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Posts posted by ElasticPanda

  1. On 7/18/2019 at 8:40 PM, Krimson said:


    So far as I can tell, you cannot make any sort of Wolf Spider without the pack. I find that odd.


    I think (if what I've gathered from other posts is correct) there's a limitation in the code with build branching where if you've ever taken a Crab power ever, you're forced to always wear the Crab Backpack because it's necessary for some of the powers to function.

  2. +1

    I was also pretty heart-broken to make a character, which needed something like the Crab Backpack to work (Something arm-like on the back that comes up over the shoulders). Without seeing the code, I'm not sure why the restriction to only show it for Crab Spiders is even necessary. I get why it's necessary to be sure that Crab Spiders always have a backpack (for Crab power animations), but it doesn't seem like it would be problematic to do the opposite; just have it be there and do nothing like it's handled in the character creator. At the very least, it should be hidden for archetypes that can't use it.

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