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Posts posted by codezephyr

  1. Dwarf has built in status protection that is automatic. Since you shape-shift while held, you can use it as a free, instant break free. 


    I forget the magnitude of the resistance, but I think the only one to hold me in dwarf was Ghost Widow. And in defense of the Dwarf - the tanker was floating around in the air doing circles too :).

    • Thanks 1
  2. To echo what several have said - leveling up the various forms make everything easier. Learning to pop in and out of forms provides a great deal of flexibility. My first solo-EB kill was around 30ish - before LightForm and I went in expecting to have to quit the mission. But flipping between all three forms (damage from nova, heals from human, ride out the recharge in Dwarf) allowed me to win, slowly, but still a proud moment!


    I used a lot of information from this forum to help build out a character with perma-hasten and perma-lightform that has been a lot of fun to play. That guide used the Nova and Dwarf slots with Crushing Impact and Entropic Chaos to get the recharge bonuses. 


    Now at 50+3 I still use Dwarf to ride out any downtime in Light Form due to debuffing, or to break a random hold that lands. However transforming from Dwarf->Human->Lightform in the heat of a fight requires planning! I'll occasionally use Nova in teams if I want to 'sit back' and stay out of the crowd and give the melee members some more space. 


    I've been looking at dropping the Nova form entirely, since I prefer to stay in human (light) form, but I find myself using dwarf still (maybe as a crutch). However I haven't landed on the right build just yet to keep me in either my bi-form or human-only builds yet.

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