be in bug reports forum.


    I use a 4k monitor and am having issues since the UI change. I posted in patch notes thread.


    Every character has had their windows scrambled to the upper left. A hassle but not big deal.


    Simply disabling the option does not change settings back to what it was, and using my previously  saved ingame settings just send everything to the upper left.


    Trying various windowscale options with the scaling on. This helps return to where it was somewhat in usability, and I should be able to get most back where they were.


    Remaining issues:


    - Screen shot key no longer seems to copy to clip board (used to be able to press screen shot and then paste into paint or other graphic program).


    - My floating power button trays become a different size to my standard powertrays (previously they were all scaled down and the same size.) They take up a lot of screen real estate now. /windowscale power doesnt effect the floaters, only the main 1-3 powertrays.


    - When using window scale with or without the new automatic option disabled, the handles for the floating tray are nearly invisible. See tray 4 in screen shot 1


    - Reticles are now huge, disabling Automatic UI doesnt fix. Playername is at 100% scaling. I don't know of a windowscale command that effects the reticle. This make play very visually noisy.


    - Macro text is much harder to read, to the point, with or without the automatic UI and even if scaled at 300%.


    - Map slider scroll bar is about a pixel big, making it more difficult to grab


    - Text on scaled down IOs was hard to read before, now it's impossible.


    - Unable to scroll down at all with inbox email - as in scroll bar doesn't appear though  I have enough emails to need it.


    - Unable to scroll all the way with account items email, I can scroll a little but stops well before the end of account items. I can click subject to reverse the order and access the bottom account items but still only able to scroll down so far.


    - Like the text on Macros, the text for team names on team windows is really painful to read, light white and small.


    - The scroll bar on auction house is tiny, unselectable with the mouse. I can use scroll wheel so can workaround it unlike the email.


    - Subjective: Gives me much more eye strain and headaches after short time playing. This didn't occur before.


    Is there any way to keep the old setup? Please. The combination, especially the eye strain has made me go from a near daily player to barely playing on HC.


    I've found playing in safe mode seems to solve most of these issues, including eye strain, so changing my plea to please keep safe mode unaltered with GUI changes.



    I'll probably add to this.


    - Enhancement have a graphical bug when clicked and dragged, making it harder to place them correctly.  XzCNDaz.jpg








  3. On 11/18/2019 at 6:12 AM, Ulysses Dare said:

    I hope this is just a rumor, because I crash far too often in anything other than Safe Mode.

    I hope so too. Ever since the GUI changes I've need to play in safe mode (using win10 modern computer with 4k screen).


    So people upgrading may get similar issues - it's not just old hardware needing safe mode.

  4. On 6/23/2019 at 2:45 AM, Dallayna said:

    CAVEAT!!!! All floating trays seem to still be at the larger size no matter what I do. Despite what the old guide says, the scaling command for the floating tray does not seem to work anymore. This kinda sucks but, for me? I just use the one tray for powers I don't use very often so I can just close it when I'm not using the power that's in it and go and get that power if I need it for a specific mission. It's not ideal but... it'll work for now I guess. Also what sucks is that you have to keep that darned health bar at the huge size but again, I guess I can live with it if I have to.


    @Dallayna, I did manage to get my floating trays the same smaller scale as my other trays. https://imgur.com/a/kgTOycz


    I'm not 100% sure how I did, so I saved to default settings, and looked at the wdw.txt file. (copy here - https://pastebin.com/G7bnRXSv) so you can look at the settings listed.


    The only thing that stood out was 'razertray' which I also didn't see mention in the paragonwiki list of windows. It may need to be copy and pasted into the wdw file then loaded rather than using the command /windowscale. I haven't had much success replicating changing the floating tray size which maybe because I need to play in safe mode (after the HiRes GUI update) but you might pick up what I missed and it's not razertray at all.



  5. Quote

    What do you want to see out of a legitimate, licensed City of Heroes server?

    Support, as in help desk or forum based system that ensures response.

    Commitment to keep the game running without making client/server changes that impact on game experience - not game play or mechanics but for example no longer running on 32 bit machines.

  6. TL;DR: Lots of issues, please keep safe mode as option to return to the way it was.


    I've posted this in a couple of places, but probably should be in bug reports forum.


    I use a 4k monitor and am having issues since the UI change. I posted in patch notes thread.


    Every character has had their windows scrambled to the upper left. A hassle but not big deal.


    Simply disabling the option does not change settings back to what it was, and using my previously  saved ingame settings just send everything to the upper left.


    Trying various windowscale options with the scaling on. This helps return to where it was somewhat in usability, and I should be able to get most back where they were.


    Remaining issues:


    - Screen shot key no longer seems to copy to clip board (used to be able to press screen shot and then paste into paint or other graphic program).


    - My floating power button trays become a different size to my standard powertrays (previously they were all scaled down and the same size.) They take up a lot of screen real estate now. /windowscale power doesnt effect the floaters, only the main 1-3 powertrays.


    - When using window scale with or without the new automatic option disabled, the handles for the floating tray are nearly invisible. See tray 4 in screen shot 1


    - Reticles are now huge, disabling Automatic UI doesnt fix. Playername is at 100% scaling. I don't know of a windowscale command that effects the reticle. This make play very visually noisy.


    - Macro text is much harder to read, to the point, with or without the automatic UI and even if scaled at 300%.


    - Map slider scroll bar is about a pixel big, making it more difficult to grab


    - Text on scaled down IOs was hard to read before, now it's impossible.


    - Unable to scroll down at all with inbox email - as in scroll bar doesn't appear though  I have enough emails to need it.


    - Unable to scroll all the way with account items email, I can scroll a little but stops well before the end of account items. I can click subject to reverse the order and access the bottom account items but still only able to scroll down so far.


    - Like the text on Macros, the text for team names on team windows is really painful to read, light white and small.


    - Subjective: Gives me much more eye strain and headaches after short time playing. This didn't occur before.


    Is there any way to keep the old setup? Please. The combination, especially the eye strain has made me go from a near daily player to barely playing on HC.


    I've found playing in safe mode seems to solve most of these issues, including eye strain, so changing my plea to please keep safe mode unaltered with GUI changes.








  7. On 9/12/2019 at 1:52 PM, DarknessEternal said:

    I want to play CoH as it was, which is what this currently is.


    I don't want to play some else's game.

    Homecoming is much faster to incarnate including being able to do so without doing any incarnate content. It's easier to amass IOs than live was especially attuned, purples and especially PvP IOs. 

    It is not the same game.


    Not saying it's worse, but it's not what it was.

    • Like 1
  8. I use a 4k monitor and am having issues since the UI change. I posted in patch notes, but was suggested I post here.


    Every character has had their windows scrambled to the upper left. A hassle but not big deal.


    Simply disabling the option does not change settings back to what it was, and using my previously  saved ingame settings just send everything to the upper left.


    Trying various windowscale options with the scaling on. This helps return to where it was somewhat in usability, and I should be able to get most back where they were.


    Remaining issues:


    - Screen shot key no longer seems to copy to clip board (used to be able to press screen shot and then paste into paint or other graphic program).


    - My floating power button trays become a different size to my standard powertrays (previously they were all scaled down and the same size.) They take up a lot of screen real estate now. /windowscale power doesnt effect the floaters, only the main 1-3 powertrays.


    - When using window scale with or without the new automatic option disabled, the handles for the floating tray are nearly invisible. See tray 4 in screen shot 1


    - Reticles are now huge, disabling Automatic UI doesnt fix. Playername is at 100% scaling. I don't know of a windowscale command that effects the reticle. This make play very visually noisy.


    - Macro text is much harder to read, to the point, with or without the automatic UI and even if scaled at 300%.


    - Map slider scroll bar is about a pixel big, making it more difficult to grab


    - Text on scaled down IOs was hard to read before, now it's impossible.


    - Unable to scroll down at all with inbox email - as in scroll bar doesn't appear though  I have enough emails to need it.


    - Unable to scroll all the way with account items email, I can scroll a little but stops well before the end of account items. I can click subject to reverse the order and access the bottom account items but still only able to scroll down so far.


    - No longer able to move divider between email header and email body, tried to see if I could access more of my account items/emails.


    - Like the text on Macros, the text for team names on team windows is really painful to read, light white and small.


    - Subjective: Gives me much more eye strain and headaches after short time playing. This didn't occur before.


    Is there any way to keep the old setup? Please.








  9. 9 hours ago, Korbian said:

    @HeroReborn Go into Options>Windows, and provided you patched up correctly, the very top option should be "Automatic UI Scale".  Disable it and you might be good to go.  It may need tweaking still.  There's a thread in the help section you can refer to:



    Thanks for advice, but disabling didn't seem to do anything to the issues.

  10. I'm finding it the GUI messed up after the change. I'm using a 4k monitor, and had previously changed a lot of the window scales etc around to work.


    - All character windows are scrambled to upper left on first login, and load window options doesn't work (to get back the set up I previously saved).

    - Screen shot key no longer seems to copy to clip board (used to be able to press screen shot and then paste into paint or other graphic program).

    - Macro text now is white on grey, making it much harder to read. I think it used to black bordered white text)

    - Handles for changing tray number on floating trays has almost disappeared. (See tray 4 in screenshot)

    - Text has gotten smaller, but font size is still same in settings

    - Scroll bars on map window is tiny and hard to grab

    - Text on dialogs like supergroup base teleport options (listing zones) has gotten smaller.

    - Are the reticles meant to be huge now?

    - Unable to scroll all the way down in email (screen shot stops at G, if I click subject and reverse order I can access windfall etc but cant scroll past K )

    - Text on IO's seems smaller and harder to read - wasn't great before, but now is extremely hard. Doesn't show well in screen shot, but text on them is tiny. Used to be readable at the same windowscale.

    - Text in nav window also smaller though readable

    - Subjective: like someone else mentioned, getting headaches and eye strain after a few minutes of play that didn't experience before.









  11. 6 hours ago, Bentley Berkeley said:

    I mean if your going to kill a great Role play and social tool just because it may well make more of us consider moving on to private servers etc, and certainly wont help your cause to be the rebirth server so to speak.


    Taking your bat and ball somewhere else shouldn't be a threat the devs will care about.


    I also doubt you'd find any other private server that would allow for the GM command being used by everyone. Homecoming with it's free prestige and base building is still going to serve you better than an I24 server which has the old live structures for base building.


  12. I love the base from passcode, but especially combined with free SG bases with beacons, it does cheapen every other zone traveling power. Why buy the base TP power for 1million when this does better, faster and is free.


    It can be used without cost, cooldown or animation time to escape from death. Not surprised that it would be used in PvP to runaway fast which would be annoying.


    It  also does allow for easier rewards, in particular faster TFs meaning faster merits, and overall will bring the merits/time ratio out of whack for people not using the exploit.

  13. 11 hours ago, Lumicat said:

    I would love to see a switch or even just make the KB to KD IO not unique so at least the player has the option. Of all the characters I play, the ones with lots of knockbacks are extra stressful to play as it is usually not well liked by players and it seems unnecessary.  At least give us options.



    Just in case you are unaware, there is 2 knockback to knockdown IO's, the unique in Overwhelming force (in Universal damage) and a non-unique one Sudden Acceleration (in knockback sets) which can be used in as many powers that accept knockback enhancements.

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